
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

如何读取自动生成的复选框,如果复选框的值为 "真",则将复选框的名称保存到自动生成的变量中。


例如:名和姓--> Liam_Smith.pdf--> Emma_Johnson.pdf。


'################################################ --> Hauptteil / Userform Name

    With ActiveDocument.MailMerge

            Dim myLabel As Object
            Dim myCheckBox As Object
            Dim y As Integer
            Dim ColumnCount As Integer
            Dim CaptionValue As String
            Load UserForm3

            'ColumnCount = ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.RecordCount
            ColumnCount = ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.FieldNames.Count
            'MsgBox (ColumnCount)

            For y = 1 To ColumnCount
            CaptionValue = (ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.DataFields(y).Name)

            Set myCheckBox = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1", "Test" & 1, True)
                With myCheckBox
                    .Name = "myCheckBox" & y
                    .Left = 24
                    .Top = (17.5 + (y * 20))
                End With

            Set myLabel = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "Test" & 1, True)
                With myLabel
                .Caption = (CaptionValue)
                .Left = 54
                .Top = (20 + (y * 20))
                .Width = 50
                .Height = 12
            End With
            Next y

            Load UserForm3

    '################################################ --> CheckBox auswertung

        'For y = 1 To ColumnCount
            'If UserForm3.CheckBox.Value = True Then
                'MsgBox "True"
                'MsgBox "False"
            'End If


Sub SerienbriefOneDoc()
' SerienbriefOneDoc Makro
Dim Dateiname As String
Dim LetzterRec As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Visible = False

'################################################ --> Speicherort

'Variable declaration
Dim sFolderName As String
Dim sDesktopPath As String, sFolderPath As String

'Find Desktop path location
sDesktopPath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\"

'Define folder name to create on the desktop
sFolderName = "Serienbrief"

'Folder Path
sFolderPath = sDesktopPath & sFolderName

'Create FSO Object
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Check Specified Folder exists or not
If oFSO.FolderExists(sFolderPath) Then
    'If folder is available on the desktop
    MsgBox "Der angegebene Ordner existiert bereits auf dem Desktop!", vbInformation, "VBAF1"
    GoTo PDFsave
    'Create Folder
    MkDir sFolderPath

    'Diplay messafe on the screen
    MsgBox "Ordner erstellt : " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sFolderPath, vbInformation, "VBAF1"
End If

'################################################ --> Speicherort UserForm

'################################################ --> Makro einstellungen


Dim isUpdating As Boolean
isUpdating = Application.ScreenUpdating

'we need ScreenUpdating toggled on to do this:
If Not isUpdating Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True

'if msg is empty, status goes to "Ready"
Application.StatusBar = msg

'make sure the update gets displayed (we might be in a tight loop)

'if ScreenUpdating was off, toggle it back off:
Application.ScreenUpdating = isUpdating

 ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdLastRecord
 LetzterRec = Word.ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord
 ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdFirstRecord

'################################################ --> Hauptteil / Userform Name

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge

        Dim myLabel As Object
        Dim myCheckBox As Object
        Dim y As Integer
        Dim ColumnCount As Integer
        Dim CaptionValue As String
        Load UserForm3

        'ColumnCount = ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.RecordCount
        ColumnCount = ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.FieldNames.Count
        'MsgBox (ColumnCount)

        For y = 1 To ColumnCount
        CaptionValue = (ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.DataFields(y).Name)

        Set myCheckBox = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1", "Test" & 1, True)
            With myCheckBox
                .Name = "myCheckBox" & y
                .Left = 24
                .Top = (17.5 + (y * 20))
            End With

        Set myLabel = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "Test" & 1, True)
            With myLabel
            .Caption = (CaptionValue)
            .Left = 54
            .Top = (20 + (y * 20))
            .Width = 50
            .Height = 12
        End With
        Next y

        Load UserForm3

'################################################ --> CheckBox auswertung

    'For y = 1 To ColumnCount
        'If UserForm3.CheckBox.Value = True Then
            'MsgBox "True"
            'MsgBox "False"
        'End If

'################################################ --> Progressbar

     'MsgBox (.DataSource.RecordCount)
     .DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdFirstRecord

      Dim RecordCount As Integer
      Dim i As Integer, percent As Integer, ActiveDoc As Integer, ActivePercent As Integer
      Dim widthUpdate As Double, j As Double
      UserForm2.Label1.BackColor = &HFF00&
      percent = 100
      UserForm2.Label1.Width = 0
      RecordCount = .DataSource.RecordCount
      ActiveDoc = .DataSource.ActiveRecord
      i = 1

        i = i + 1
        j = i * percent / RecordCount
        widthUpdate = j * 2
        ActivePercent = j
        UserForm2.Label1.Width = widthUpdate
        UserForm2.Label2.Caption = ActivePercent & "% Complete"

         If .DataSource.ActiveRecord > 0 Then                                                                           
'Prueft ob es mehrere Seiten fuer den Serienbrief gibt
            If RecordCount <> "0" Then                                                                                  
'zaehlt die Anzahl Datensaetz in der Spalte "Name"
                 .Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
                 .SuppressBlankLines = True

                    If Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory) <> "" Then                                                         
'prueft ob es das Verzeichnis gibt.
                        MsgBox "Verzeichnis existiert nicht"                                                            
'Fehlermeldung falls das Verzeichniss nicht existiert
                    End If
                 With .DataSource
                     .FirstRecord = .ActiveRecord
                     .LastRecord = .ActiveRecord
                        dname = sFolderPath & "\" & Name1 & "_" & Name2 & ".pdf"                                        
'erstellt eine Variable mit dem Pfad und dem Namen
                 End With
                    .Execute Pause:=False
                    ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:=dname, FileFormat:=wdFormatPDF                                     
'benennt die Datei und aendert das Dateiformat auf PDF
                    ActiveDocument.Close False                                                                          
'schliesst das Fenster
             End If
           End If
         If .DataSource.ActiveRecord < LetzterRec Then                                                                  
'prueft ob es noch eine Seite gibt im Serienbrief
             .DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdNextRecord                                                                    
'nimmt die naechste Seite des Serienbriefes
             Exit Do                                                                                                    
'wenn es keine Seite im Serienbrief mehr gibt wird die Schleife beendet
         End If
        UserForm2.Show (0)
        Load UserForm2
     Unload UserForm2
 End With

 Application.Visible = True
 Application.StatusBar = False
 Application.DisplayStatusBar = sBar
 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


  1. UserForm_V1
  2. UserVorm_V2
  3. Excel_记录
vba ms-word

要保存的名称是 CheckBox 到一个变量,你可以做一些类似的事情。

Dim myCheckboxName as string
Dim Ctrl as Control

For each Ctrl in <UserForm>.MSForms.Controls
    If TypeName(Ctrl) = "CheckBox" then
        If Ctrl.Value = True Then
            myCheckboxName = Ctrl.Name
        End If
    End If
Next Ctrl

记住,要用你的表单的引用来代替,这将会循环执行。 控件,所以如果有超过1个复选框被选中,这将最终存储最后一个被选中的复选框,并在循环中被访问--但这让你知道如何找到选中的复选框并将其名称分配给一个变量。

我建议使用标题上的 CheckBox 而不是单独 Label 以使您的代码更容易引用和定位。比如说

Set myCheckBox = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1", "Test" & 1, True)
    With myCheckBox
        .Name = "myCheckBox" & y
        .Caption = CaptionValue '<~~
        .Left = 24
        .Top = (17.5 + (y * 20))
    End With

然后你就可以找到哪个 CheckBox 勾选,并直接引用它的标题,而不是试图找出一个很好的方法来命名应用你的标签来定位它们,一旦你找到了被勾选的腐蚀复选框。


With UserForm3.CheckBox
    For y = 1 To ColumnCount
        If .Value = True Then
            MsgBox .Caption & " is checked."
            MsgBox .Caption & " is not checked."
        End If
    Next y
End with

我不知道你打算在你的代码中用这个标题做什么 所以我在这里的例子中使用了你的测试循环。

如果你想保持原来的样子,你可以应用同样的原理,使用一个 CheckBox 和一个单独的 Label 的标题,但你需要想出一个好办法,以便能够参考正确的。Label.Caption 当你发现选中的 CheckBox 比如用相同的数字命名它们,并检查它们的数量。.Name 属性匹配相同的数字,使用 Mid() 函数或类似的东西。

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