我无法在React Native BLE管理器中写入数据,而相同的功能适用于Android

问题描述 投票:0回答:1
 **here is my code in BLE Helper that i am calling into my settings Screen**

write(data, serviceId, characteristicId) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                .then(() => {
                    console.log("writing data --->: ", data);
                    // data = this.addProtocol(data);
                    // console.log("writing data  toString: ", data.toString());

                    BleManager.writeWithoutResponse(this.peripheralId, serviceId, characteristicId, data, data.length)
                        .then(() => {
                            // console.log('--stringToByte--------------------', this.stringToByte(data))
                            console.log('Write success in helper: ', data.toString());
                        .catch((error) => {
                            console.log('Write  failed: ', error);
                .catch((error) => {
                    console.log('Write  failed: ', error);
     **Here is my code where in my settings screen where i am calling function**

    const writecharacteristics = async (serviceUUID1, characteristicUUID1) => {
    // Assuming you have minimum1 and maximum1 defined as follows
    // const minimum1 = 16.2;
    // const maximum1 = 42.9;
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2000);
    // Convert minimum1 and maximum1 to their respective integer values
    // const minimum1Integer = Math.round(minimum1 * 10);
    // console.log(minimum1Integer);
    // const maximum1Integer = Math.round(maximum1 * 10);

    // Convert the integer values to hexadecimal strings
    const minimum1Hex = minimum1.toString(16);
    const maximum1Hex = maximum1.toString(16);
    // console.log(minimum1Hex);
    // Combine the two hexadecimal strings
    const editedData = minimum1Hex + maximum1Hex;

    // Add 36 at the beginning and 35 at the end
    const finalData = '24' + editedData + '23';

    // console.log('editedData-------------->', finalData);

    // Convert the hexadecimal string to bytes
    const editedDataBytes = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < finalData.length; i += 2) {
        const byteValue = parseInt(finalData.substr(i, 2), 16);

    console.log('editedDataBytes for Auto  height-------------->', editedDataBytes);

    await BluetoothManager.write(editedDataBytes, serviceUUID1, characteristicUUID1)
        .then((written) => {
            // console.log('written ------------------->', written);
        .catch((error) => {
            console.log('Error writing data:', error);

这是日志 这是我的函数的输出,其中包括我正在编写的数据以及

    Logs or Output for the functions

LOG  editedDataBytes for Auto  height--------------> [36, 22, 44, 35]
LOG < ------- This is what i am writing------>
LOG < ------- this.peripheralId------> 9a **************
LOG < ------- serviceId------> c ****************
LOG < ------- characteristicId------> c1a ***************
LOG < ------- data------> [36, 22, 44, 35]
LOG < ------- data.length, ------> 4
LOG < ------- This is what i am writing------>
LOG < ------- This is what i am writing------>
LOG  Write success in helper: 36, 22, 44, 35

我尝试在另一个应用程序上设置 mtu 大小,但没有成功,而且这个应用程序的代码足够小,可以编写,当我看到 Hercules 中的日志时,在写入时什么也没有给出 我已经验证了可能导致此问题的所有可能性,但是,我的扫描、连接、读取、通知功能在 IOS 中工作正常,只有我遇到问题的写入功能也同样的功能在 Android 中工作完美

react-native bluetooth-lowenergy react-native-ble-manager

有一些可能的原因可能导致您无法在 React Native BLE Manager 中写入数据,而相同的功能适用于 Android。 一种可能是您没有请求正确的权限。为了将数据写入BLE设备,您需要具有ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION权限。您可以使用 PermissionsAndroid.request() 方法在 React Native 应用程序中请求此权限。 另一种可能是您没有正确连接到 BLE 设备。确保您正在调用 BleManager.connect() 方法并且传入正确的设备 UUID。 最后,React Native BLE Manager 库也可能存在错误。如果您已尝试上述所有方法,但仍然无法将数据写入 BLE 设备,您可以尝试向库的维护人员报告该错误。


  1. 确保您的蓝牙已打开。
  2. 确保您的位置已开启。
  3. 尝试重新启动您的 React Native 应用程序。
  4. 尝试重新启动您的 BLE 设备。
  5. 尝试从不同的 React Native 应用程序连接到 BLE 设备。
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