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我正在尝试使用格式like this.创建一个三列表。当然,描述比名称列长。另外,出于美学原因,我想在示例列中使用\ multicolumn命令。这是代码,

    \begin{tabular}{|c|p {5 cm}|p {5 cm}|}
        \multirow{2}{*}{Complex Type} & \multirow{2}{5 cm}{\parbox[c]{5 cm}{This variable type is used to declare a complex number, the real part and also the imaginary part.}} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{Defining a complex number 3.0 + 5.0 i :} \\
             & & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{complex :: a = (3.0, 5.0)} \\
        \multirow{4}{*}{Character Type} & \multirow{4}{4 cm}{This variable type is used to store one character by default. It can be used to store string or multiple characters using the len modifier. The len modifier works exactly the same as kind modifier. The example is on how to declare two variables, var1 for a character and var 2 for a sentence holder.} & character :: var1 \\
             & & character (len = 40) :: var2 \\
             & & var1 = "A" \\
             & & var2 = "How do you turn this on?" \\


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        Complex Type &
        This variable type is used to declare a complex number, the real part and also the imaginary part. & 
        Defining a complex number 3.0 + 5.0 i : \linebreak
        complex :: a = (3.0, 5.0) \\
        Character Type & 
        This variable type is used to store one character by default. It can be used to store string or multiple characters using the len modifier. The len modifier works exactly the same as kind modifier. The example is on how to declare two variables, var1 for a character and var 2 for a sentence holder. & 
        character :: var1 \linebreak
        character (len = 40) :: var2 \linebreak
        var1 = "A" \linebreak
        var2 = "How do you turn this on?" \\


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