
问题描述 投票:0回答:2


"list": [
                "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx001.net",
                "IMPLEMENTATION": "system\nInterface range Gi1/10/0/42 to Gi1/10/0/45 Gi2/10/0/32 to Gi2/10/0/34\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force",
                "POST_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]",
                "PRE_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]",
                "NO": "1"
                "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx002.net",
                "IMPLEMENTATION": "system\nInterface range Gi1/9/0/9 to Gi1/9/0/12 Gi2/9/0/9 to Gi2/9/0/11\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force",
                "POST_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]",
                "PRE_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]",
                "NO": "2"

  "json": {
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 1000,
    "search": {},
    "filter_op": "and",
    "total": 701,
    "fields": [
    "data": [
        "ID": 54,
        "Name": "inet-fw.lab.net",
        "PluginKey": "checkpoint_gaia"
        "ID": 2558,
        "Name": "uscx001.net",
        "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"
        "ID": 2559,
        "Name": "uscx002.net",
        "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"
        "ID": 2560,
        "Name": "test1.net",
        "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"

目的是创建一个新列表,其中将包含第一个列表以及第二个列表中找到的设备的附加信息 ID 和 PluginKey,因此它将如下所示:

"list2": [
                "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx001.net",
                "IMPLEMENTATION": "system\nInterface range Gi1/10/0/42 to Gi1/10/0/45 Gi2/10/0/32 to Gi2/10/0/34\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force",
                "POST_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]",
                "PRE_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]",
                "NO": "1",
                "ID": 2558,
                "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"
                "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx002.net",
                "IMPLEMENTATION": "system\nInterface range Gi1/9/0/9 to Gi1/9/0/12 Gi2/9/0/9 to Gi2/9/0/11\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force",
                "POST_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]",
                "PRE_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]",
                "NO": "2",
                "ID": 2559,
                "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"



理想情况下,如果我们可以使用过滤器而不是循环,那将是完美的,因为我期望一个包含数千项的非常大的列表 - 这个示例只是非常小的数据提取。

list filter ansible


    - name: create new list
        list2: "{{ list2 | default([]) + [item | combine({'ID': device.ID, 'PluginKey': device.PluginKey})] }}"
      loop: "{{ list1 }}"
        device: "{{ json2.data | selectattr('Name', 'equalto', item.DEVICE_NAME) | list | first }}"

    - name: debug it
        msg: "{{ list2 }}"




过滤器。这些集合包含在 ansible 社区 pip 包中,但如果您仅安装了 ansible-core,则可能需要安装它们:

# Check if collections are installed (example output on my current environment)
$ ansible-galaxy collection list | grep -E "(general|utils)"
ansible.utils                 2.12.0 
community.general             8.1.0 

# Install collections if needed
$ ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
$ ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.utils


- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    # Your original `list` renamed to `device_list`
    # on a single json line for legibility
    # Note: `list` is definitely not a good variable name
    # as it may conflict with python builtin class name
    device_list: [{"DEVICE_NAME":"uscx001.net","IMPLEMENTATION":"system\nInterface range Gi1/10/0/42 to Gi1/10/0/45 Gi2/10/0/32 to Gi2/10/0/34\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force","POST_CHECK":"dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]","PRE_CHECK":"dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]","NO":"1"},{"DEVICE_NAME":"uscx002.net","IMPLEMENTATION":"system\nInterface range Gi1/9/0/9 to Gi1/9/0/12 Gi2/9/0/9 to Gi2/9/0/11\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force","POST_CHECK":"dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]","PRE_CHECK":"dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]","NO":"2"}]

    # Your original json on a single line for legibility,
    # encapsulated in a higher level var (as I guess you get
    # that result from a REST call to an API)
    some_uri_response: {"json":{"offset":0,"limit":1000,"search":{},"filter_op":"and","total":701,"fields":["ID","Name","PluginKey"],"data":[{"ID":54,"Name":"inet-fw.lab.net","PluginKey":"checkpoint_gaia"},{"ID":2558,"Name":"uscx001.net","PluginKey":"hp_aseries_alt_2"},{"ID":2559,"Name":"uscx002.net","PluginKey":"hp_aseries_alt_2"},{"ID":2560,"Name":"test1.net","PluginKey":"hp_aseries_alt_2"}]}}

    # Transform the list in json to rename key `Name` to `DEVICE_NAME`
    # In practice this is done in two steps:
    # - duplicate key `Name`to `DEVICE_NAME`
    # - remove the original `Name` attribute.
    # The goal is to get a common attribute
    # between the two lists. There are other options here
    # but doing it through templating is quiete adapted
    # in that case.
    transformed_json_list: |-
      {% filter from_yaml %}
      {% set transformed_result = [] %}
      {% for entry in some_uri_response.json.data %}
      {% set new_entry = entry | combine({'DEVICE_NAME': entry.Name}) | ansible.utils.remove_keys(target=['Name']) %}
      {{ transformed_result.append(new_entry) }}
      {% endfor %}
      {{ transformed_result }}
      {% endfilter %}

    # Merge the two lists on their common attribute.
    # Elements which are not common will remain in the result
    raw_merged_list: "{{ device_list | community.general.lists_mergeby(transformed_json_list, 'DEVICE_NAME') }}"

    # Filter out elements from json list wich were
    # not present in the list of devices. Here are
    # inferred that devices always have the `IMPLEMENTATION`
    # attribute set. Adapt if you need to be more specific.
    merged_list: "{{ raw_merged_list | selectattr('IMPLEMENTATION', 'defined') }}"

    - name: Show original device list (run with -v to display)
        var: device_list
        verbosity: 1

    - name: Show original json result (run with -v to display)
        var: some_uri_response
        verbosity: 1

    - name: Show json list with `Name` renamed to `DEVICE_NAME`
        var: transformed_list

    - name: Show merged list before cleaning out unwanted elements
        var: raw_merged_list

    - name: Final expected list cleaned out
        var: merged_list

运行 playbook 会给出(如果您想显示原始变量,请添加


PLAY [localhost] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Show original device list (run with -v to display)] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]

TASK [Show original json result (run with -v to display)] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]

TASK [Show json list with `Name` renamed to `DEVICE_NAME`] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "transformed_json_list": [
            "DEVICE_NAME": "inet-fw.lab.net",
            "ID": 54,
            "PluginKey": "checkpoint_gaia"
            "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx001.net",
            "ID": 2558,
            "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"
            "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx002.net",
            "ID": 2559,
            "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"
            "DEVICE_NAME": "test1.net",
            "ID": 2560,
            "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"

TASK [Show merged list before cleaning out unwanted elements] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "raw_merged_list": [
            "DEVICE_NAME": "inet-fw.lab.net",
            "ID": 54,
            "PluginKey": "checkpoint_gaia"
            "DEVICE_NAME": "test1.net",
            "ID": 2560,
            "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"
            "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx001.net",
            "ID": 2558,
            "IMPLEMENTATION": "system\nInterface range Gi1/10/0/42 to Gi1/10/0/45 Gi2/10/0/32 to Gi2/10/0/34\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force",
            "NO": "1",
            "POST_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]",
            "PRE_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]",
            "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"
            "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx002.net",
            "ID": 2559,
            "IMPLEMENTATION": "system\nInterface range Gi1/9/0/9 to Gi1/9/0/12 Gi2/9/0/9 to Gi2/9/0/11\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force",
            "NO": "2",
            "POST_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]",
            "PRE_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]",
            "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"

TASK [Final expected list cleaned out] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "merged_list": [
            "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx001.net",
            "ID": 2558,
            "IMPLEMENTATION": "system\nInterface range Gi1/10/0/42 to Gi1/10/0/45 Gi2/10/0/32 to Gi2/10/0/34\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force",
            "NO": "1",
            "POST_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]",
            "PRE_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/10/0/4[2345]|2/10/0/3[234]",
            "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"
            "DEVICE_NAME": "uscx002.net",
            "ID": 2559,
            "IMPLEMENTATION": "system\nInterface range Gi1/9/0/9 to Gi1/9/0/12 Gi2/9/0/9 to Gi2/9/0/11\ndefault\nport link-mode bridge\ndescription *::HP-HSP::Available::::\nport access vlan 999\nshutdown\nreturn\nsave force",
            "NO": "2",
            "POST_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]",
            "PRE_CHECK": "dis inter brief | inc 1/9/0/9|1/9/0/1[012]|2/9/0/9|2/9/0/1[01]",
            "PluginKey": "hp_aseries_alt_2"

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0   
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