
问题描述 投票:1回答:1

在我们的SQL Server 2016数据库中,我们有一个Payments表,记录了我们客户每月支付的费用,但由于它们不一定每月支付,我们可能会丢失月数据。



-- Dummy monthly payment data to use for missing months
DECLARE @DummyPayments TABLE
    MonthNumber INT,
    Payment MONEY

INSERT INTO @DummyPayments 
select 1,0 union
select 2,0 union
select 3,0 union
select 4,0 union
select 5,0 union
select 6,0 union
select 7,0 union
select 8,0 union
select 9,0 union
select 10,0 union
select 11,0 union
select 12,0

-- This (much simplified) data would come from our Payments table
DECLARE @CustomerPayments TABLE
    CustomerID INT,
    MonthNumber INT,
    Payment MONEY

-- Example customer 1 made payment in months 1,3,6,9
insert into @CustomerPayments values(1,1,100);
insert into @CustomerPayments values(1,3,120);
insert into @CustomerPayments values(1,6,140);
insert into @CustomerPayments values(1,9,95);

-- Example customer 2 made payment in months 2,5,10,12    
insert into @CustomerPayments values(2,2,80);
insert into @CustomerPayments values(2,5,90);
insert into @CustomerPayments values(2,10,130);
insert into @CustomerPayments values(2,12,105);

-- Now I want to join real payments with dummy/missing payments
-- to get payment data for each month in the year.
with cust as
    select distinct CustomerID 
    from @CustomerPayments
select * from @CustomerPayments cp
select c.CustomerID, 
(select dp.MonthNumber
 from @DummyPayments dp 
 where dp.MonthNumber not in (select cp.MonthNumber from @CustomerPayments cp where cp.CustomerID = c.CustomerID)),
from cust c


子查询返回的值超过1。当子查询跟随=,!=,<,<=,>,> =或子查询用作表达式时,不允许这样做。


sql sql-server

使用cross join生成行,然后使用left join来生成现有结果:

select c.customerid, dp.monthnumber, coalesce(cp.payment, 0) as payment
from (select distinct customerid from @customerpayments cp
     ) c cross join
     @dummypayments dp left join
     @customerpayments cp
     on cp.customerid = c.customerid and
        cp.monthnumber = dp.monthnumber;
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