`[<-.ts`(`*tmp*`, ri, value = c(135.945603813953, Only element replacements are allowed when try forecast in R

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

这里是我的火车样本的 dput

train=structure(list(d_event_date = structure(c(19702, 19702, 19702, 
19702, 19702, 19702, 19702, 19702, 19702, 19702), class = "Date"), 
    id_placement = c(20199549L, 20396189L, 20420889L, 16751495L, 
    17220762L, 15387714L, 20355507L, 20385438L, 17752382L, 21253771L
    ), id_zone = c(1632853L, 2836041L, 2919363L, 1709628L, 9937L, 
    1274157L, 1400727L, 2907891L, 1948324L, 1863050L), id_publisher = c(302501L, 
    480683L, 1204726L, 4468L, 5515L, 163955L, 176741L, 421345L, 
    441862L, 467632L), id_advertiser = c(914L, 914L, 914L, 914L, 
    914L, 914L, 914L, 914L, 914L, 914L), id_campaign = c(687314L, 
    687314L, 687314L, 723900L, 723900L, 723900L, 723900L, 723900L, 
    723900L, 723900L), id_banner = c(2032222L, 2032222L, 2032222L, 
    2136674L, 2136674L, 2136674L, 2136674L, 2136674L, 2136674L, 
    2136674L), id_landing = c(4772102L, 4772102L, 4699256L, 4821730L, 
    4821514L, 4821513L, 4821514L, 4823676L, 4821514L, 4821730L
    ), id_ad_unit = c(28L, 28L, 28L, 28L, 28L, 28L, 28L, 28L, 
    28L, 28L), n_landing_pricing_type = c(3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 
    3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), n_impression_qd = c(1L, 8L, 1L, 1L, 
    25L, 4L, 35L, 1L, 5L, 1L), n_click_qd = structure(c(0, 0, 
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), class = "integer64"), n_conversion_qd = c(1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 1L), n_gross = c(0.0024, 
    0.0024, 0.0024, 0.008, 0.032499998, 0.0054, 0.064999996, 
    0.0076, 0.0129, 0.0239), n_net = c(0.001632, 0.00036, 0.001632, 
    0.0052, 0, 0.0027, 0.05135, 0.0038, 0.00774, 0.016252)), row.names = c(NA, 
10L), class = "data.frame")

我使用 Arima 创建时间序列模型。 这是我的代码

# Function for data normalization
normalize_data <- function(data, method) {
   normalized_data <- NULL
   if (method == "none") {
     normalized_data <- data
   } else if (method == "min-max") {
     min_val <- min(data)
     max_val <- max(data)
     normalized_data <- (data - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)
   } else if (method == "z-score") {
     mean_val <- mean(data)
     std_val <- sd(data)
     normalized_data <- (data - mean_val) / std_val
   } else if (method == "cubic-root") {
     normalized_data <- sign(data) * abs(data)^(1/3)
   } else if (method == "logarithmic") {
     normalized_data <- log(1 + data)

# Function for calculating MAPE
calculate_mape <- function(actual, forecasted) {
   mape <- mean(abs((actual - forecasted) / actual)) * 100

# Normalization and model building for each variable
variables <- c("n_impression_qd", "n_conversion_qd", "n_gross")
normalization_methods <- c("none", "min-max", "z-score", "cubic-root", "logarithmic")
mape_results <- data.frame(variable = character(), normalization = character(), mape = numeric(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

for (variable in variables) {
   for (method in normalization_methods) {
     normalized_data <- normalize_data(data_filtered[[variable]], method)
     # Convert to time series object
     ts_data <- ts(normalized_data)
     # Building an ARIMA model
     model <- auto.arima(ts_data)
     forecast <- forecast(model, h = 10)$mean
     # MAPE calculation
     actual <- tail(data_filtered[[variable]], 10)
     mape <- calculate_mape(actual, forecast)
     # Saving results
     result <- data.frame(variable = variable, normalization = method, mape = mape)
     mape_results <- rbind(mape_results, result)

# Output results

它有效,但是当我尝试在我的测试样本上应用模型时 例如这样

# Convert 'd_event_date' column to date format
test_data$d_event_date <- as.Date(test_data$d_event_date)

# Function to denormalize data
denormalize_data <- function(data, method, min_val, max_val, mean_val, std_val) {
   denormalized_data <- NULL
   if (method == "none") {
     denormalized_data <- data
   } else if (method == "min-max") {
     denormalized_data <- data * (max_val - min_val) + min_val
   } else if (method == "z-score") {
     denormalized_data <- data * std_val + mean_val
   } else if (method == "cubic-root") {
     denormalized_data <- sign(data) * abs(data)^3
   } else if (method == "logarithmic") {
     denormalized_data <- exp(data) - 1

# Variables and normalization methods
variables <- c("n_impression_qd", "n_conversion_qd", "n_gross")
normalization_methods <- c("none", "min-max", "z-score", "cubic-root", "logarithmic")

# Result storage
prediction_results <- data.frame(variable = character(), actual = numeric(), predicted = numeric(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Predict and calculate MAPE for each variable and normalization method
for (variable in variables) {
   for (method in normalization_methods) {
     # Retrieving data and normalization parameters for a variable
     data <- test_data[[variable]]
     min_val <- min(data)
     max_val <- max(data)
     mean_val <- mean(data)
     std_val <- sd(data)
     # Data normalization
     normalized_data <- normalize_data(data, method)
     # Convert to time series object
     ts_data <- ts(normalized_data)
     forecast <- forecast(model, h = length(ts_data))$mean
     # Denormalization of predicted values
     denormalized_forecast <- denormalize_data(forecast, method, min_val, max_val, mean_val, std_val)
     # MAPE calculation
     actual <- data
     mape <- calculate_mape(actual, denormalized_forecast)
     # Saving results
     result <- data.frame(variable = variable, actual = actual, predicted = denormalized_forecast)
     prediction_results <- rbind(prediction_results, result)

i get the error
Error in `[<-.ts`(`*tmp*`, ri, value = c(135.945603813953, 177.486351819609, :
   Only element replacements are allowed


    structure(list(d_event_date = structure(c(19702L, 19702L, 19702L, 
    19702L, 19702L, 19702L, 19702L, 19702L, 19702L, 19702L), class = c("IDate", 
    "Date")), id_placement = c(20794491L, 20794491L, 17788422L, 20654348L, 
    21496171L, 18582636L, 19840341L, 17218292L, 18423615L, 10973945L
    ), id_zone = c(2859002L, 2859002L, 1781319L, 1733870L, 2096492L, 
    1933910L, 2717419L, 1850302L, 2245073L, 46564L), id_publisher = c(352465L, 
    352465L, 143258L, 304470L, 627080L, 59862L, 1052120L, 425742L, 
    38L, 34624L), id_advertiser = c(914L, 914L, 914L, 914L, 914L, 
    2834L, 2834L, 8579L, 15862L, 15862L), id_campaign = c(689656L, 
    689656L, 723900L, 723900L, 723900L, 873762L, 882336L, 360584L, 
    872210L, 872213L), id_banner = c(2038567L, 2038567L, 2136674L, 
    2136674L, 2136674L, 2546849L, 2568794L, 1181453L, 2543069L, 2543072L
    ), id_landing = c(3814050L, 4590592L, 4823675L, 4821514L, 4823676L, 
    4601283L, 4811884L, 4801168L, 4595695L, 4595698L), id_ad_unit = c(5L, 
    5L, 28L, 28L, 28L, 27L, 29L, 28L, 28L, 28L), n_landing_pricing_type = c(3L, 
    3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 1L, 1L), n_impression_qd = c(13L, 
    11L, 2L, 1L, 8L, 5L, 349L, 2L, 132L, 7L), n_click_qd = structure(c(0, 
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.15611361126852e-321, 0, 0, 0), class = "integer64"), 
        n_conversion_qd = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 3L, 2L, 5L, 1L, 3L, 1L
        ), n_gross = c(0.003, 0.0065, 0.0124, 0.0167, 0.090299998, 
        0.00054504, 0.03256, 0.0263, 0.08052, 0.00404), n_net = c(9e-04, 
        0.00195, 0.00868, 0.012024, 0.0686280016, 0.0003706272, 0.0221408, 
        0.017884, 0.032208, 0.00202)), row.names = c(NA, 10L), class = "data.frame")

为什么会出现这个错误,我该如何修复它? 感谢您的帮助。 预测后,我将数据非规范化回绝对值。 对于测试样本中的每个变量,所需的结果是使用一种或另一种标准化方法构建的每个模型的实际值和预测值

structure(list(n_impression_qd_actual = 12:16, n_impression_qd_pred = 12:16, 
    model.normalize_n_impression_qd = c("none", "min-max", "z-score", 
    "cubic-root", "logarithmic"), n_conversion_qd_actual = 12:16, 
    n_conversion_qd_pred = 12:16, model.normalize_n_n_conversion_qd = c("none", 
    "min-max", "z-score", "cubic-root", "logarithmic"), n_gross_actual = 12:16, 
    n_gross_pred = 12:16, n_gross_model.normalize = c("none", 
    "min-max", "z-score", "cubic-root", "logarithmic")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
r time-series forecasting







for (variable in variables) { for (method in normalization_methods) { # [rest of code omitted] # Saving results result <- data.frame(variable = variable, actual = actual, predicted = denormalized_forecast) # include this line result$predicted <- as.numeric(result$predicted) # prediction_results <- rbind(prediction_results, result) } }


# New function for data normalization normalize_data <- function(data, method) { normalized_data <- NULL params <- NULL if (method == "none") { normalized_data <- data } else if (method == "min-max") { min_val <- min(data) max_val <- max(data) normalized_data <- (data - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) params <- c(min = min_val, max = max_val) } else if (method == "z-score") { mean_val <- mean(data) std_val <- sd(data) normalized_data <- (data - mean_val) / std_val params <- c(mean = mean_val, sd = std_val) } else if (method == "cubic-root") { normalized_data <- sign(data) * abs(data)^(1/3) } else if (method == "logarithmic") { normalized_data <- log1p(data) } attr(normalized_data, "method") <- method if(!is.null(params)) attr(normalized_data, "params") <- params normalized_data } # New denormalization function denormalize_data <- function(data, attrib) { method <- attrib$method denormalized_data <- NULL if (method == "none") { denormalized_data <- data } else if (method == "min-max") { min_val <- attrib$params["min"] max_val <- attrib$params["max"] denormalized_data <- data * (max_val - min_val) + min_val } else if (method == "z-score") { mean_val <- attrib$params["mean"] std_val <- attrib$params["sd"] denormalized_data <- data * std_val + mean_val } else if (method == "cubic-root") { denormalized_data <- sign(data) * abs(data)^3 } else if (method == "logarithmic") { denormalized_data <- expm1(data) } denormalized_data }

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