
问题描述 投票:0回答:3

enter image description here

%999 represent Blank tile.

goal([999,0,1, 2,3,4, 5,6,7]).

%To move left in any row ther are two cases:
%Case_1: Blank tile in the second index.
%Case_2: Blank tile in the third index.

% move left in the top row
move([X0,999,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [999,X0,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %second

move([X0,X1,999, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,999,X1, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %third

% move left in the middle row
move([X0,X1,X2, X3,999,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, 999,X3,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %second

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,999, X6,X7,X8]
    ,[X0,X1,X2, X3,999,X4, X6,X7,X8]). %third

% move left in the bottom row
move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,999,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, 999,X6,X8]). %second

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,999],
     [X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,999,X7]). %third

% To move right in any row there are two cases:
% Case_1: 999 tile in the first index.
% Case_2: 999 tile in the second index.

% move right in the top row
move([999,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X1,999,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %first

move([X0,999,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X2,999, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %seond

%% move right in the middle row
move([X0,X1,X2, 999,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, X4,999,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %first

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,999,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, X3,X5,999,X6,X7,X8]). %second

%% move right in the bottom row
move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, 999,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X7,999,X8]). %first

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,999,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X8,999]). %second

%It is not possible to move up when existing in the top row.
% so, moving up will only be possible from bottom and middle rows from
% the three indecies.

%% move up from the middle row
move([X0,X1,X2, 999,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [999,X1,X2, X0,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %first

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,999,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,999,X2, X3,X1,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %second

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,999, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,999, X3,X4,X2, X6,X7,X8]).  %third

%% move up from the bottom row
move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, 999,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, 999,X4,X5, X3,X7,X8]). %first

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,999,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, X3,999,X5, X6,X4,X8]). %second

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,999],
     [X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,999, X6,X7,X5]). %third

%  moving down only from the middle and top rows from the three
%  indicies.

%  move down from the top row
move([999,X1,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X3,X1,X2, 999,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %first

move([X0,999,X2, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X4,X2, X3,999,X5, X6,X7,X8]). %second

move([X0,X1,999, X3,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,X5, X3,X4,999, X6,X7,X8]). %third

%% move down from the middle row
move([X0,X1,X2, 999,X4,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, X6,X4,X5, 999,X7,X8]). %first

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,999,X5, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, X3,X7,X5, X6,999,X8]). %second

move([X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,999, X6,X7,X8],
     [X0,X1,X2, X3,X4,X8, X6,X7,999]). %third

dfs(S, Path, Path) :-

dfs(S, Checked, Path) :-
    % try a move
    move(S, S2),
    % ensure the resulting state is new
    \+member(S2, Checked),
    % and that this state leads to the goal
    dfs(S2, [S2|Checked], Path).

%SS: state start
%SE: state end
%path(SS, Checked, MoveList):-
   % move(SS, Snext),
   % \+member(Snext, Checked),
   % path(Snext,[Snext|Checked], [Snext, SS|MoveList]).

%path(_,_, MoveList):-

% Printing
%output([]) :- nl.
%output([[A,B]|MoveList]) :-
%   output(MoveList),
%   write(B), write(' -> '), write(A), nl.

find :-
    dfs([6,1,3 4,999,5, 7,2,0],_,_).
prolog sliding-tile-puzzle


  • 状态被表示为项,并且
  • 通过使用谓词

通过此实施,在大约 40 秒内找到了解决方案(SWI-Prolog,v.8.2.4)。

ids :-
   length(Moves, N),
   dfs([State], Moves, Path), !,
   show([start|Moves], Path),
   format('~nmoves = ~w~n', [N]).

dfs([State|States], [], Path) :-
   goal(State), !,
   reverse([State|States], Path).

dfs([State|States], [Move|Moves], Path) :-
   move(State, Next, Move),
   not(memberchk(Next, [State|States])),
   dfs([Next,State|States], Moves, Path).

show([], _).
show([Move|Moves], [State|States]) :-
   State = state(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I),
   format('~n~w~n~n', [Move]),
   format('~w ~w ~w~n',[A,B,C]),
   format('~w ~w ~w~n',[D,E,F]),
   format('~w ~w ~w~n',[G,H,I]),
   show(Moves, States).

% Empty position is marked with '*'

start( state(6,1,3,4,*,5,7,2,0) ).

goal( state(*,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) ).

move( state(*,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J), state(B,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J), right).
move( state(*,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J), state(D,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J), down ).
move( state(A,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J), state(*,A,C,D,E,F,G,H,J), left ).
move( state(A,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J), state(A,C,*,D,E,F,G,H,J), right).
move( state(A,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J), state(A,E,C,D,*,F,G,H,J), down ).
move( state(A,B,*,D,E,F,G,H,J), state(A,*,B,D,E,F,G,H,J), left ).
move( state(A,B,*,D,E,F,G,H,J), state(A,B,F,D,E,*,G,H,J), down ).
move( state(A,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J), state(*,B,C,A,E,F,G,H,J), up   ).
move( state(A,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J), state(A,B,C,E,*,F,G,H,J), right).
move( state(A,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J), state(A,B,C,G,E,F,*,H,J), down ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J), state(A,*,C,D,B,F,G,H,J), up   ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J), state(A,B,C,D,F,*,G,H,J), right).
move( state(A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J), state(A,B,C,D,H,F,G,*,J), down ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J), state(A,B,C,*,D,F,G,H,J), left ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,J), state(A,B,*,D,E,C,G,H,J), up   ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,J), state(A,B,C,D,*,E,G,H,J), left ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,J), state(A,B,C,D,E,J,G,H,*), down ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,F,*,H,J), state(A,B,C,D,E,F,H,*,J), left ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,F,*,H,J), state(A,B,C,*,E,F,D,H,J), up   ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,J), state(A,B,C,D,E,F,*,G,J), left ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,J), state(A,B,C,D,*,F,G,E,J), up   ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,J), state(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,J,*), right).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,*), state(A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,F), up   ).
move( state(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,*), state(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,H), left ).


?- time(ids).


6 1 3
4 * 5
7 2 0


6 1 3
* 4 5
7 2 0


* 1 3
6 4 5
7 2 0


1 * 3
6 4 5
7 2 0


1 4 3
6 * 5
7 2 0


1 4 3
6 5 *
7 2 0


1 4 3
6 5 0
7 2 *


1 4 3
6 5 0
7 * 2


1 4 3
6 5 0
* 7 2


1 4 3
* 5 0
6 7 2


1 4 3
5 * 0
6 7 2


1 4 3
5 0 *
6 7 2


1 4 3
5 0 2
6 7 *


1 4 3
5 0 2
6 * 7


1 4 3
5 0 2
* 6 7


1 4 3
* 0 2
5 6 7


1 4 3
0 * 2
5 6 7


1 4 3
0 2 *
5 6 7


1 4 *
0 2 3
5 6 7


1 * 4
0 2 3
5 6 7


* 1 4
0 2 3
5 6 7


0 1 4
* 2 3
5 6 7


0 1 4
2 * 3
5 6 7


0 1 4
2 3 *
5 6 7


0 1 *
2 3 4
5 6 7


0 * 1
2 3 4
5 6 7


* 0 1
2 3 4
5 6 7

moves = 26
% 97,719,612 inferences, 40.344 CPU in 40.991 seconds (98% CPU, 2422175 Lips)


另一种方法,其中搜索空间中的当前“状态”(代表棋盘的状态)由矩阵表示:3 个列表的列表。该矩阵中的位置由列和行坐标给出,每个坐标范围从 0 到 2:

 +--------------> Col (0,1,2)
 |   [[A0,B0,C0],
 |    [D0,E0,F0],
 |    [G0,H0,I0]]
 Row (0,1,2)

如果矩阵位置代表“空单元格”,我们写空列表 在那个位置(因为它看起来不错),否则我们写其中之一 整数 0..7

target( [[ [] ,0 ,1],   
         [  2 ,3 ,4],
         [  5 ,6 ,7]]).

from( [[6 ,1  ,3],
       [4 ,[] ,5],
       [7 ,2  ,0]]).

% A *backtrackable* predicate which proposes a new position (RowNew,ColNew)
% for the hole at position (Row,Col). The hole is moved in direction 
% MoveDirection
% This is not as nice as pattern matching over a pair of
% states because you can't make it run "backwards" to determine a
% move and input matrix from an output matrix.

% new_hole_position(Row,Col,RowNew,ColNew,MoveDirection)

new_hole_position(Row,Col,RowNew,Col,down)  :- Row < 2, RowNew is Row+1. 
new_hole_position(Row,Col,RowNew,Col,up)    :- Row > 0, RowNew is Row-1. 
new_hole_position(Row,Col,Row,ColNew,right) :- Col < 2, ColNew is Col+1.
new_hole_position(Row,Col,Row,ColNew,left)  :- Col > 0, ColNew is Col-1.

% Pick the value at (Row,Col) from MatrixIn into ValOld and
% Put ValNew at (Row,Col), giving MatrixOut. This is used to
% generate a new state from an existing state and a "hole move".

pick_and_put_matrix(Row,Col,MatrixIn,ValOld,ValNew,MatrixOut) :-

pick_and_put(Index,ListIn,ValOld,ValNew,ListOut) :-

% Moving the hole from (Row,Col) to (RowNew,ColNew)

move_hole(Row,Col,RowNew,ColNew,MatrixIn,MatrixOut) :-

% Find out where the hole is in MatrixIn as we don't
% keep track of that information.

cur_hole_position(Row,Col,MatrixIn) :-
cur_hole_position_in_row(Col,RowList) :- 

% For showing off, the number of states visited is counted in
% a thread-local variable that is non-backtrackably incremented.

nb_inc_counter :-
  XX is X+1,
% The search proper. Perform a single move from one state (matrix) 
% to the next state (matrix)
% move(+CurrentState,+GoalState,
%      -SolutionAsGrowingOpenListToWhichOneAppends
%      +StatesOnPathSoAsToNotVisitAStateTwiceToWhichOnePrepends,
%      +DepthCountdownForIterativeDeepening)

move(Matrix,Matrix,[],_,_) :- !.
move(MatrixIn,MatrixTarget,[MatrixMid|Moves],MatrixesOnPath,Depth) :-
   Depth > 1, 
   \+ member(MatrixMid,MatrixesOnPath),
   SmallerDepth is Depth-1,

% Printout curclicues

print_and_reset_counter :-
    -> format("Examined ~d positions~n",[C]) 
    ;  true),

format_moves([Matrix],_) :-
format_moves([Matrix,Matrix2|Moves],Index) :-
   format("Move ~d~n",[Index]),
   Index2 is Index+1,

format_matrix([[A,B,C],[D,E,F],[G,H,I]]) :-
enlarge(X,XE) :-
   format(string(S)," ~q",[X]),

% "Main" predicate.

run(Moves) :- 
   between(1,30,MaxDepth), % backtrackable; iterative deepening
   format("Maximum depth is ~d~n",[MaxDepth]),

announce_success(Moves) :-   
   AdjustedLength is Length-1,
   format("Found a solution of ~d moves by examination of ~d positions.~n",[AdjustedLength,C]),


?- run(Moves).
Maximum depth is 1
Maximum depth is 2
Examined 1 positions
Maximum depth is 3
Examined 5 positions
Maximum depth is 4
Examined 13 positions
Maximum depth is 5
Examined 21 positions
Maximum depth is 6
Examined 37 positions
Maximum depth is 7
Examined 69 positions
Maximum depth is 8
Examined 133 positions
Maximum depth is 9
Examined 213 positions
Maximum depth is 10
Examined 373 positions
Maximum depth is 11
Examined 645 positions
Maximum depth is 12
Examined 1189 positions
Maximum depth is 13
Examined 1941 positions
Maximum depth is 14
Examined 3437 positions
Maximum depth is 15
Examined 5797 positions
Maximum depth is 16
Examined 10517 positions
Maximum depth is 17
Examined 17349 positions
Maximum depth is 18
Examined 30965 positions
Maximum depth is 19
Examined 51765 positions
Maximum depth is 20
Examined 93333 positions
Maximum depth is 21
Examined 154709 positions
Maximum depth is 22
Examined 277093 positions
Maximum depth is 23
Examined 461541 positions
Maximum depth is 24
Examined 829917 positions
Maximum depth is 25
Examined 1378229 positions
Maximum depth is 26
Examined 2472253 positions
Maximum depth is 27
Found a solution of 26 moves by examination of 3712817 positions.
| 6, 1, 3|
| 4,[], 5|
| 7, 2, 0|
Move 1
| 6, 1, 3|
|[], 4, 5|
| 7, 2, 0|
Move 2
|[], 1, 3|
| 6, 4, 5|
| 7, 2, 0|
Move 3
| 1,[], 3|
| 6, 4, 5|
| 7, 2, 0|
Move 4
| 1, 4, 3|
| 6,[], 5|
| 7, 2, 0|
Move 5
| 1, 4, 3|
| 6, 2, 5|
| 7,[], 0|
Move 6
| 1, 4, 3|
| 6, 2, 5|
|[], 7, 0|
Move 7
| 1, 4, 3|
|[], 2, 5|
| 6, 7, 0|
Move 8
| 1, 4, 3|
| 2,[], 5|
| 6, 7, 0|
Move 9
| 1, 4, 3|
| 2, 5,[]|
| 6, 7, 0|
Move 10
| 1, 4,[]|
| 2, 5, 3|
| 6, 7, 0|
Move 11
| 1,[], 4|
| 2, 5, 3|
| 6, 7, 0|
Move 12
|[], 1, 4|
| 2, 5, 3|
| 6, 7, 0|
Move 13
| 2, 1, 4|
|[], 5, 3|
| 6, 7, 0|
Move 14
| 2, 1, 4|
| 5,[], 3|
| 6, 7, 0|
Move 15
| 2, 1, 4|
| 5, 3,[]|
| 6, 7, 0|
Move 16
| 2, 1, 4|
| 5, 3, 0|
| 6, 7,[]|
Move 17
| 2, 1, 4|
| 5, 3, 0|
| 6,[], 7|
Move 18
| 2, 1, 4|
| 5,[], 0|
| 6, 3, 7|
Move 19
| 2, 1, 4|
| 5, 0,[]|
| 6, 3, 7|
Move 20
| 2, 1,[]|
| 5, 0, 4|
| 6, 3, 7|
Move 21
| 2,[], 1|
| 5, 0, 4|
| 6, 3, 7|
Move 22
| 2, 0, 1|
| 5,[], 4|
| 6, 3, 7|
Move 23
| 2, 0, 1|
| 5, 3, 4|
| 6,[], 7|
Move 24
| 2, 0, 1|
| 5, 3, 4|
|[], 6, 7|
Move 25
| 2, 0, 1|
|[], 3, 4|
| 5, 6, 7|
Move 26
|[], 0, 1|
| 2, 3, 4|
| 5, 6, 7|



/* using insert/4 */
?- start(X), time(best(X, [], [], [], L)).
% 3,176,092 inferences, 0.188 CPU in 0.219 seconds (86% CPU, 16939157 Lips)
X = [6, 1, 3, 4, *, 5, 7, 2, 0],
L = [down, down, right, up, left, up, right, down, down|...] .

为了好玩,我尝试用 sort/4 替换批量插入/4,但它并不更快:

% ?- start(X), time(best(X, [], [], [], L)).
% % 2,676,280 inferences, 0.266 CPU in 0.299 seconds (89% CPU, 10075407 Lips)
% X = [6, 1, 3, 4, *, 5, 7, 2, 0],
% L = [down, down, right, up, left, up, right, down, down|...] .

感谢 slago,我从他的解决方案中获取了状态转换。 但我们也可以看到,最佳首次搜索胜过迭代深化, 这花了他 40 秒。

带有 insert/4 的源代码:

% best(+State, +Moves, +Agenda, +Visited, -Moves)
best(S, L, _, _, L) :- goal(S).
best(S, L, A, V, R) :-
   findall((W,T)-[M|L], (move(S,T,M), \+ member(T, V), weight(T,W)), B),
   insert(B, A, C),
   C = [(_,T)-H|D],
   best(T, H, D, [T|V], R).

% insert(+Agenda, +Agenda, -Agenda)
insert([], A, A).
insert([K-V|L], A, B) :-
   insert(A, K, V, C),
   insert(L, C, B).

% insert(+Agenda, +Key, +Value, -Agenda)
insert([], K, V, [K-V]).
insert([J-W|L], K, V, [K-V,J-W|L]) :- K @< J, !.
insert(L, K, _, L) :- L = [J-_|_], K == J, !.
insert([P|L], K, V, [P|R]) :-
   insert(L, K, V, R).

% weight(+State, -Integer)
weight(T, W) :-
   positions(T, 0, S),
   keysort(S, R),
   score(R, 0, W).

% positions(+State, +Integer, +Pairs)
positions([], _, []).
positions([X|L], J, [X-J|R]) :-
   K is J+1,
   positions(L, K, R).

% score(+Pairs, +Integer, -Integer)
score([], _, 0).
score([_-I|R], J, W) :-
   K is J+1,
   score(R, K, V),
   W is abs(I-J)+V.

 * From iterative deepending solution by slago:
 * https://stackoverflow.com/a/67645940/17524790
start( [6, 1, 3, 4, *, 5, 7, 2, 0] ).

goal(  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, *] ).

move( [*,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [B,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], right).
move( [*,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [D,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J], down ).
move( [A,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [*,A,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], left ).
move( [A,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [A,C,*,D,E,F,G,H,J], right).
move( [A,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [A,E,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], down ).
move( [A,B,*,D,E,F,G,H,J], [A,*,B,D,E,F,G,H,J], left ).
move( [A,B,*,D,E,F,G,H,J], [A,B,F,D,E,*,G,H,J], down ).
move( [A,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J], [*,B,C,A,E,F,G,H,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,E,*,F,G,H,J], right).
move( [A,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,G,E,F,*,H,J], down ).
move( [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], [A,*,C,D,B,F,G,H,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,D,F,*,G,H,J], right).
move( [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,D,H,F,G,*,J], down ).
move( [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,*,D,F,G,H,J], left ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,J], [A,B,*,D,E,C,G,H,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,J], [A,B,C,D,*,E,G,H,J], left ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,J], [A,B,C,D,E,J,G,H,*], down ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,*,H,J], [A,B,C,D,E,F,H,*,J], right ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,*,H,J], [A,B,C,*,E,F,D,H,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,J], [A,B,C,D,E,F,*,G,J], left ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,J], [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,E,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,J], [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,J,*], right).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,*], [A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,F], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,*], [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,H], left ).

带有 sort/4 的源代码:

% best(+State, +Moves, +Agenda, +Visited, -Moves)
best(S, L, _, _, L) :- goal(S).
best(S, L, A, V, R) :-
   findall((W,T)-[M|L], (move(S,T,M), \+ member(T, V), weight(T,W)), B),
   append(B, A, C),
   sort(1, @<, C, [(_,T)-H|D]),
   best(T, H, D, [T|V], R).

% weight(+State, -Integer)
weight(T, W) :-
   positions(T, 0, S),
   keysort(S, R),
   score(R, 0, W).

% positions(+State, +Integer, +Pairs)
positions([], _, []).
positions([X|L], J, [X-J|R]) :-
   K is J+1,
   positions(L, K, R).

% score(+Pairs, +Integer, -Integer)
score([], _, 0).
score([_-I|R], J, W) :-
   K is J+1,
   score(R, K, V),
   W is abs(I-J)+V.

 * From iterative deepending solution by slago:
 * https://stackoverflow.com/a/67645940/17524790
start( [6, 1, 3, 4, *, 5, 7, 2, 0] ).

goal(  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, *] ).

move( [*,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [B,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], right).
move( [*,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [D,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J], down ).
move( [A,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [*,A,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], left ).
move( [A,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [A,C,*,D,E,F,G,H,J], right).
move( [A,*,C,D,E,F,G,H,J], [A,E,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], down ).
move( [A,B,*,D,E,F,G,H,J], [A,*,B,D,E,F,G,H,J], left ).
move( [A,B,*,D,E,F,G,H,J], [A,B,F,D,E,*,G,H,J], down ).
move( [A,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J], [*,B,C,A,E,F,G,H,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,E,*,F,G,H,J], right).
move( [A,B,C,*,E,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,G,E,F,*,H,J], down ).
move( [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], [A,*,C,D,B,F,G,H,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,D,F,*,G,H,J], right).
move( [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,D,H,F,G,*,J], down ).
move( [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,H,J], [A,B,C,*,D,F,G,H,J], left ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,J], [A,B,*,D,E,C,G,H,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,J], [A,B,C,D,*,E,G,H,J], left ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,J], [A,B,C,D,E,J,G,H,*], down ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,*,H,J], [A,B,C,D,E,F,H,*,J], right ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,*,H,J], [A,B,C,*,E,F,D,H,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,J], [A,B,C,D,E,F,*,G,J], left ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,J], [A,B,C,D,*,F,G,E,J], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,J], [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,J,*], right).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,*], [A,B,C,D,E,*,G,H,F], up   ).
move( [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,*], [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,*,H], left ).
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