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public class ImportWorkflow extends AbstractWorkflow {
    private static final String INPUT_DIR_ARGUMENT = "inputDir";
    private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImportWorkflow.class);
     * For reading in a single  file:
    private Importer Importer;

    public boolean run(CommandLine commandLine) throws Exception {
        AnnotationConfigApplicationContext applicationContext = initializeApplicationContext();

        String inputFileDirectory = commandLine.getOptionValue(INPUT_DIR_ARGUMENT);

        if (inputFileDirectory == null) {
            log.error("The input file directory has not been specified");
            return false;

        Importer = applicationContext.getBean(Importer.class);

        Path inputDirectory = Paths.get(inputFileDirectory);
        SortedSet<Path> pathsToProcess = new TreeSet<Path>();
        try(DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(inputDirectory)){
            for (Path fileToWork : directoryStream) {
                if(fileToWork.toString().endsWith(".out.gz") || fileToWork.toString().endsWith(".px.gz")) {
                }else {
                    log.warn("Datei wird ignoriert: " + fileToWork);
        for(Path inputFile : pathsToProcess) {
            // read in the file:
            // move the file away into the archive:
            Path archiveDir = Paths.get(applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("betl..archive.dir"));
            Files.move(inputFile, archiveDir.resolve(inputFile.getFileName()),StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
        return true;

    private void readFile(String inputFile) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {
        log.info("Importiere Daten aus der Datei " + inputFile);

        try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
                Reader underlyingReader = inputFile.endsWith("gz")
                        ? new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream(is), DEFAULT_CHARSET)
                        : new InputStreamReader(is, DEFAULT_CHARSET);
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(underlyingReader)) {

            if (isPxFile(inputFile)) {
                Importer.processField(reader, tablenameFromFilename(inputFile));
            } else {
                Importer.processFile(reader, tablenameFromFilename(inputFile)); 

        log.info("Import abgeschlossen");

    private boolean isPxFile(String inputFile) {
        return inputFile.contains(".px.gz");

    private String tablenameFromFilename(String path) {
        String filename = Paths.get(path).getFileName().toString();
        System.out.println(filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')));

        return "BB_" + filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf('.')).toUpperCase() + "_IMPORT";

    public void addOptions(Options options) {
        options.addOption(null, INPUT_DIR_ARGUMENT, true, "(bbgimport) specifies the input directory");

java logging file-handling readfile file-diffs


import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;  // Add this import statement at the top

// --> Moved this statement outside the for loop, as it seems there is no need to fetch the archive directory path multiple times.
Path archiveDir = Paths.get(applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("betl..archive.dir"));  

// This is your existing for loop but with changes that I did
for(Path inputFile : pathsToProcess) {

    // read in the file:
    readFile(inputFile.toAbsolutePath().toString());  //existing code
    // move the file away into the archive:

    // Added this code
    if(checkIfFileMatches(inputFile, archiveDir); {
        // Add the logger here.

    //Added the else condition, so that if the files do not match, only then you move the file over to the archive. 
    else {
        Files.move(inputFile, archiveDir.resolve(inputFile.getFileName()),StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

//Added this method to check if the source file and the target file contents are same.
// This will need an import of the FileUtils class. You may change the approach to use any other utility file, or read the data byte by byte and compare. If the files are very large, probably better to use Buffered file reader.
    private boolean checkIfFileMatches(Path sourceFilePath, Path targetDirectoryPath) throws IOException {
        if (sourceFilePath != null) {  // may not need this check
            File sourceFile = sourceFilePath.toFile();
            String fileName = sourceFile.getName();

            File targetFile = new File(targetDirectoryPath + "/" + fileName);

            if (targetFile.exists()) {
                return FileUtils.contentEquals(sourceFile, targetFile);
        return false;
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