
问题描述 投票:14回答:4

我正在寻找在SSE元素上运行的自然指数函数的近似值。即-__m128 exp( __m128 x )


static inline __m128 FastExpSse(__m128 x)
    __m128 a = _mm_set1_ps(12102203.2f); // (1 << 23) / ln(2)
    __m128i b = _mm_set1_epi32(127 * (1 << 23) - 486411);
    __m128  m87 = _mm_set1_ps(-87);
    // fast exponential function, x should be in [-87, 87]
    __m128 mask = _mm_cmpge_ps(x, m87);

    __m128i tmp = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(a, x)), b);
    return _mm_and_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(tmp), mask);




c optimization vectorization sse simd

下面的C代码是我在previous answer中使用的类似问题的算法的SSE内在函数的翻译。

基本思想是将标准指数函数的计算转换为2的幂的计算:expf (x) = exp2f (x / logf (2.0f)) = exp2f (x * 1.44269504)。我们将t = x * 1.44269504分为整数i和分数f,这样t = i + f0 <= f <= 1。现在,我们可以使用多项式逼近来计算2 f,然后通过将i添加到单精度浮点结果的指数字段中,将结果缩放2 i

SSE实现中存在的一个问题是我们要计算i = floorf (t),但是没有快速的方法来计算floor()函数。但是,我们观察到,对于正数floor(x) == trunc(x),对于负数floor(x) == trunc(x) - 1,除非x是负整数。但是,由于核心近似值可以处理f1.0f值,因此对负参数使用近似值是无害的。 SSE提供了一条指令,可以将单精度浮点操作数转换为带有截断的整数,因此这种解决方案非常有效。

Peter Cordes指出SSE4.1支持快速下限功能_mm_floor_ps(),因此,下面也显示了使用SSE4.1的变体。启用S​​SE 4.1代码生成时,并非所有工具链都会自动预定义宏__SSE4_1__,但gcc会自动预定义宏。

[Compiler Explorer(Godbolt)显示gcc 7.2将以下代码编译为普通SSE的sixteen instructions和SSE 4.1的twelve instructions

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <emmintrin.h>
#ifdef __SSE4_1__
#include <smmintrin.h>

/* max. rel. error = 1.72863156e-3 on [-87.33654, 88.72283] */
__m128 fast_exp_sse (__m128 x)
    __m128 t, f, e, p, r;
    __m128i i, j;
    __m128 l2e = _mm_set1_ps (1.442695041f);  /* log2(e) */
    __m128 c0  = _mm_set1_ps (0.3371894346f);
    __m128 c1  = _mm_set1_ps (0.657636276f);
    __m128 c2  = _mm_set1_ps (1.00172476f);

    /* exp(x) = 2^i * 2^f; i = floor (log2(e) * x), 0 <= f <= 1 */   
    t = _mm_mul_ps (x, l2e);             /* t = log2(e) * x */
#ifdef __SSE4_1__
    e = _mm_floor_ps (t);                /* floor(t) */
    i = _mm_cvtps_epi32 (e);             /* (int)floor(t) */
#else /* __SSE4_1__*/
    i = _mm_cvttps_epi32 (t);            /* i = (int)t */
    j = _mm_srli_epi32 (_mm_castps_si128 (x), 31); /* signbit(t) */
    i = _mm_sub_epi32 (i, j);            /* (int)t - signbit(t) */
    e = _mm_cvtepi32_ps (i);             /* floor(t) ~= (int)t - signbit(t) */
#endif /* __SSE4_1__*/
    f = _mm_sub_ps (t, e);               /* f = t - floor(t) */
    p = c0;                              /* c0 */
    p = _mm_mul_ps (p, f);               /* c0 * f */
    p = _mm_add_ps (p, c1);              /* c0 * f + c1 */
    p = _mm_mul_ps (p, f);               /* (c0 * f + c1) * f */
    p = _mm_add_ps (p, c2);              /* p = (c0 * f + c1) * f + c2 ~= 2^f */
    j = _mm_slli_epi32 (i, 23);          /* i << 23 */
    r = _mm_castsi128_ps (_mm_add_epi32 (j, _mm_castps_si128 (p))); /* r = p * 2^i*/
    return r;

int main (void)
    union {
        float f[4];
        unsigned int i[4];
    } arg, res;
    double relerr, maxrelerr = 0.0;
    int i, j;
    __m128 x, y;

    float start[2] = {-0.0f, 0.0f};
    float finish[2] = {-87.33654f, 88.72283f};

    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

        arg.f[0] = start[i];
        arg.i[1] = arg.i[0] + 1;
        arg.i[2] = arg.i[0] + 2;
        arg.i[3] = arg.i[0] + 3;
        do {
            memcpy (&x, &arg, sizeof(x));
            y = fast_exp_sse (x);
            memcpy (&res, &y, sizeof(y));
            for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                double ref = exp ((double)arg.f[j]);
                relerr = fabs ((res.f[j] - ref) / ref);
                if (relerr > maxrelerr) {
                    printf ("arg=% 15.8e  res=%15.8e  ref=%15.8e  err=%15.8e\n", 
                            arg.f[j], res.f[j], ref, relerr);
                    maxrelerr = relerr;
            arg.i[0] += 4;
            arg.i[1] += 4;
            arg.i[2] += 4;
            arg.i[3] += 4;
        } while (fabsf (arg.f[3]) < fabsf (finish[i]));
    printf ("maximum relative errror = %15.8e\n", maxrelerr);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

fast_sse_exp()的另一种设计,使用众所周知的添加“魔术”转换常数1.5 * 2 23]的技术,在最近舍入模式下提取调整后参数x / log(2)的整数部分。强制四舍五入到正确的位位置,然后再次减去相同的数字。这要求加法期间有效的SSE舍入模式为“舍入到最接近或什至是”,这是默认设置。 wim在注释中指出,当使用积极优化时,某些编译器可能会优化转换常数cvt的加法和减法,这会干扰此代码序列的功能,因此建议检查机器代码产生。由于-0.5 <= f <= 0.5,需要不同的核心近似,因此计算2 f的近似间隔现在以零为中心。

/* max. rel. error <= 1.72860465e-3 on [-87.33654, 88.72283] */
__m128 fast_exp_sse (__m128 x)
    __m128 t, f, p, r;
    __m128i i, j;

    const __m128 l2e = _mm_set1_ps (1.442695041f); /* log2(e) */
    const __m128 cvt = _mm_set1_ps (12582912.0f);  /* 1.5 * (1 << 23) */
    const __m128 c0 =  _mm_set1_ps (0.238428936f);
    const __m128 c1 =  _mm_set1_ps (0.703448006f);
    const __m128 c2 =  _mm_set1_ps (1.000443142f);

    /* exp(x) = 2^i * 2^f; i = rint (log2(e) * x), -0.5 <= f <= 0.5 */
    t = _mm_mul_ps (x, l2e);             /* t = log2(e) * x */
    r = _mm_sub_ps (_mm_add_ps (t, cvt), cvt); /* r = rint (t) */
    f = _mm_sub_ps (t, r);               /* f = t - rint (t) */
    i = _mm_cvtps_epi32 (t);             /* i = (int)t */
    p = c0;                              /* c0 */
    p = _mm_mul_ps (p, f);               /* c0 * f */
    p = _mm_add_ps (p, c1);              /* c0 * f + c1 */
    p = _mm_mul_ps (p, f);               /* (c0 * f + c1) * f */
    p = _mm_add_ps (p, c2);              /* p = (c0 * f + c1) * f + c2 ~= exp2(f) */
    j = _mm_slli_epi32 (i, 23);          /* i << 23 */
    r = _mm_castsi128_ps (_mm_add_epi32 (j, _mm_castps_si128 (p))); /* r = p * 2^i*/
    return r;

问题代码的算法似乎取自Nicol N. Schraudolph的著作,该著作巧妙地利用了IEEE-754二进制浮点格式的半对数性质:

N. N. Schraudolph. "A fast, compact approximation of the exponential function." 神经计算,11(4),1999年5月,第853-862页。


/* max. rel. error = 3.55959567e-2 on [-87.33654, 88.72283] */
__m128 FastExpSse (__m128 x)
    __m128 a = _mm_set1_ps (12102203.0f); /* (1 << 23) / log(2) */
    __m128i b = _mm_set1_epi32 (127 * (1 << 23) - 298765);
    __m128i t = _mm_add_epi32 (_mm_cvtps_epi32 (_mm_mul_ps (a, x)), b);
    return _mm_castsi128_ps (t);

Schraudolph算法基本上对[0,1]中的1.0 + f使用线性近似2 f

〜= f,并且可以通过添加二次项来提高其准确性。 Schraudolph方法的巧妙部分是计算2 [i] * 2 [f],而没有明确地从分数中分离出整数部分i = floor(x * 1.44269504)。我看不到将这种技巧扩展到二次近似的方法,但是可以肯定的是可以将Schraudolph的floor()计算与上面使用的二次近似结合起来:
/* max. rel. error <= 1.72886892e-3 on [-87.33654, 88.72283] */ __m128 fast_exp_sse (__m128 x) { __m128 f, p, r; __m128i t, j; const __m128 a = _mm_set1_ps (12102203.0f); /* (1 << 23) / log(2) */ const __m128i m = _mm_set1_epi32 (0xff800000); /* mask for integer bits */ const __m128 ttm23 = _mm_set1_ps (1.1920929e-7f); /* exp2(-23) */ const __m128 c0 = _mm_set1_ps (0.3371894346f); const __m128 c1 = _mm_set1_ps (0.657636276f); const __m128 c2 = _mm_set1_ps (1.00172476f); t = _mm_cvtps_epi32 (_mm_mul_ps (a, x)); j = _mm_and_si128 (t, m); /* j = (int)(floor (x/log(2))) << 23 */ t = _mm_sub_epi32 (t, j); f = _mm_mul_ps (ttm23, _mm_cvtepi32_ps (t)); /* f = (x/log(2)) - floor (x/log(2)) */ p = c0; /* c0 */ p = _mm_mul_ps (p, f); /* c0 * f */ p = _mm_add_ps (p, c1); /* c0 * f + c1 */ p = _mm_mul_ps (p, f); /* (c0 * f + c1) * f */ p = _mm_add_ps (p, c2); /* p = (c0 * f + c1) * f + c2 ~= 2^f */ r = _mm_castsi128_ps (_mm_add_epi32 (j, _mm_castps_si128 (p))); /* r = p * 2^i*/ return r; }
我的算法(在上面的答案中实现FastExpSse)的准确性有了很好的提高,而可以通过使用FastExpSse(x / 2)/ FastExpSse(-x / 2)进行整数减法和浮点除法来获得FastExpSse(x)的值。这里的技巧是将shift参数(上面的298765)设置为零,以使分子和分母中的分段线性近似对齐,从而为您提供大量的误差消除。将其滚动到一个函数中:
__m128 BetterFastExpSse (__m128 x) { const __m128 a = _mm_set1_ps ((1 << 22) / float(M_LN2)); // to get exp(x/2) const __m128i b = _mm_set1_epi32 (127 * (1 << 23)); // NB: zero shift! __m128i r = _mm_cvtps_epi32 (_mm_mul_ps (a, x)); __m128i s = _mm_add_epi32 (b, r); __m128i t = _mm_sub_epi32 (b, r); return _mm_div_ps (_mm_castsi128_ps (s), _mm_castsi128_ps (t)); }


如果仅需要exp(x)来获得y = tanh(x)(例如,对于神经网络而言,请使用FastExpSse,零移位如下:

a = FastExpSse(x); b = FastExpSse(-x); y = (a - b)/(a + b);

以获得相同类型的错误消除收益。逻辑函数的工作原理类似,使用具有零移位的FastExpSse(x / 2)/(FastExpSse(x / 2)+ FastExpSse(-x / 2))。 (这只是为了显示原理-您显然不想在这里多次评估FastExpSse,而是按照上面的BetterFastExpSse的方式将其滚动到单个函数中。)



从那时开始回顾我的笔记,我确实探索了不使用除法来提高准确性的方法。我使用了相同的“ float-as-float”技巧,但对尾数应用了多项式校正,该校正基本上是用16位定点算术(当时唯一的快速方法)来计算。
立方响应四次版本给您4个响应。 5位有效数字。没有必要再增加阶次,因为低精度算术的噪声随后开始淹没多项式逼近的误差。这是普通的C版本:

#include <stdint.h> float fastExp3(register float x) // cubic spline approximation { union { float f; int32_t i; } reinterpreter; reinterpreter.i = (int32_t)(12102203.0f*x) + 127*(1 << 23); int32_t m = (reinterpreter.i >> 7) & 0xFFFF; // copy mantissa // empirical values for small maximum relative error (8.34e-5): reinterpreter.i += ((((((((1277*m) >> 14) + 14825)*m) >> 14) - 79749)*m) >> 11) - 626; return reinterpreter.f; } float fastExp4(register float x) // quartic spline approximation { union { float f; int32_t i; } reinterpreter; reinterpreter.i = (int32_t)(12102203.0f*x) + 127*(1 << 23); int32_t m = (reinterpreter.i >> 7) & 0xFFFF; // copy mantissa // empirical values for small maximum relative error (1.21e-5): reinterpreter.i += (((((((((((3537*m) >> 16) + 13668)*m) >> 18) + 15817)*m) >> 14) - 80470)*m) >> 11); return reinterpreter.f; }

四次方遵循(fastExp4(0f)== 1f),这对于定点迭代算法可能很重要。


http://ijeais.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/IJAER180702.pdf“创建英特尔Svml Simd内部函数的编译器优化的嵌入式实现”


__m128 BetterFastExpSse (__m128 x) { const __m128 a = _mm_set1_ps ((1 << 22) / float(M_LN2)); // to get exp(x/2) const __m128i b = _mm_set1_epi32 (127 * (1 << 23)); // NB: zero shift! __m128i r = _mm_cvtps_epi32 (_mm_mul_ps (a, x)); __m128i s = _mm_add_epi32 (b, r); __m128i t = _mm_sub_epi32 (b, r); return _mm_div_ps (_mm_castsi128_ps (s), _mm_castsi128_ps (t)); }


立方响应四次版本给您4个响应。 5位有效数字。没有必要再增加阶次,因为低精度算术的噪声随后开始淹没多项式逼近的误差。这是普通的C版本:

#include <stdint.h> float fastExp3(register float x) // cubic spline approximation { union { float f; int32_t i; } reinterpreter; reinterpreter.i = (int32_t)(12102203.0f*x) + 127*(1 << 23); int32_t m = (reinterpreter.i >> 7) & 0xFFFF; // copy mantissa // empirical values for small maximum relative error (8.34e-5): reinterpreter.i += ((((((((1277*m) >> 14) + 14825)*m) >> 14) - 79749)*m) >> 11) - 626; return reinterpreter.f; } float fastExp4(register float x) // quartic spline approximation { union { float f; int32_t i; } reinterpreter; reinterpreter.i = (int32_t)(12102203.0f*x) + 127*(1 << 23); int32_t m = (reinterpreter.i >> 7) & 0xFFFF; // copy mantissa // empirical values for small maximum relative error (1.21e-5): reinterpreter.i += (((((((((((3537*m) >> 16) + 13668)*m) >> 18) + 15817)*m) >> 14) - 80470)*m) >> 11); return reinterpreter.f; }

http://ijeais.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/IJAER180702.pdf“创建英特尔Svml Simd内部函数的编译器优化的嵌入式实现”


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