networkx 有向图 matplotlib 图方向

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我正在尝试使用 Networkx Dograph 和 matplotlib 创建图形,这是我的代码

def draw(self):
    # Create a directed graph object
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    # Set node colors
    node_colors = []
    for tx in self.transactions.values():
        #print("batch numer", self.num_batches)
        if tx.txid == '1':
            node_colors.append('orange')  # orange for tips
        elif tx.txid == '0' and self.current_batch == 0:
            node_colors.append('grey')  # gray for first transaction
        elif tx in
            node_colors.append('grey')  # gray for tips
            node_colors.append('blue')  # blue for other nodes

    # Get node positions and heights
    pos = {}
    heights = {}
    for tx in self.transactions.values():
        if tx.txid == '0':
            pos[tx.txid] = (0, 0)
            heights[tx.txid] = 0
            max_height = max(heights[parent_txid] for parent_txid in tx.parent_txids)
            pos[tx.txid] = (max_height + 1, len(heights))
            heights[tx.txid] = max_height + 1

    # Add edges to the graph
    for tx in self.transactions.values():
        for parent_txid in tx.parent_txids:
            G.add_edge(tx.txid, parent_txid)

    # Draw the graph
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    nx.draw(G, pos=pos, with_labels=True, node_color=node_colors, node_size=1000, node_shape='s')
    plt.ylim(-1, len(heights))
    plt.xlim(-1, max(heights.values()) + 1)


墨水版本是我想要的,节点 0 应该在最左边的中间,后面的节点应该水平而不是垂直增长。目前,新节点水平增长,但也垂直增长。我试过玩 plt.ylim(-1, len(heights)) plt.xlim(-1, max(heights.values()) + 1) 但是无法修复它,如果有人能帮我修复它就太好了。如果问题不清楚,请告诉我。

graph networkx matplotlib-basemap
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