如果我使用递归来解决子集乘积,它会“知道”不要使用乘积 > N 的组合来避免冗余吗?

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我正在求解正整数的子集积,我得到了一个除数列表 S 和一个整数 N。 我必须决定是否存在等于目标的组合。

我将从 S 中删除非约数,删除 1 的重复项,因为任何组合都等于 1,这不会影响正确性。我从最小到最大排序,因为这是我的代码按预期工作的要求。

我通过迭代并乘以 S 中的整数来找到最大组合大小,直到我们 <= N。然后我将组合限制为该大小。


  • 如果 S 中所有元素的乘积等于 N,则返回 True。
  • 如果 S 中所有元素的乘积小于 N,则返回 False。

代码然后执行所有组合,直到 max_comb_size 并输出 True 或 False。



from itertools import combinations
from itertools import product
import sys
from collections import deque

def check_divisors(N, S):
    # Multiset Subset Product General Case for positive integers only
    # Initialize the maximum combination size
    max_comb_size = 0

    # Calculate the product of divisors and find the maximum combination size
    # without exceeding N
    # The variable max_comb_size effectively bounds the size of combinations
    divisor_product = 1
    for divisor in S:
        if divisor_product * divisor <= N:
            max_comb_size += 1
            divisor_product *= divisor
    # Case where all elements of S have a total product equal to N
    product = 1
    for num in S:
        product *= num
    if product == N:
        return True
    # Case where all elements of S have a product less than N
    if product < N:
        return False
    # Try combinations of divisors starting from the smallest ones
    for comb_size in range(1, max_comb_size + 1):
        for combo in combinations(S, comb_size):
            # Calculate the product of the current combination
            current_product = 1  # Renamed the variable to avoid shadowing
            for divisor in combo:
                current_product *= divisor
            # If the product equals N, return True
            if current_product == N:
                return True
    # If no combination has a product equal to N, return False
    return False


N = 320
S = [1,1,1,2,2,4,4,4,4,5,6]
# Remove non_divisors so that max_combo_size doesn't get confused.
# Also, 1's should only appear once, otherwise max_combo_size
# gets confused.
new_S = deque([])
flag = 0
for i in S:
    if i != 1:
        if N % i == 0:
    if i == 1:
        flag = 1
# O(1) insertion, only one 1 is allowed
# as it confuses max_combination_size. Doesn't
# affect correctness as any combination of 1 has
# a product of 1*n
if flag == 1:
# Sorting is required for max_comb_size to work.
S = sorted(new_S)
print(check_divisors(N, S))
python recursion combinations

在您当前的方法中,您正在检查每种可能的组合以找到解决方案,从而导致复杂性为 O(2^len(elements))。虽然您的概念是正确的,但实际执行比需要的要复杂。




  def is_product_possible(elements, target, current_product=1):
        if current_product == target:
            return True
        if current_product > target or len(elements) == 0:
            return False
        last_element = elements[-1]
        new_elements = elements[:-1]
        return is_product_possible(new_elements, target, current_product) or is_product_possible(new_elements, target, current_product * last_element)
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