FillPath 忽略 MAUI 应用程序中看似闭合路径中的贝塞尔曲线

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我正在尝试绘制一个条形,其顶部部分围绕一个居中的按钮。我已经成功构建了一个 PathF 对象,它由直线和贝塞尔曲线组成,当我使用 DrawPath 方法时,它确实按照我的意图绘制了条形图。





这是条形图的 IDrawable 对象的 Draw 方法:

        public void Draw(ICanvas canvas, RectF dirtyRect)
            float buttonSize = 80;
            float width = dirtyRect.Width;
            float height = dirtyRect.Height;
            canvas.StrokeColor = Colors.Red;
            canvas.FillColor = Colors.Blue;
            canvas.StrokeSize = 1;

            float y1 = height / 2; // bar top 
            float tX = width / 2; // x translation applied to all bezier curve points
            float tY = height / 2; // y translation applied to all bezier curve points
            float r = buttonSize * 1.5f / 2; // radius
            float c = 0.5522847498307933984022516322796f;

            float segmentWidth = (width - (r * 2)) / 2;

            PathF path = new PathF(0, y1);

            path.LineTo(segmentWidth, y1);            //  _____
            path.MoveTo(width - segmentWidth, y1);    //          x
            path.LineTo(width, y1);                   //           _____
            path.LineTo(width, height);               //               |
            path.LineTo(0, height);                   //  --------------
            path.LineTo(0, y1);                       // |

            path.MoveTo(r + tX, 0 + tY);
            path.CurveTo(r + tX, c * r + tY,
                c * r + tX, r + tY,
                0 + tX, r + tY);

            path.MoveTo(0 + tX, r + tY);
            path.CurveTo(-c * r + tX, r + tY,
                -r + tX, c * r + tY,
                -r + tX, 0 + tY);


<Grid ColumnDefinitions="*, Auto, *" RowDefinitions="*, 15*, 200">
    <Button Grid.Row="0" Text="Draw" Clicked="Button_Clicked"/>
    <Grid Grid.Row="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Padding="10, 10">
        <GraphicsView x:Name="bottomBar" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"/>


c# drawing maui bezier

正如 Mike 所评论的,由于中间有 MoveTo 指令,路径并未关闭,以下代码可以解决这个问题:

            float buttonSize = 80;
            float width = dirtyRect.Width;
            float height = dirtyRect.Height;
            canvas.StrokeColor = Colors.Green;
            canvas.FillColor = Colors.Blue;
            canvas.StrokeSize = 1;

            float tX = width / 2; // x translation applied to all bezier curve points
            float r = buttonSize * 1.5f / 2; // radius
            float c = 0.5522847498307933984022516322796f;

            PathF path = new PathF(r + tX, 0);

            path.CurveTo(r + tX, c * r,
                c * r + tX, r,
                0 + tX, r);

            path.CurveTo(-c * r + tX, r,
                -r + tX, c * r,
                -r + tX, 0);

            path.LineTo(0, 0);
            path.LineTo(0, height);
            path.LineTo(width, height);
            path.LineTo(width, 0);
            path.LineTo(width - ((width - (r * 2)) / 2), 0);
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