
问题描述 投票:0回答:2







echo you awake in a forest, you do not know where you are or why you are there.

echo infront of you is a small goblin like creature


echo What do you do?

set /p answer=

if %answer%==run (

goto run1

) else (

if %answer%==attack (

goto attack1

) else ( 

if %answer%==befriend(

goto befriend1

) else (

if %answer%==scream(

goto scream1

) else ( 

if %answer%==dance (

goto dance1

) else (

echo Nothing happened

timeout /t 1

goto forest1

batch-file if-statement


@echo off

rem Your code before the code you provided above ^^

echo You awake in a forest, you do not know where you are or why you are there.
echo In front of you is a small goblin like creature
goto :recoil1

set /p "answer=What do you do? "
if "%answer%" == "run" (
    goto :run1
) else (
    if "%answer%" == "attack" (
        goto :attack1
    ) else ( 
        if "%answer%" == "befriend" (
            goto :befriend1
        ) else (
            if "%answer%" == "scream" (
                goto :scream1
            ) else ( 
                if "%answer%" == "dance" (
                    goto :dance1
                ) else (
                    echo Nothing happened.
                    timeout /t 1
                    goto :forest1



@echo off

rem Your code before the code you provided above ^^

echo You awake in a forest, you do not know where you are or why you are there.
echo In front of you is a small goblin like creature
goto :recoil1

echo What do you do? Here is a list of options:
echo r - run away
echo a - attack the goblin
echo b - be friend with the goblin
echo s - scream
echo d - dance
echo n - do nothing

choice /C:rabsdn /N

if errorlevel 6 (
    echo Nothing happened.
    timeout /t 1
    goto :forest1
if errorlevel 5 goto :dance1
if errorlevel 4 goto :scream1
if errorlevel 3 goto :befriend1
if errorlevel 2 goto :attack1
if errorlevel 1 goto :run1


注意:带有iferrorlevel应该按降序排列,因为if errorlevel n意味着errorlevel大于或等于n




@echo off
cls & echo/ & if defined answer set answer=<nul
echo/  you awake in a forest, you do not know where you are or why you are there.
echo/  infront of you is a small goblin like creature

set /p "answer= What do you do? "
for %%i in (run attack befriend scream dance) do if /i "%answer%" == "%%i" goto :%answer%1

echo/ Nothing happened
timeout /t 1 & goto forest1

echo/ Here I'm in Label run1 & exit /b

echo/ Here I'm in Label attack1 & exit /b

echo/ Here I'm in Label befriend1 & exit /b

echo/ Here I'm in Label scream1 & exit /b

echo/ Here I'm in Label dance1 & exit /b
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