为什么我的 HTML 到 ADF 脚本退出时代码为 0?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试创建一个脚本,将 HTML 转换为 Jira 的 ADF 格式。当我尝试使用 Visual Studio 2019 测试脚本时,它仅给出此输出 - “程序 '[36520] HTMLtoADF.exe' 已退出,代码为 0”。我对 C# 或 Visual Studio 不太熟悉,所以任何建议将不胜感激。这是我在下面创建的脚本:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Sample HTML content
        string htmlContent = "<p>Hello, <strong>world!</strong></p>";
        // Convert HTML to ADF
        string adfResult = ConvertHtmlToAdf(htmlContent);

        // Output the ADF result
        Console.WriteLine("Converted ADF:");

    static string ConvertHtmlToAdf(string htmlContent)
        // Load HTML content into an HtmlDocument for parsing
        var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();

        // Create a list to store ADF nodes
        List<JObject> adfNodes = new List<JObject>();

        // Convert HTML nodes to ADF
        foreach (var htmlNode in htmlDoc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes)
            var adfNode = ConvertHtmlNodeToAdfNode(htmlNode);

        // Create an ADF document with the collected nodes
        var adfDocument = new JObject(new JProperty("version", 1), new JProperty("type", "doc"), new JProperty("content", adfNodes));

        // Return the ADF content as a JSON string
        return adfDocument.ToString();

    static JObject ConvertHtmlNodeToAdfNode(HtmlNode htmlNode)
        // Map HTML node to ADF node
        switch (htmlNode.NodeType)
            // If the HTML node is an element (e.g., <p>, <strong>)
            case HtmlNodeType.Element:
                return ConvertHtmlElementToAdfNode(htmlNode);
            // If the HTML node is a text node
            case HtmlNodeType.Text:
                return ConvertHtmlTextToAdfNode(htmlNode);
            // Handle other node types as needed
                return new JObject();

    static JObject ConvertHtmlElementToAdfNode(HtmlNode htmlElement)
        // Map HTML element to ADF element
        switch (htmlElement.Name.ToLower())
            // If the HTML element is a paragraph (<p>)
            case "p":
                // Convert the <p> element to an ADF paragraph node
                return new JObject(
                    new JProperty("type", "paragraph"),
                    new JProperty("content", new JArray(ConvertHtmlNodesToAdfNodes(htmlElement.ChildNodes))));
            // If the HTML element is a strong emphasis (<strong>)
            case "strong":
                // Convert the <strong> element to an ADF text node with strong emphasis
                return new JObject(
                    new JProperty("type", "text"),
                    new JProperty("text", htmlElement.InnerHtml),
                    new JProperty("marks", new JArray(new JObject(new JProperty("type", "strong")))));
            // Add more cases for other HTML elements as needed
                return new JObject();

    static JObject ConvertHtmlTextToAdfNode(HtmlNode htmlText)
        // Map HTML text to ADF text
        // Create an ADF text node with the content of the HTML text node
        return new JObject(new JProperty("type", "text"), new JProperty("text", htmlText.InnerHtml));

    static List<JObject> ConvertHtmlNodesToAdfNodes(HtmlNodeCollection htmlNodes)
        // Convert a collection of HTML nodes to ADF nodes
        var adfNodes = new List<JObject>();
        foreach (var htmlNode in htmlNodes)
            // Convert each HTML node to its equivalent ADF node
            var adfNode = ConvertHtmlNodeToAdfNode(htmlNode);
        return adfNodes;
c# html visual-studio jira oracle-adf

exited with code 0


但是如果您使用的是 C# .NET Framework 控制台项目,则黑色窗口将在完成后快速关闭(不到一秒)。



static void Main()
    // Sample HTML content
    string htmlContent = "<p>Hello, <strong>world!</strong></p>";
    // Convert HTML to ADF
    string adfResult = ConvertHtmlToAdf(htmlContent);

    // Output the ADF result
    Console.WriteLine("Converted ADF:");
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