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Example run:
What would you like today? (type 'how is business?' to attempt small talk, or 'not hungry' to stop)
> Vegetar
Vegetar, here you go.
What would you like today? (type 'how is business?' to attempt small talk, or 'not hungry' to stop)
> Vegetar
Vegetar, here you go.
What would you like today? (type 'how is business?' to attempt small talk, or 'not hungry' to stop)
> Vegetar
Sorry, no more left of <Vegetar> today.
What would you like today? (type 'how is business?' to attempt small talk, or 'not hungry' to stop)
> [...]

def salg():
    totalDagens = 15
    totalVegetar = 2
    totalHalal = 5

    while totalDagens <=0 and totalVegetar <=0 and totalHalal <=0:

        print("What would you like today?")
        data = input()

    if data == "Dagens":
        totalDagens = totalDagens - 1
        print("Dagens, her you go.")
    elif data == "Vegetar":
        totalVegetar = totalVegetar - 1
        print("Vegetar, here you go.")
    elif data == "Halal":
        totalHalal = totalHalal - 1
        print("Halal, here you go.")



totalDagens = 15 #maintain the inventory globally
totalVegetar = 2
totalHalal = 5

def salg():
    data = input("What would you like today?")
    if data.lower() == "dagens": # just to make sure case insensitive
        totalDagens -= 1; print("Dagens, her you go.") if totalDagens > 0 else print("NoDangens left")
    elif data.lower() == "vegetar":
        totalVegetar -= 1; print("Vegetar, her you go.") if totalVegetar > 0 else print("No Vegetar left")
    elif data.lower() == "halal":
        totalHalal -= 1; print("Halal, her you go.") if totalHalal > 0 else print("No Halal left")

while True:
    if totalDagens + totalVegetar + totalHalal == 0:

print("Everything is sold")
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