
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


给定一个 2x5 css


#grid-wrapper {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 50% 50%;
  grid-template-rows: 50px 50px 50px calc(100vh - 200px) 50px;
    "header header"
    "common-toolbar common-toolbar"
    "left-toolbar right-toolbar"
    "left-panel right-panel"
    "footer footer";
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;

overflow-y: scroll;






grid-template-rows: 50px auto auto calc(100vh - sum_of_height_of_other_rows) 50px;




const squares = [
  ['■', 'Black square'],
  ['□', 'White square'],
  ['▢', 'White square with rounded corners'],
  ['▣', 'White square containing small black square'],
  ['▤', 'Square with horizontal fill'],
  ['▥', 'Square with vertical fill'],
  ['▦', 'Square with orthogonal crosshatch fill'],
  ['▧', 'Square with upper left to lower right fill'],
  ['▨', 'Square with upper right to lower left fill'],
  ['▩', 'Square with diagonal crosshatch fill '],
const fruits = [
  ['☕', 'hot beverage'],
  ['⛾', 'restaurant'],
  ['🍅', 'tomato'],
  ['🍊', 'tangerine'],
  ['🍏', 'green apple'],
  ['🥑', 'avocado'],
  ['🍔', 'hamburger'],
  ['🍕', 'slice of pizza'],
  ['🍙', 'rice ball'],
  ['🍞', 'bread'],
  ['🍣', 'sushi'],
  ['🍨', 'ice cream'],
  ['🍭', 'lollipop'],
  ['🍲', 'pot of food'],
  ['🍷', 'wine glass'],
  ['🍼', 'baby bottle'],
  ['🍓', 'strawberry'],
const chess = [
  ['♔', 'white chess king'],
  ['♕', 'white chess queen'],
  ['♖', 'white chess rook'],
  ['♗', 'white chess bishop'],
  ['♘', 'white chess knight'],
  ['♙', 'white chess pawn'],
  ['♚', 'black chess king'],
  ['♛', 'black chess queen'],
  ['♜', 'black chess rook'],
  ['♝', 'black chess bishop'],
  ['♞', 'black chess knight'],
  ['♟', 'black chess pawn']

const fillToolbar = (toolbar, fillWith) => {
  fillWith.forEach(([symbol, name]) => {
    const $button = document.createElement('button')
    $button.setAttribute("title", name)
    $button.textContent = symbol;
fillToolbar(document.getElementById("common-toolbar"), squares)
fillToolbar(document.getElementById("left-toolbar"), fruits)
fillToolbar(document.getElementById("right-toolbar"), chess)

const fillText = (panel, count) => {
  panel.innerHTML = '';
  if (count > 0) {
    panel.innerHTML =
      "<p>start.<p> "
      + "<p>THE TEXT IS HERE LONG.<p> ".repeat(count)
      + "<p>end.<p> "

const count = 1000;
fillText(document.getElementById("left-panel"), count)
fillText(document.getElementById("right-panel-content"), count)
body {
  margin: 0;

#grid-wrapper {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: calc(50%-5px) 50%;
  grid-template-rows: 50px 50px 50px calc(100vh - 200px) 50px;
    "header header"
    "common-toolbar common-toolbar"
    "left-toolbar right-toolbar"
    "left-panel right-panel"
    "footer footer";

  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;
  column-gap: 10px;

#header {
  background-color: aqua;
  grid-column: span 2;
  grid-area: header;

#common-toolbar {
  background-color: blue;
  grid-column: span 2;
  grid-area: common-toolbar;

#left-toolbar {
  background-color: blueviolet;
  grid-area: left-toolbar;
#left-panel {
  background-color: brown;
  grid-area: left-panel;
  overflow-y: scroll;
#right-toolbar {
  background-color: chartreuse;
  grid-area: right-toolbar;

#right-panel {
  background-color: chocolate;
  grid-area: right-panel;
#right-panel-content {
  overflow-y: scroll;
  height: 100%;
#footer {
  background-color: crimson;
  grid-column: span 2;
  grid-area: footer;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Test box</title>
    <div id="grid-wrapper">
      <div id="header">The head</div>
      <div id="common-toolbar">Common Toolbar 1 2 3</div>
      <div id="left-toolbar"></div>
      <div id="left-panel"><div id="left-panel-content"></div></div>
      <div id="right-toolbar">Right Toolbar l1 l2 l3</div>
      <div id="right-panel"><div id="right-panel-content"></div></div>
      <div id="footer">This is the footer</div>
    <div id="root"></div>
    <script type="module" src="/src/main.jsx"></script>

css css-grid


/* some simple utility functions to avoid copious typing where possible */
const D = document,
  create = (tag, props) => Object.assign(D.createElement(tag), props),
  createSampleText = (wrapper = "p", count = 0) => {
    let text = Array.from({
        length: count
      .map(() => words[random(0, words.length)])
      .join(" ")
      .replace(/[a-z]/, (match) => match.toUpperCase())
    return create(wrapper, {
      textContent: text
  fragment = () => D.createDocumentFragment(),
  get = (selector, context = D) => context.querySelector(selector),
  getAll = (selector, context = D) => [...context.querySelectorAll(selector)],
  random = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min),
  words = [

/* an object created from your posted content-generation */
const content = [{
    // String, CSS selector for the element fow which the
    // following array would be the content:
    selector: "common-toolbar",
    content: [
      ["■", "Black square"],
      ["□", "White square"],
      ["▢", "White square with rounded corners"],
      ["▣", "White square containing small black square"],
      ["▤", "Square with horizontal fill"],
      ["▥", "Square with vertical fill"],
      ["▦", "Square with orthogonal crosshatch fill"],
      ["▧", "Square with upper left to lower right fill"],
      ["▨", "Square with upper right to lower left fill"],
      ["▩", "Square with diagonal crosshatch fill "],
    selector: "left-toolbar",
    content: [
      ["☕", "hot beverage"],
      ["⛾", "restaurant"],
      ["🍅", "tomato"],
      ["🍊", "tangerine"],
      ["🍏", "green apple"],
      ["🥑", "avocado"],
      ["🍔", "hamburger"],
      ["🍕", "slice of pizza"],
      ["🍙", "rice ball"],
      ["🍞", "bread"],
      ["🍣", "sushi"],
      ["🍨", "ice cream"],
      ["🍭", "lollipop"],
      ["🍲", "pot of food"],
      ["🍷", "wine glass"],
      ["🍼", "baby bottle"],
      ["🍓", "strawberry"],
    selector: "right-toolbar",
    content: [
      ["♔", "white chess king"],
      ["♕", "white chess queen"],
      ["♖", "white chess rook"],
      ["♗", "white chess bishop"],
      ["♘", "white chess knight"],
      ["♙", "white chess pawn"],
      ["♚", "black chess king"],
      ["♛", "black chess queen"],
      ["♜", "black chess rook"],
      ["♝", "black chess bishop"],
      ["♞", "black chess knight"],
      ["♟", "black chess pawn"],

// iterating over the content Array of Objects:
// using destructuring assignment to retrieve the property-values of the
// named properties, and assigning them to variables of the same name as
// the property:
}) => {
  // using getAll(), which takes a CSS selector and returns an Array of
  // element nodes retrieved by the underlying document.querySelectorAll();
  // iterating through the returned Array using Array.prototype.forEach()
    // el: a reference (the name is entirely irrelevant so long as it's valid
    //     in JavaScript) to the current element/node of the Array of elements/
    //     nodes:
    (el) => {
    // creating a document fragment to hold the content we're generating:
    let frag = fragment()
    // appending a new <span> element, with the textContent matching the
    // (capitalised) 'selector' variable; this is created via the create()
    // function defined above:
      create("span", {
        textContent: `${selector.replace(/[a-z]/, (a) => a.toUpperCase())}:`,
    // here we iterate over the content Array, again using Array.prototype.forEach():
    // using Array destructuring, by which the first element of the Array is assigned
    // to the variable 'text', and the second assigned to the variable 'title':
    ([text, title]) =>
      // again using create() to create <button> elements, with the textContent of
      // the emoji/glyph, the title set to the title property, and the type of
      // the <button> set to "button" (in order to guard against accidental
      // form submission (dependant on the use-case):
        create("button", {
          textContent: text,
          type: "button"
    // we append the document fragment to the current element:

// retrieving all '.panel' elements, again using getAll(), along with Array.prototype.forEach():
getAll(".panel").forEach((el) => {
  // creating a document fragment:
  let frag = fragment();
  // using Array.from() to create an Array of length 35:
    length: 35
  // iterating over the created Array; again using Array.prototype.forEach():
  }).forEach(() => {
    // in each iteration we call the created <p> element, each of which has
    // 20 words:
    frag.append(createSampleText("p", 20))
  // appending the document fragment to the current '.panel' element:
  a simple, naive reset to remove browser default margins, padding, and font-size;
  also ensuring that all elements are sized according to the same sizing algorithm,
  that of 'border-box' which includes borders and padding within the assigned element
::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  font-family: inherit;
  font-size: inherit;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

  ensuring that the <body> fills the viewport,
  and setting the default font-family for the document:
body {
  block-size: 100vh;
  font-family: system-ui;

main {
  /* using a logical property ('block-size') to set the element's size on
     the block-axis, the axis on which block elements are placed; in
     most European languages (left-to-right, top-to-bottom) this is
     equivalent to height (depending on the user's preferred language and
     layout): */
  block-size: 100%;

section {
  /* filling 100% of the block-axis of the parent: */
  block-size: 100%;
  /* using CSS grid, as required by the question: */
  display: grid;
  /* defining two columns, each of 1 fraction (1fr) of the available space): */
  grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
  /* defining four rows:
    max-content: allowing the content of this row to take the maximum size
                 to fit its contents,
    min-content: allowing only the minimum size in order to show the content,
    1fr:         one fraction of the available space after the explicit rows,
                 and those that have sizes constrained to their content have
                 been calculated,
    min-content: as above */
  grid-template-rows: max-content min-content 1fr min-content;

section > * {
  /* defining the background-color of the various children of the <section>
     element, using the var function which will take the value of the --bgc
     custom property (if it's defined), and will default to papayawhip if
     the custom property is not available: */
  background-color: var(--bgc, papayawhip);
  /* padding on the block axis, the first value relates to the
     padding-block-start (in top-to-bottom languages this equates to 'padding-top',
     and the second to padding-block-end, which equates to 'bottom' in the same
     top-to-bottom languages: */
  padding-block: 0.5em 0.3em;
  /* padding on the inline-axis, the axis on which inline content is laid out (and
     is perpendicular to the block-axis, so is the horizontal axis in left-to-right
     languages), the use of a single value sets that value to both the
     padding-inline-start and padding-inline-end: */
  padding-inline: 0.7rem;

footer {
    these elements are positioned to start in the first grid-column (1),
    and end in the last (-1), taking up the full grid-row:
  grid-column: 1 / -1;

h1 {
  font-size: 2.5rem;
  font-weight: 600;

header {
  /* setting the --bgc custom property for the <header> element: */
  --bgc: lavender;

.common-toolbar {
  /* setting the --bgc custom property for the .common-toolbar element(s): */
  --bgc: thistle;
  /* and centering the content via the justify-content property: */
  justify-content: center;

.panel {
  --bgc: plum;
  /* these elements have hidden overflow on the y axis: */
  overflow-y: scroll;
  /* for no particular reason I chose to use CSS nesting to set the property of
     <p> elements found within the .panel element(s); note that this selects
     all <p> elements, not just children; if you did wish to select only children
        & > p {...}
     could be used instead: */
  p {
    margin-block: 0.5rem;
    padding: 0.2rem;

footer {
  --bgc: orchid;

.toolbar {
  /* using flex layout on all .toolbar elements: */
  display: flex;
  /* blurring the content that appears "behind" the
     .toolbar elements: */
  backdrop-filter: blur(2px);
  /* using color-mix() to set the background-colour of the elements,
     this is the oklch colour space ('in oklch'), and produces a colour
     that is 80% var(--bgc), and 20% #fff1 (a mostly-transparent white) */
  background-color: color-mix(in oklch, var(--bgc) 80%, #fff1);
  /* defining:
      flex-direction: row;
      flex-wrap: wrap;
     in the flex shorthand
  flex-flow: row wrap;
  gap: 0.5em;
  padding: 0.2em;
  /* using position: sticky to have the elements remain in place regardless
     of the scroll of the parent's content: */
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;

.toolbar:not(.common-toolbar)>*:first-child {
  flex-grow: 1;

.toobar button {
  padding: 0.2em;
      <h1>Arbitrary Heading</h1>
    <div class="common-toolbar toolbar"></div>
    <!-- please note that I've nested the 'left-toolbar' and 'right-toolbar'
         within the relative panels; this isn't required but it more easily
         associates the related content/controls (although obviously the CSS
         that I've written is designed to work with this HTML) -->
    <div class="left-panel panel">
      <div class="left-toolbar toolbar left"></div>
    <div class="right-panel panel">
      <div class="right-toolbar toolbar right"></div>
    <footer>Footer content</footer>

JS Fiddle 演示.



/* some simple utility functions to avoid copious typing where possible */
const D = document,
  create = (tag, props) => Object.assign(D.createElement(tag), props),
  createSampleText = (wrapper = "p", count = 0) => {
    let text = Array.from({
        length: count
      .map(() => words[random(0, words.length)])
      .join(" ")
      .replace(/[a-z]/, (match) => match.toUpperCase())
    return create(wrapper, {
      textContent: text
  fragment = () => D.createDocumentFragment(),
  get = (selector, context = D) => context.querySelector(selector),
  getAll = (selector, context = D) => [...context.querySelectorAll(selector)],
  random = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min),
  words = [

/* an object created from your posted content-generation */
const content = [{
    // String, CSS selector for the element fow which the
    // following array would be the content:
    selector: "common-toolbar",
    content: [
      ["■", "Black square"],
      ["□", "White square"],
      ["▢", "White square with rounded corners"],
      ["▣", "White square containing small black square"],
      ["▤", "Square with horizontal fill"],
      ["▥", "Square with vertical fill"],
      ["▦", "Square with orthogonal crosshatch fill"],
      ["▧", "Square with upper left to lower right fill"],
      ["▨", "Square with upper right to lower left fill"],
      ["▩", "Square with diagonal crosshatch fill "],
    selector: "left-toolbar",
    content: [
      ["☕", "hot beverage"],
      ["⛾", "restaurant"],
      ["🍅", "tomato"],
      ["🍊", "tangerine"],
      ["🍏", "green apple"],
      ["🥑", "avocado"],
      ["🍔", "hamburger"],
      ["🍕", "slice of pizza"],
      ["🍙", "rice ball"],
      ["🍞", "bread"],
      ["🍣", "sushi"],
      ["🍨", "ice cream"],
      ["🍭", "lollipop"],
      ["🍲", "pot of food"],
      ["🍷", "wine glass"],
      ["🍼", "baby bottle"],
      ["🍓", "strawberry"],
    selector: "right-toolbar",
    content: [
      ["♔", "white chess king"],
      ["♕", "white chess queen"],
      ["♖", "white chess rook"],
      ["♗", "white chess bishop"],
      ["♘", "white chess knight"],
      ["♙", "white chess pawn"],
      ["♚", "black chess king"],
      ["♛", "black chess queen"],
      ["♜", "black chess rook"],
      ["♝", "black chess bishop"],
      ["♞", "black chess knight"],
      ["♟", "black chess pawn"],

// iterating over the content Array of Objects:
// using destructuring assignment to retrieve the property-values of the
// named properties, and assigning them to variables of the same name as
// the property:
}) => {
  // using getAll(), which takes a CSS selector and returns an Array of
  // element nodes retrieved by the underlying document.querySelectorAll();
  // iterating through the returned Array using Array.prototype.forEach()
    // el: a reference (the name is entirely irrelevant so long as it's valid
    //     in JavaScript) to the current element/node of the Array of elements/
    //     nodes:
    (el) => {
    // creating a document fragment to hold the content we're generating:
    let frag = fragment()
    // appending a new <span> element, with the textContent matching the
    // (capitalised) 'selector' variable; this is created via the create()
    // function defined above:
      create("span", {
        textContent: `${selector.replace(/[a-z]/, (a) => a.toUpperCase())}:`,
    // here we iterate over the content Array, again using Array.prototype.forEach():
    // using Array destructuring, by which the first element of the Array is assigned
    // to the variable 'text', and the second assigned to the variable 'title':
    ([text, title]) =>
      // again using create() to create <button> elements, with the textContent of
      // the emoji/glyph, the title set to the title property, and the type of
      // the <button> set to "button" (in order to guard against accidental
      // form submission (dependant on the use-case):
        create("button", {
          textContent: text,
          type: "button"
    // we append the document fragment to the current element:

// retrieving all '.panel' elements, again using getAll(), along with Array.prototype.forEach():
getAll(".panel").forEach((el) => {
  // creating a document fragment:
  let frag = fragment();
  // using Array.from() to create an Array of length 35:
    length: 35
  // iterating over the created Array; again using Array.prototype.forEach():
  }).forEach(() => {
    // in each iteration we call the created <p> element, each of which has
    // 20 words:
    frag.append(createSampleText("p", 20))
  // appending the document fragment to the current '.panel' element:
::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  font-size: inherit;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

body {
  block-size: 100vh;
  font-family: system-ui;

main {
  background-color: lavenderblush;
  block-size: 100%;

section {
  align-self: stretch;
  block-size: 100%;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
  grid-template-rows: max-content repeat(2, min-content) 1fr min-content;
  /* having seen this demo in full-page, I added the following line to prevent
     the content from being impractically wide; the min() declaration will
     return the smallest value of the supplied comma-separated values and
     is able to compare relative and absolute sizes; in the following the
     element will take 100% of the inline-axis (100vw) until that 100vw
     evaluates to a size larger than 1300px at which point the size will
     be constrained to 1300px: */
  inline-size: min(100vw, 1300px);
  /* the following is added simply to center the element on the inline-axis: */
  margin-inline: auto;

section > * {
  background-color: var(--bgc, papayawhip);
  padding-block: 0.5em 0.3em;
  padding-inline: 0.7rem;

footer {
  grid-column: 1 / -1;

h1 {
  font-size: 2.5rem;
  font-weight: 600;

header {
  --bgc: lavender;

.panel {
  --bgc: plum;
  overflow-y: scroll;

  p {
    margin-block: 0.5rem;
    padding: 0.2rem;

footer {
  --bgc: orchid;

.toolbar {
  display: flex;
  backdrop-filter: blur(2px);
  gap: 0.5em;
  padding: 0.2em;

.common-toolbar {
  --bgc: thistle;
  justify-content: center;

.toolbar:not(.common-toolbar) {
  --bgc: mediumpurple;

.toolbar:not(.common-toolbar)>*:first-child {
  flex-grow: 1;

.toobar button {
  padding: 0.2em;
  HTML below from a posted code snippet on Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77330430/setting-css-grid-row-height-to-remaining-viewport-height,
  author: Alice Oualouest,
  user-page: https://stackoverflow.com/u/5565079/
      <h1>Arbitrary Heading</h1>
    <div class="common-toolbar toolbar"></div>
      the left and right toolbar elements are now children
      of the wrapping <section> element, rather than nested
      within their "associated" .panel elements:
    <div class="left-toolbar toolbar left"></div>
    <div class="right-toolbar toolbar right"></div>
    <div class="left-panel panel">
    <div class="right-panel panel">
    <footer>Footer content</footer>

JS Fiddle 演示.


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