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我的 Alloc 和 Dealloc 函数:

        public int Write(IntPtr addr, byte[] code)
            //hndProc = MemoryAPI.OpenProcess(0x0008, 1, proc.Id);

            return MemoryAPI.WriteProcessMemory(_mHProcess, addr, code, code.Length, 0);
            //bytesWritten = (int)ptrBytesWritten;
        public IntPtr Alloc(int Size)
            //var proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(process)[0];
            //var baseAddr = proc.MainModule.BaseAddress + 0x18F230;

            var addr = MemoryAPI.VirtualAllocEx(_mHProcess, IntPtr.Zero, Size, MemoryAPI.AllocType.Commit | MemoryAPI.AllocType.MEM_TOP_DOWN, MemoryAPI.Protect.ExecuteReadWrite);

            return addr;

        public void Dealloc(IntPtr addr)
            //var proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(process)[0]; // get Proc
            //var hndProc = MemoryAPI.OpenProcess(0x0008, 1, proc.Id);

            MemoryAPI.VirtualFreeEx(_mHProcess, addr, 0, MemoryAPI.FreeType.Release);




        private void EnableScript()
            Process process = Process.GetProcessesByName(ProcName)[0]; // Find Process
            oMemory.ReadProcess = process; // Sets the Process to Read/Write From/To
            oMemory.Open(); //Open Process

            var jmpAddr = process.MainModule.BaseAddress + 0x18F230; // Address where you want to place the jump
            newmem = oMemory.Alloc(0x1000); // New memory allocation

            Console.WriteLine("Allocated Memory Location: " + newmem.ToString("X"));

            var ad1 = (long)jmpAddr;
            var ad2 = (long)newmem; // Address of Allocated Memory

            List<byte> replacementBytes = new List<byte>();
            var relativeJumpIntoAddress = ad2 - ad1 - 5;
            replacementBytes.Add(0xE9); // JMP instruction

            byte[] bv1 = { replacementBytes[0], replacementBytes[1], replacementBytes[2], replacementBytes[3], replacementBytes[4] }; // jump to the allocated codecave, with the replacementBytes forming the jump and location address.
            byte[] bv2 = { 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x40, 0x00 };
            byte[] bv3 = { 0xB0, 0x01, 0x88, 0x44, 0x24, 0x2C };

            oMemory.Write((IntPtr)ad1, bv1); // Write the jmp 
            oMemory.Write((IntPtr)ad1 + 5, bv2);
            oMemory.Write((IntPtr)ad2, bv3); // Write to allocated memory

            oMemory.CloseHandle(); // Close Memory Handle

        private void DisableScript()
            Process process = Process.GetProcessesByName(ProcName)[0]; // Find Process
            oMemory.ReadProcess = process; // Sets the Process to Read/Write From/To
            oMemory.Open(); // Open Process

            var jmpAddr = process.MainModule.BaseAddress + 0x18F230; //address where you want to place the jump


            byte[] originalBytes = { 0x88, 0x44, 0x24, 0x2C, 0xE8, 0xF7, 0x63, 0xF0, 0xFF };

            oMemory.Write(jmpAddr, originalBytes);
            oMemory.Dealloc(newmem); // Release Allocated Memory       

            oMemory.CloseHandle(); // Close Memory Handle


感谢您提供的任何帮助。谢谢你! :)

c# memory allocation memory-address codecave
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