Highchart 从图表中删除系列 1

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个瀑布图,我需要删除图表上出现的系列 1。 我已经尝试过: 传奇: { 启用:假 }, 和 showInLegend:假,


chart: {
  type: 'waterfall'
title: {
  text: ''
exporting: {
  enabled: false
credits: {
  enabled: false
//colors: ['#DADBDF', '#ED4D5F','#ED4D5F','#ED4D5F','#ED4D5F','#ED4D5F','#D7EAFD','#D7EAFD','#D7EAFD' ],
xAxis: {
  lineColor: '#FFFFFF',
  lineWidth: 0,
  gridLineColor: '#DADBDF',
  categories: [],
yAxis: {
  lineColor: '#FFFFFF',
  lineWidth: 0,
  gridLineColor: '#DADBDF',
  plotBands: [{
    color: '#000000', // Color value
    from: 0, // Start of the plot band
    to: 0 // End of the plot band
  title: {
    text: ''
  tickPositioner: function () { //set tick interval dynamically (scale)
    var positions = [],
      tick = Math.floor(this.dataMin),
      increment = Math.ceil((this.dataMax - this.dataMin) / 6);

    if (this.dataMax !== null && this.dataMin !== null) {
      for (tick; tick - increment <= this.dataMax; tick += increment) {
    return positions;
legend: {
  enabled: false
plotOptions: {
  column: {
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: true,
      color: '#000000'
    colorByPoint: true,
    pointWidth: 150
  series: {
    borderWidth: 0,
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: true,
      format: '{point.y}'
    turboThreshold: 0
series: [{
  data: [],
  showInLegend: false,
  zones: [{
    value: 0,
    color: '#ED4D5F'
    }, {
      color: '#A9A9A9'
    }, {
      color: '#C48634'
    }, {
      color: '#696969'
    color: '#D7EAFD'

enter image description here

javascript highcharts

看来您启用了系列标签模块。通过将 series.label.enabled 设置为 false 在图表配置中禁用它,或从 HTML 文件中删除此模块导入。

plotOptions: {
  series: {
    label: {
      enabled: false

API 参考: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/plotOptions.series.label

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