如何在 Excel VBA 中将 UTF-8 转换为 UTF-16?

问题描述 投票:0回答:4

据我所知,Excel使用UTF-16来表示字符串文字。我从控制台 (Mac) / 文件 (Windows) 读取,在这两种情况下,字符编码都被弄乱了。我必须找到一个适用于两个平台的解决方案,所以 ADO 流不是一个选项。我做了一些调试,我看到实际字节是:

字节 |显示为 |应该是 |正确字节
258,129 | Ă | Á | 193
258,356 | ĂŤ | Í| 205
313,176 | ° | | 219
313,144 | Ĺ | Ő | 213
258,347 | ₛ | ü | 220
258,8211 | Ă– |哦 | 214
258,353 | Ăš | Ú | 218
258,8220 | Ă“ | Ó | 211
258,8240 |  | É | 201

(来自古老的匈牙利语测试短语 ÁRVÍZTŰRŐ TÜKÖRFÚRÓGÉP,其中包含我们所有的特殊字符)。 我正在寻找一种在 Mac 和 Windows 上都能产生正确字符串的算法。 谢谢!

excel vba utf-8 utf-16

到目前为止发布的答案都无法正确转码包含完整 Unicode 范围内代码点的输入字符串,例如“😀👩u200d👩🦲👩👩u200d👩u200d👧u200d👦🦲u200d👩u200d👧u200d👦🦲u200d👧u200d👦 UnicodeSupport𐀀est😀u200d👩👩u200d👩u200d👧u200d👦💁🏼u200d♀️🧔🏻u200d♂️👩u200d❤️u200d👨🏃🏻u200d♀️”。

这就是我编写以下函数的原因,仅使用 Windows 和 MacOS 上都可用的 VBA 内置函数/语句。

此功能适用于跨平台和跨应用程序,适用于整个 Unicode 范围。

codePoints > 65535
也受支持,即使内置的 VBA

由于this answer on CodeReview,此代码得到了改进,非常感谢Cristian Buse

'Function transcoding an UTF-8 encoded string to the VBA-native UTF-16-LE
'Author: Guido Witt-Dörring, https://stackoverflow.com/a/75787820/12287457
'                            https://github.com/guwidoe/VBA-StringTools
Public Function DecodeUTF8(ByVal utf8str As String, _
                  Optional ByVal raiseErrors As Boolean = False) As String
    Const methodName As String = "DecodeUTF8"
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, numBytesOfCodePoint As Byte
    Static numBytesOfCodePoints(0 To 255) As Byte
    Static mask(2 To 4) As Long, minCp(2 To 4) As Long
    If numBytesOfCodePoints(0) = 0 Then
        For i = &H0& To &H7F&: numBytesOfCodePoints(i) = 1: Next i '0xxxxxxx
        '110xxxxx - C0 and C1 are invalid (overlong encoding)
        For i = &HC2& To &HDF&: numBytesOfCodePoints(i) = 2: Next i
        For i = &HE0& To &HEF&: numBytesOfCodePoints(i) = 3: Next i '1110xxxx
       '11110xxx - 11110100, 11110101+ (= &HF5+) outside of valid Unicode range
        For i = &HF0& To &HF4&: numBytesOfCodePoints(i) = 4: Next i
        For i = 2 To 4: mask(i) = (2 ^ (7 - i) - 1): Next i
        minCp(2) = &H80&: minCp(3) = &H800&: minCp(4) = &H10000
    End If
    Dim utf8() As Byte, utf16() As Byte, codePoint As Long, currByte As Byte
    utf8 = utf8str
    ReDim utf16(0 To (UBound(utf8) - LBound(utf8) + 1) * 2)
    i = LBound(utf8): j = 0
    Do While i <= UBound(utf8)
        codePoint = utf8(i)
        numBytesOfCodePoint = numBytesOfCodePoints(codePoint)
        If numBytesOfCodePoint = 0 Then
            If raiseErrors Then Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Invalid byte"
            GoTo insertErrChar
        ElseIf numBytesOfCodePoint = 1 Then
            utf16(j) = codePoint
            j = j + 2
        ElseIf i + numBytesOfCodePoint - 1 > UBound(utf8) Then
            If raiseErrors Then _
                Err.Raise 5, methodName, _
                    "Incomplete UTF-8 codepoint at end of string."
            GoTo insertErrChar
            codePoint = utf8(i) And mask(numBytesOfCodePoint)
            For k = 1 To numBytesOfCodePoint - 1
                currByte = utf8(i + k)
                If (currByte And &HC0&) = &H80& Then
                    codePoint = (codePoint * &H40&) + (currByte And &H3F)
                    If raiseErrors Then _
                        Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Invalid continuation byte"
                    GoTo insertErrChar
                End If
            Next k
            'Convert the Unicode codepoint to UTF-16LE bytes
            If codePoint < minCp(numBytesOfCodePoint) Then
                If raiseErrors Then _
                    Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Overlong encoding"
                GoTo insertErrChar
            ElseIf codePoint < &HD800& Then
                utf16(j) = CByte(codePoint And &HFF&)
                utf16(j + 1) = CByte(codePoint \ &H100&)
                j = j + 2
            ElseIf codePoint < &HE000& Then
                If raiseErrors Then _
                    Err.Raise 5, methodName, _
                "Invalid Unicode codepoint.(Range reserved for surrogate pairs)"
                GoTo insertErrChar
            ElseIf codePoint < &H10000 Then
                If codePoint = &HFEFF& Then GoTo nextCp '(BOM - will be ignored)
                utf16(j) = codePoint And &HFF&
                utf16(j + 1) = codePoint \ &H100&
                j = j + 2
            ElseIf codePoint < &H110000 Then 'Calculate surrogate pair
                Dim m As Long, lowSurrogate As Long, highSurrogate As Long
                m = codePoint - &H10000 '(m \ &H400&) =most sign. 10 bits of m
                highSurrogate = &HD800& Or (m \ &H400&)
                lowSurrogate = &HDC00& Or (m And &H3FF) 'least sig. 10 bits of m
                utf16(j) = highSurrogate And &HFF&
                utf16(j + 1) = highSurrogate \ &H100&
                utf16(j + 2) = lowSurrogate And &HFF&
                utf16(j + 3) = lowSurrogate \ &H100&
                j = j + 4
                If raiseErrors Then _
                    Err.Raise 5, methodName, _
                        "Codepoint outside of valid Unicode range"
insertErrChar:  utf16(j) = &HFD: utf16(j + 1) = &HFF: j = j + 2
                If numBytesOfCodePoint = 0 Then numBytesOfCodePoint = 1
            End If
        End If
nextCp: i = i + numBytesOfCodePoint 'Move to the next UTF-8 codepoint
    DecodeUTF8 = MidB$(utf16, 1, j)
End Function


因为我必须解决这个问题,所以我想出了以下函数,可以成功转换 128 到 255 之间的字符

Private Function utf8ToUTF16(ByVal strText As String) As String
    Dim i&, l1%, l2%, l3%
    For i = 1 To Len(strText)
        l1 = Asc(Mid(strText, i, 1))
        If i <> Len(strText) Then l2 = Asc(Mid(strText, i + 1, 1))
        Select Case l1
        Case 194
            utf8ToUTF16 = utf8ToUTF16 & WorksheetFunction.Unichar(l2): i = i + 1
        Case 195
            utf8ToUTF16 = utf8ToUTF16 & WorksheetFunction.Unichar(l2 + &H40): i = i + 1
        Case 197
            utf8ToUTF16 = utf8ToUTF16 & WorksheetFunction.Unichar(l2 + &HC0): i = i + 1
        Case 203
            utf8ToUTF16 = utf8ToUTF16 & WorksheetFunction.Unichar(l2 + &H240): i = i + 1
        Case 226
            If l2 = 128 Then
                l3 = Asc(Mid(strText, i + 2, 1))
                utf8ToUTF16 = utf8ToUTF16 & WorksheetFunction.Unichar(l3 + &H1F80)
                i = i + 2
            ElseIf l2 = 130 Then
                l3 = Asc(Mid(strText, i + 2, 1))
                utf8ToUTF16 = utf8ToUTF16 & WorksheetFunction.Unichar(l3 + &H2000)
                i = i + 2
            End If
        Case Else
            utf8ToUTF16 = utf8ToUTF16 & Chr(l1)
        End Select
    Next i
End Function


  • 注意:这肯定不是最有效的代码。每当我调用它时,我总是在尽可能短的字符串上使用它。目前我用它来解码来自 cURL 的结果,并传递整个 HTML 冻结它。



Private Function utf8ToUTF16(ByVal strText As String) As String
    Dim i&, l1&, l2&, l3&, l4&, l&
    For i = 1 To Len(strText)
        l1 = Asc(Mid(strText, i, 1))
        If i + 1 <= Len(strText) Then l2 = Asc(Mid(strText, i + 1, 1))
        If i + 2 <= Len(strText) Then l3 = Asc(Mid(strText, i + 2, 1))
        If i + 3 <= Len(strText) Then l4 = Asc(Mid(strText, i + 3, 1))
        Select Case l1
        Case 1 To 127
            l = l1
        Case 194 To 223
            l = ((l1 And &H1F) * 2 ^ 6) Or (l2 And &H3F)
            i = i + 1
        Case 224 To 239
            l = ((l1 And &HF) * 2 ^ 12) Or ((l2 And &H3F) * 2 ^ 6) Or (l3 And &H3F)
            i = i + 2
        Case 240 To 255
            l = ((l1 And &H7) * 2 ^ 18) Or ((l2 And &H3F) * 2 ^ 12) Or ((l3 And &H3F) * 2 ^ 6) Or (l4 And &H3F)
            i = i + 4
        Case Else
            l = 63 ' question mark
        End Select
        utf8ToUTF16 = utf8ToUTF16 & IIf(l < 55296, WorksheetFunction.Unichar(l), "?")
    Next i
End Function

我意识到,55295 (D7FF) 以上的字符不会出现,所以它会输出一个问号作为占位符。


我发现这个简单的 VBA 代码非常适合文本文件中的西班牙重音字符。给定一个带有 UTF-8 双字符的字符串,它返回一个带有重音字符的字符串:

Function UTF8to16(str As String) As String
Dim position As Long, strConvert As String, codeReplace As Integer, strOut As String

strOut = str
position = InStr(strOut, Chr(195))

If position > 0 Then
    Do Until position = 0
        strConvert = Mid(strOut, position, 2)
        codeReplace = Asc(Right(strConvert, 1))
        If codeReplace < 255 Then
            strOut = Replace(strOut, strConvert, Chr(codeReplace + 64))
            strOut = Replace(strOut, strConvert, Chr(34))
        End If
        position = InStr(strOut, Chr(195))
End If

UTF8to16 = strOut

End Function



Function utf8ToUTF16(ByVal strText As String) As String
    Dim binText() As Byte, i As Long
    'size the binary buffer
    ReDim binText(Len(strText) - 1 + 3)
    'insert BOM in 0,1,2 positions
    binText(0) = &HEF
    binText(1) = &HBB
    binText(2) = &HBF
    'append text characters
    For i = 1 To Len(strText)
        binText(i + 2) = Asc(Mid(strText, i, 1))
    'write to a binary stream
    With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        .Type = 1
        .write binText
        'convert to the text stream
        .Position = 0
        .Type = 2
        .Charset = "utf-8"
     'read the result skipping BOM
        .Position = 3
        utf8ToUTF16 = .ReadText
    End With
End Function
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