GAS (AT&T) ASM - 更改另一个地址的值后,一个地址的值也会更改,为什么?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

该函数采用 (x,y) 坐标数组,每个数字都是一个字节 unsigned int,但大小只能在 0-32767 之间。该函数将这些数字转换为 ascii 并将其存储在另一个缓冲区中。格式为“xy ”。该函数从坐标数组的末尾开始,向后工作到开头。**该函数一直工作到最后一个数字。**

测试输入(以 10 为基数) 2084、3146、30093、9127

加载 4、8 字节无符号 int 时,其中第一个数字存储在 %rdi 处,(%rdi) 处的值为 2084(从基数 16 转换),这是通过使用 GDB 行确认的:

movq (%rdi), %r12   # test to see what is stored at (%rdi)
movb $10, (%rcx)     # insert newline
之后,(%rdi) 处的值发生了变化,我不明白为什么。


.section .text
.globl ints_to_ascii # void ints_to_ascii()
#   %rdi = Array start address 
#   %rsi = Data length
#   %rdx = print buffer address
#   %rcx = print buffer length


    push %rbp
    movq %rsp, %rbp

    addq %rdi, %rsi     # make rsi point at end of coordinate array, used to get 8 byte numbers

    addq %rdx, %rcx     # make rcx point at end of buffer
    movq $10, %r10      # Divisor (10 for decimal)

    cmpq %rdi, %rsi 
    jle .LparseData_coordinateLoop_end
    dec %rcx           # Move the pointer one position to the left
    movq (%rdi), %r12   # test to see what is stored at (%rdi)
    movb $10, (%rcx)    # insert newline

    movq (%rdi), %r12   # test to see what is stored at (%rdi)
    subq $8, %rsi      # point to the next place for a number
    movq (%rsi), %rax

    xorq %rdx, %rdx        # Clear the remainder
    divq %r10              # Divide RAX by 10, result in RAX, remainder in RDX
    dec %rcx           # Move the pointer one position to the left
    mov %dl, (%rcx)  # Store the ASCII digit in the buffer
    addq $48, (%rcx)    #add 48 to convert to ascii

    cmpq $0, %rax       # Check if quotient is zero
    jne convert_y_loop       # If not zero, continue the loop


    dec %rcx           # Move the pointer one position to the left
    movb $9, (%rcx)     # insert tab

    subq $8, %rsi      # point to the next place for a number
    movq (%rsi), %rax

    xorq %rdx, %rdx        # Clear the remainder
    divq %r10              # Divide RAX by 10, result in RAX, remainder in RDX

    dec %rcx           # Move the pointer one position to the left
    mov %dl, (%rcx)       # Store the ASCII character
    addq $48, (%rcx)    #add 48 to convert to ascii

    cmpq $0, %rax       # Check if quotient is zero
    jne convert_x_loop       # If not zero, continue the loop


    jmp .LparseData_coordinateLoop

    movq %rbp, %rsp
    pop %rbp

我尝试过使用 GDB 并多次插入

movq (%rdi), %r12   # test to see what is stored at (%rdi)

assembly att

谢谢@Jester。 “主”文件中存在一个错误,导致缓冲区重叠一个字节。缓冲区位于内存中的每个缓冲区之后,另一个函数通过向其添加 1 来更改描述第一个缓冲区长度的值。这导致缓冲区重叠一个字节。

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