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我正在使用 C# 开发一个视频处理应用程序,其中捕获帧、处理对象检测(使用 YOLO),然后显示。由于异步处理的性质和 ConcurrentQueue 的 FIFO 结构,我在维护正确的帧顺序方面遇到了挑战。


连续捕获帧并将其添加到 ConcurrentQueue 中。 每个 FrameData 对象都包含一个 OpenCV Mat 框架和一个边界框列表(最初为空)。 在处理任务中,我将一个帧出队,运行 YOLO 来获取边界框,然后用这些边界框更新帧。 更新后的帧需要放回到队列中的原始位置。


public class FrameData
            public Mat Frame { get; set; }
            public List<Dictionary<string, object>> BoundingBoxes { get; set; }

            public FrameData(Mat frame, List<Dictionary<string, object>> boundingBoxes = null)
                Frame = frame;
                BoundingBoxes = boundingBoxes;

        private ConcurrentQueue<FrameData> frameBuffer = new ConcurrentQueue<FrameData>();

        public void StartCapture()
            if (videoCaptures != null)
                cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                CancellationToken token = cancellationTokenSource.Token;
                Task updateFrame = UpdateFrame(token);
                Task processFrame = ProcessFrame(token);

                if (RunODModel && ObjectDetection)


        public async Task UpdateFrame(CancellationToken token)
            if (isCapturing && !isPaused)
                return; // Video is already playing, so just return
            var capture = videoCaptures;
            const int maxBufferSize = 30;
            isCapturing = true;
            isPaused = false;

            while (isCapturing && capture.IsOpened() && !token.IsCancellationRequested)
                Mat frame = new Mat();
                if (isPaused)
                    await Task.Delay(100);  // Wait a bit before checking again.

                if (capture.Read(frame) && !frame.Empty())
                    frameBuffer.Enqueue(new FrameData(frame)); // Enqueue with no bounding boxes

                    // Display and dispose of the oldest frame if buffer size is equal to or exceeds 20
                    if (frameBuffer.Count >= 20)
                        if (frameBuffer.TryDequeue(out FrameData oldestFrameData))
                            var bitmapSource = WriteableBitmapConverter.ToWriteableBitmap(oldestFrameData.Frame);
                            imageControl.Source = bitmapSource; // Assuming imageControl is accessible here

                    if (frameBuffer.Count >= maxBufferSize)
                        frameBuffer.TryDequeue(out _); // Remove the oldest frame if buffer is full

                Console.WriteLine($"Frame buffer count: {frameBuffer.Count}");

                // Add delay if needed to control frame rate
                await Task.Delay(33); // For example, delay for ~30fps

            // Cleanup: Dispose of any frames left in the buffer
            while (!frameBuffer.IsEmpty)
                if (frameBuffer.TryDequeue(out FrameData remainingFrameData))
                    remainingFrameData.Frame.Dispose(); // Dispose the Mat object within the FrameData

        public async Task ProcessFrame(CancellationToken token)
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (frameBuffer.TryDequeue(out FrameData frameData))
                    List<Dictionary<string, object>> boundingBoxes = await RunYolo(frameData.Frame);
                    frameData.BoundingBoxes = boundingBoxes; // Add bounding boxes to the frame data

                    frameBuffer.Enqueue(frameData); // Enqueue frame data back to the buffer
                    await Task.Delay(10);

        private async Task<List<Dictionary<string, object>>> RunYolo(Mat frame)
            const string InferenceRequest = "/process";
            const int YoloInputSize = 640;  // replace with actual input size

            // Convert the OpenCV Mat to a byte array in PNG format
            var byteContent = frame.ToBytes(".png");
            using var content = new MultipartFormDataContent
                { new ByteArrayContent(byteContent), "image_file", "frame.png" },
                { new StringContent("iris"), "model_name" },
                { new StringContent(YoloInputSize.ToString()), "img_size" },
                { new StringContent(ObjectTracking ? "true" : "false"), "runFaceRec" },
                { new StringContent(yoloAccuracy.ToString()), "yoloAccuracy" }, // Add frame rate to the content
                { new StringContent(oTFDAccuracy.ToString()), "oTFDAccuracy" }, // Add frame rate to the content
                { new StringContent(oTFRAccuracy.ToString()), "oTFRAccuracy" }, // Add frame rate to the content
                { new StringContent(ObjectTracking ? "true" : "false"), "apply_tracking" },

            var response = await client.PostAsync(ProcUrl + InferenceRequest, content);
            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                throw new HttpRequestException($"Response status code does not indicate success: {response.StatusCode} ({response.ReasonPhrase}).");
            var jsonResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            var resultsList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(jsonResponse);
            return resultsList;



结构,重新排队已处理的帧会将其放置在队列末尾,从而打乱原始捕获顺序。 这会导致帧不按照捕获顺序显示的问题,从而导致视频播放中的视觉不一致。



List<FrameData> with Locks
:我尝试用List替换ConcurrentQueue并使用锁来保证线程安全。虽然这允许直接访问最新的帧,但它引入了管理线程安全和 p
otential performance bottlenecks due to locking

Double-Ended Queue (Deque)
:我考虑过使用双端队列来访问队列的两端。但是,.NET 不提供内置双端队列,使用第三方库或自定义实现可能会使情况变得复杂。

带有字典的原子计数器:另一种方法是使用由每个帧的原子计数器(序列号)键控的 ConcurrentDictionary。虽然这允许无序处理帧并按顺序显示它们,但它显着增加了帧管理和同步的复杂性。


如何有效地处理最新的帧,使用边界框更新它,然后将其放回队列中的原始位置,同时保持正确的显示顺序? C# 中是否有任何特定的数据结构或设计模式可以简化此场景?

使用原子计数器和字典重新尝试逻辑(根据 Shingo):

private ConcurrentDictionary<int, FrameData> frameBuffer = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, FrameData>();
private int frameCounter = 0;  // Atomic counter for frames
private const int maxBufferSize = 30;  // Define the maximum buffer size
private const int displayThreshold = 20;  // Threshold for displaying the oldest frame

        public class FrameData
            public Mat Frame { get; set; }
            public List<Dictionary<string, object>> BoundingBoxes { get; set; }

            public FrameData(Mat frame, List<Dictionary<string, object>> boundingBoxes = null)
                Frame = frame;
                BoundingBoxes = boundingBoxes;

        public void StartCapture()
            if (videoCaptures != null)
                cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                CancellationToken token = cancellationTokenSource.Token;
                Task updateFrame = UpdateFrame(token);
                Task processFrame = ProcessFrame(token);

                if (RunODModel && ObjectDetection)


        public async Task UpdateFrame(CancellationToken token)
            if (isCapturing && !isPaused)
                return; // Video is already playing, so just return

            var capture = videoCaptures;
            isCapturing = true;
            isPaused = false;

            while (isCapturing && capture.IsOpened() && !token.IsCancellationRequested)
                Mat frame = new Mat();
                if (isPaused)
                    await Task.Delay(100);  // Wait a bit before checking again.

                if (capture.Read(frame) && !frame.Empty())
                    int currentFrameNumber = Interlocked.Increment(ref frameCounter);
                    frameBuffer[currentFrameNumber] = new FrameData(frame); // Add frame to the buffer

                    // Display and dispose of the oldest frame if buffer size reaches the display threshold
                    if (frameBuffer.Count >= displayThreshold)
                        int oldestFrameKey = frameBuffer.Keys.Min(); // Get the oldest frame's key
                        if (frameBuffer.TryRemove(oldestFrameKey, out FrameData oldestFrameData))
                            // Display the frame
                            var bitmapSource = WriteableBitmapConverter.ToWriteableBitmap(oldestFrameData.Frame);
                            imageControl.Source = bitmapSource; // Assuming imageControl is accessible here

                            // Dispose of the frame

                    // Remove the oldest frame if buffer size exceeds the maximum limit
                    if (frameBuffer.Count > maxBufferSize)
                        int oldestFrameKey = frameBuffer.Keys.Min(); // Get the oldest frame's key
                        frameBuffer.TryRemove(oldestFrameKey, out _);

                Console.WriteLine($"Frame buffer count: {frameBuffer.Count}");

                // Add delay if needed to control frame rate
                await Task.Delay(33); // For example, delay for ~30fps

            // Cleanup: Dispose of any frames left in the buffer
            foreach (var frameData in frameBuffer.Values)

        public async Task ProcessFrame(CancellationToken token)
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                int latestFrameKey = frameBuffer.Keys.Max(); // Get the newest frame's key
                if (frameBuffer.TryRemove(latestFrameKey, out FrameData frameData))
                    List<Dictionary<string, object>> boundingBoxes = await RunYolo(frameData.Frame);
                    frameData.BoundingBoxes = boundingBoxes;

                    frameBuffer.TryAdd(latestFrameKey, frameData); // Update the frame back at the same position
                    await Task.Delay(10); // Delay if no frame is available or processing failed
c# multithreading async-await concurrency queue



processBlock = new TransformBlock<FrameData , FrameData >(
    new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxThreads,
        BoundedCapacity = maxThreads*2,
outputBlock = new ActionBlock<FrameData >(
    HandleResult, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions()
        // this needs to run on the UI thread to get the correct synchronization context
        TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()

var linkOptions = new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true };
processBlock.LinkTo(outputBlock, linkOptions);


public FrameData DoProcessing(FrameData input){
public void HandleResult(FrameData input){
   // On UI thread



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