Pact Net Pact 验证失败并出现 404 响应

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在测试一个 GET 端点,它应该返回 200,但它返回 404,并且响应标头也不正确。



1) Verifying a pact between API Consumer and Weather API Given There is data - A GET request to retrieve the weather
    1.1) has a matching body
           / -> Expected body Present(496 bytes) but was empty
    1.2) has status code 200
           expected 200 but was 404
    1.3) includes header 'Content-Type' with value '"application/json; charset=utf-8"'
           Expected header 'Content-Type' to have value '"application/json; charset=utf-8"' but was ''

There were 1 pact failures

Verifier Logs
2023-07-24T11:13:08.962868Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier: Executing provider states
2023-07-24T11:13:08.962901Z  INFO ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier: Running setup provider state change handler 'There is data' for 'A GET request to retrieve the weather forecasts'
2023-07-24T11:13:08.968810Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier::provider_client: Sending HTTP Request ( method: POST, path: /, query: None, headers: Some({"Content-Type": ["application/json"]}), body: Present(54 bytes, application/json) ) to state change handler
2023-07-24T11:13:08.969055Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: reqwest::connect: starting new connection: http://localhost:7058/    
2023-07-24T11:13:08.978147Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: hyper::client::connect::http: connecting to [::1]:7058
2023-07-24T11:13:08.978582Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: hyper::client::connect::http: connected to [::1]:7058
2023-07-24T11:13:09.107613Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: hyper::client::pool: pooling idle connection for ("http", localhost:7058)
2023-07-24T11:13:09.107649Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier::provider_client: State change request: Response { url: Url { scheme: "http", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: Some(Domain("localhost")), port: Some(7058), path: "/provider-states", query: None, fragment: None }, status: 200, headers: {"content-length": "0", "date": "Mon, 24 Jul 2023 11:13:08 GMT", "server": "Kestrel"} }
2023-07-24T11:13:09.107736Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier: State Change: "ProviderState { name: "There is data", params: {} }" -> Ok({})
2023-07-24T11:13:09.107750Z  INFO ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier: Running provider verification for 'A GET request to retrieve the weather'
2023-07-24T11:13:09.107789Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier: Verifying a HTTP interaction
2023-07-24T11:13:09.107817Z  INFO ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier::provider_client: Sending request to provider at http://localhost:7058/
2023-07-24T11:13:09.107818Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier::provider_client: Provider details = ProviderInfo { name: "Weather API", protocol: "http", host: "localhost", port: Some(7058), path: "/", transports: [ProviderTransport { transport: "http", port: Some(7058), path: Some("/"), scheme: None }] }
2023-07-24T11:13:09.107829Z  INFO ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier::provider_client: Sending request HTTP Request ( method: GET, path: /weather-forecast, query: None, headers: None, body: Missing )
2023-07-24T11:13:09.107831Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier::provider_client: body:

2023-07-24T11:13:09.107853Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: hyper::client::pool: reuse idle connection for ("http", localhost:7058)
2023-07-24T11:13:09.118997Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: hyper::client::pool: pooling idle connection for ("http", localhost:7058)
2023-07-24T11:13:09.119024Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier::provider_client: Received native response: Response { url: Url { scheme: "http", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: Some(Domain("localhost")), port: Some(7058), path: "/weather-forecast", query: None, fragment: None }, status: 404, headers: {"content-length": "0", "date": "Mon, 24 Jul 2023 11:13:08 GMT", "server": "Kestrel"} }
2023-07-24T11:13:09.119062Z  INFO ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier::provider_client: Received response: HTTP Response ( status: 404, headers: Some({"content-length": ["0"], "date": ["Mon", "24 Jul 2023 11:13:08 GMT"], "server": ["Kestrel"]}), body: Empty )
2023-07-24T11:13:09.119067Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_verifier::provider_client: body:

2023-07-24T11:13:09.119088Z  INFO ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather"}: pact_matching: comparing to expected response: HTTP Response ( status: 200, headers: Some({"Content-Type": ["application/json; charset=utf-8"]}), body: Present(496 bytes) )
2023-07-24T11:13:09.119130Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather forecasts"}: pact_matching: expected content type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8', actual content type = '*/*'
2023-07-24T11:13:09.119352Z DEBUG ThreadId(01) verify_interaction{interaction="A GET request to retrieve the weather forecasts"}: pact_matching: content type header matcher = 'RuleList { rules: [], rule_logic: And, cascaded: false }'


public class ProviderTests : IDisposable
    private readonly IHost server;
    public Uri ServerUri { get; }
    private readonly PactVerifier verifier;

    public ProviderTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
        ServerUri = new Uri("http://localhost:7058");
        server = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
                     .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

        this.verifier = new PactVerifier(new PactVerifierConfig
            LogLevel = PactLogLevel.Debug,
            Outputters = new List<IOutput>
                    new XunitOutput(output)

    public void Dispose()

    public void EnsureSomethingApiHonoursPactWithConsumer()
        // Arrange

        string pactPath = Path.Combine("..",
                                       "API Consumer.json");

                .ServiceProvider("Weather API", ServerUri)
                .WithFileSource(new FileInfo(pactPath))
                .WithProviderStateUrl(new Uri(ServerUri, "/provider-states"))
        } catch (Exception e)
.net pact pact-net

我也面临着同样的问题。检查您的 ServerUri (http://localhost:7058) 是否与托管应用程序的位置相同。您可以在 launchSettings.json 中检查它,也可以在 Program.cs 中设置端口,例如:

public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)

        public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>

我已经这样做了,但仍然收到那些 404。希望我能回到这里

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