
问题描述 投票:1回答:1


    crossOver = self.pmxCrossover([popul[0], popul[1]])
TypeError: 'method' object is not subscriptable'


from Individual import *
import random
from operator import attrgetter
import sys

class BasicTSP:
    def __init__(self, _fName, _popSize, _mutationRate, _maxIterations):
        Parameters and general variables

        self.population = []
        self.matingPool = []
        self.best = None
        self.popSize = 100
        self.genSize = None
        self.mutationRate = 0.1
        self.maxIterations = 500
        self.iteration = 0
        self.fName = _fName
        self.data = {}
        self.matingPool = []

    def readInstance(self):
        Reading an instance from fName
        file = open(self.fName, 'r')
        self.genSize = int(file.readline())
        self.data = {}
        for line in file:
            (id, x, y) = line.split()
            self.data[int(id)] = (int(x), int(y))

    def initPopulation(self):
        Creating random individuals in the population
        for i in range(0, self.popSize):
            individual = Individual(self.genSize, self.data)

        self.best = self.population[0].copy()
        for ind_i in self.population:
            if self.best.getFitness() > ind_i.getFitness():
                self.best = ind_i.copy()
        print("Best initial sol: ", self.best.getFitness())

    def updateBest(self, candidate):
        if self.best == None or candidate.getFitness() < self.best.getFitness():
            self.best = candidate.copy()
            print("iteration: ", self.iteration, "best: ", self.best.getFitness())

        def randomSelection(self):
        Random (uniform) selection of two individuals
        indA = self.matingPool[random.randint(0, self.popSize - 1)]
        indB = self.matingPool[random.randint(0, self.popSize - 1)]
        return [indA, indB]

    def stochasticUniversalSampling(self):
        wheel = []
        fitness = Individual.computeFitness()
        total = sum(self.fitness(p) for p in self.population)
        top = 0
        for p in self.population:
            f = self.fitness(p) / total
            wheel.append((top, top + f, p))
            top += f
        mid = len(wheel) // 2
        low, high, answer = wheel[mid]
        if low <= num <= high:
            return answer
        elif low > num:
            return wheel[mid + 1:], num
            return wheel[:mid], num

        stepSize = 1.0 / N
        answer = []
        r = random.random()
        answer.append(wheel.binSearch(wheel, r))
        while len(answer) < N:
            r += stepSize
        if r > 1:
            r %= 1
        answer.append(self.binSearch(wheel, r))
        return answer

    def uniformCrossover(self, indA, indB):
        Your Uniform Crossover Implementation
            size = min(len(indA), len(indB))
            for i in range(size):
                if random.random() < self.mutationRate:
                    indA[i], indB[i] = indB[i], indA[i]
                return indA, indB

    def pmxCrossover(self, indA, indB):
        Your PMX Crossover Implementation
        size = min(len(indA), len(indB))
        c1, c2 = [0] * size, [0] * size

        # Initialize the position of each indices in the individuals
        for i in range(size):
            c1[indA[i]] = i
            c2[indB[i]] = i
        # Choose crossover points
        crosspoint1 = random.randint(0, size)
        crosspoint2 = random.randint(0, size - 1)
        if crosspoint2 >= crosspoint1:
            crosspoint2 += 1
        else:  # Swap the two cx points
            crosspoint1, crosspointt2 = crosspoint2, crosspoint1

        # Apply crossover between cx points
        for i in range(crosspoint1, crosspoint2):
            # Keep track of the selected values
            temp1 = indA[i]
            temp2 = indB[i]
            # Swap the matched value
            indA[i], indA[c1[temp2]] = temp2, temp1
            indB[i], indB[c2[temp1]] = temp1, temp2
            # Position bookkeeping
            c1[temp1], c1[temp2] = c1[temp2], c1[temp1]
            c2[temp1], c2[temp2] = c2[temp2], c2[temp1]

        return indA, indB

    def reciprocalExchangeMutation(self, ind):
        Your Reciprocal Exchange Mutation implementation
        if random.random() > self.mutationRate:
            indexA = random.randint(0, self.genSize - 1)
            indexB = random.randint(0, self.genSize - 1)

        tmp = ind.genes[indexA]
        ind.genes[indexA] = ind.genes[indexB]
        ind.genes[indexB] = tmp

        return ind

    def inversionMutation(self, ind):
        Your Inversion Mutation implementation

    def updateMatingPool(self):
        Updating the mating pool before creating a new generation
        self.matingPool = []
        for ind_i in self.population:

    def newGeneration(self):
        Creating a new generation
        1. Selection
        2. Crossover
        3. Mutation
        for gene_i in range(0, int(len(self.population) / 2)):
            popul = []
            popul = self.stochasticUniversalSampling()
            crossOver = self.pmxCrossover(popul[0], popul[1])
            mutate = self.reciprocalExchangeMutation(crossOver)
            self.population[gene_i] = mutate

    Depending of your experiment you need to use the most suitable algorithms for:
            1. Select two candidates
            2. Apply Crossover
            3. Apply Mutation

    def GAStep(self):
        One step in the GA main algorithm
        1. Updating mating pool with current population
        2. Creating a new Generation


    def search(self):
        General search template.
        Iterates for a given number of steps
        self.iteration = 0
        while self.iteration < self.maxIterations:
            self.iteration += 1

        print("Total iterations: ", self.iteration)
        print("Best Solution: ", self.best.getFitness())

# if len(sys.argv) < 2:
#     print("Error - Incorrect input")
#     print("Expecting python BasicTSP.py [instance] ")
#     sys.exit(0)

# problem_file = sys.argv[1]

ga = BasicTSP('city.txt', 300, 0.1, 500)


Basic TSP Example
file: Individual.py

import random
import math

class Individual:
    def __init__(self, _size, _data):
        Parameters and general variables
        self.fitness = 0
        self.genes = []
        self.genSize = _size
        self.data = _data

        self.genes = list(self.data.keys())

        for i in range(0, self.genSize):
            n1 = random.randint(0, self.genSize - 1)
            n2 = random.randint(0, self.genSize - 1)
            tmp = self.genes[n2]
            self.genes[n2] = self.genes[n1]
            self.genes[n1] = tmp

    def setGene(self, genes):
        Updating current choromosome
        self.genes = []
        for gene_i in genes:

    def copy(self):
        Creating a new individual
        ind = Individual(self.genSize, self.data)
        for i in range(0, self.genSize):
            ind.genes[i] = self.genes[i]
        ind.fitness = self.getFitness()
        return ind

    def euclideanDistance(self, c1, c2):
        Distance between two cities
        d1 = self.data[c1]
        d2 = self.data[c2]
        return math.sqrt((d1[0] - d2[0]) ** 2 + (d1[1] - d2[1]) ** 2)

    def getFitness(self):
        return self.fitness

    def computeFitness(self):
        Computing the cost or fitness of the individual
        self.fitness = self.euclideanDistance(self.genes[0], self.genes[len(self.genes) - 1])
        for i in range(0, self.genSize - 1):
            self.fitness += self.euclideanDistance(self.genes[i], self.genes[i + 1])


1 404852 473167
2 1013583 517089
3 1046205 487054
4 744806 188315
5 958973 386684
6 639036 154790
7 387527 434868
8 602485 116037
9 741638 472818
10 732428 146593
11 516677 662087
12 657752 157071
13 196581 507980
14 663473 231937
15 590079 666222
16 382093 401433
17 966725 424017
18 285762 418017
19 394378 404659
20 563588 673501
python python-3.x pycharm genetic-algorithm object-oriented-analysis


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