解析我的 MIB 文件在 pySmi 中遇到类型 LOWE RCASE_IDENTIFIER 错误

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我在 PySMI 中将 min 文件解析为 json 文件时遇到了问题。


2023-05-17 23:05:47,064 pysmi: failing on error Bad grammar near token type LOWE
RCASE_IDENTIFIER, value lldpinfo at MIB HH3C-SERVER-AGENT-MIB, line 671 from Fil


    hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoTable    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION "The network LLDP information table."
        ::=  { hh3cNetwork  2 }

    hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION "Row Description"
        INDEX       {  hh3cLldpInfoIndex  }
        ::=  { hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoTable 1 }

    hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoEntry  ::=  SEQUENCE {
        hh3cLldpInfoIndex  Integer,
        hh3cLldpInterfaceName  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoChassisMac  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoChassisName  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoPortName  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoPortDescr  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoVlanID  Integer

MIB 文件或 PySMI 有什么问题?

MIB 文件或 PySMI 有什么问题?

pysnmp mib


    hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoTable    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION "The network LLDP information table."
        ::=  { hh3cNetwork  2 }

    hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION "Row Description"
        INDEX       {  hh3cLldpInfoIndex  }
        ::=  { hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoTable 1 }

    Hh3cNetWorkLldpInfoEntry  ::=  SEQUENCE {
        hh3cLldpInfoIndex  Integer,
        hh3cLldpInterfaceName  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoChassisMac  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoChassisName  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoPortName  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoPortDescr  DisplayString,
        hh3cLldpInfoVlanID  Integer

这就是 PySMI 抱怨外壳的原因。

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