
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我在使用'fastlane beta'通道自动构建、上传和批准iOS应用构建到testflight时取得了良好的成功。

我试图扩大使用范围,包括fastlane'快照'来自动生成屏幕截图。我通过fastlane以及ray wenderlich的设置教程进行了设置(只是为了检查是不是我太笨了!)......



但我不明白为什么这个途径会失败,而'快速通道测试版'却能正常工作? 有什么办法可以解决我需要修改的问题吗? tee 或者为什么在(相同的)构建过程中,一个路径工作,而另一个路径失败?


[00:17:22]: 构建并运行项目--这可能需要一些时间... ...

[00:17:23]: xcpretty

[00:17:24]: ▸ Loading...

[00:17:30]: ▸ xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies:

[00:17:30]: ▸ Authentication failed because no credentials were provided.xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies: Authentication failed because no credentials were provided.

[00:17:30]: Exit status: 74

I've had good success with the 'fastlane beta' lane to auto build, upload and approve iOS app builds to testflight. I'm trying to expand usage to include fastlane 'snapshot' to auto generate ...

Do you have a Snapfile setup? Here is one I use.
ios fastlane

It turns out that issue was with a package installed via Swift Package Manager:

devices([ "iPhone 11"])
languages([ "en-US" ])
clean false
clear_previous_screenshots true
concurrent_simulators false
configuration "Debug"
erase_simulator false
launch_arguments([ "ADS_DISABLED" ])
localize_simulator true
namespace_log_files true
output_directory "./fastlane/screenshots/"
output_simulator_logs true
reinstall_app false
result_bundle false
scheme "MyApp Free"
skip_open_summary true
stop_after_first_error true
workspace "./MyApp.xcworkspace"
Once I uninstalled SDWebImage (that I'd installed with Swift Package Manager in Xcode) and re-installed it via CocoaPods, it now builds okay.


Hope it helps anyone else that comes across similar issues with Fastlane Snapshot failing when Fastlane Beta works fine!

[00:17:24]: 因为没有找到匹配的13.2版本。

[00:17:24]: 在iPhone 11 Pro Max上运行快照

[00:17:24]: $ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -workspace .Power\Zone/Timer.xcworkspace -scheme Power\Zone/Timer -derivedDataPath 'varfoldersqscyr14d9n3zj11p5bcnr4vdh00000gnTsnapshot_derived20200414-75065-4n5afc' -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11 Pro Max,OS=13. 3' FASTLANE_SNAPSHOT=YES build test UsersxxxLibraryLogssnapshotChallenges-Power/Zone/Timer.log。

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