单击输入时增加 python 中的最大值和最小值

问题描述 投票:0回答:0



key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if key[pygame.K_LEFT]:
    if not left_held:  # Check if the left key was not previously held
        left_held = True
        left = max(left - 1, -1)

elif key[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
    if not right_held:  # Check if the right key was not previously held
        right_held = True
        left = min(left + 1, 1)

    left_held = False
    right_held = False

#check for player movement in y direction
if key[pygame.K_UP]:
    if not up_held:  # Check if the up key was not previously held
        up_held = True
        up = max(up - 1, -1)

elif key[pygame.K_DOWN]:
    if not down_held:  # Check if the down key was not previously held
        down_held = True
        up = min(up + 1, +1)

    up_held = False
    down_held = False

现在左上角的最大值和最小值分别为 1 和 -1,但是当我按下回车键时,我想将最大值和最小值更改为 2 和 -2。


if key[pygame.K_RETURN] and not enter_pressed:
    dx1 = left
    dy1 = up
    enter_pressed = True
    current_player = player2

    # Increase the maximum and munimum values of up and left
    max_up = max(up - 1, max_up)
    max_left = max(left, max_left)
    min_up = min(up, min_up)
    min_left = min(left, min_left)
elif not key[pygame.K_RETURN]:
    dx1 = 0
    dy1 = 0
    enter_pressed = False
python pygame max min
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