使用 rspec、shoulda matcher 和 factory bot rails 进行测试

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  • 你好,我真的很困惑如何在 ruby on rails 中使用 rspec 和 shoulda 匹配器测试数据库中的某些字符串。 我去展示我做了什么,结果加上我期待什么。
  • 首先,我将 factory_bot_rails 和 shoulda gem 与 rspec 一起使用。


    it do
      should allow_value('/\A[a-zA-Z]*\z/')
        .with_message('first name should contain only letters')


FactoryBot.define do
  factory :payment do
    first_name { 'Mutebi' }
    last_name { 'Godfrey' }
    phone_number { '+256780140670' }
    address { 'Kampala' }
    money_paid { '9.99' }
    nin_number { 'NLJ8589654785P' }
    created_at { '2023-04-07 12:01:42' }
    updated_at { '2023-04-07 12:01:42' }
    home_id { 1 }
    date { '2023-04-07' }
    user_id { '7' }
    status { 'pending' }
  • 下面是我在支付模型中添加验证之前期望得到的示例
 Payment validations is expected to validate that the length of :nin_number is 14
     Failure/Error: it { should validate_length_of(:nin_number).is_equal_to(14) }
       Expected Payment to validate that the length of :nin_number is 14, but
       this could not be proved.
         After setting :nin_number to ‹"xxxxxxxxxxxxx"›, the matcher expected
         the Payment to be invalid, but it was valid instead.
  • 但让我感到困惑的是,即使我没有在模型中添加任何东西来证明它,测试也会通过。如果我添加了应该在 gem 文档中指定的验证,它也会通过。
  validates_format_of :first_name,
                      with: /\A[a-zA-Z]*\z/,
                      message: 'State must be open or closed'
  • 我个人更愿意使用这种在 rails 6 中使用的验证
  validates :phone_number, format: { with: /\A\+\d{12}(\d{2})?\z/,
                                     message: 'number should start with +256 with with 12 digits' }
  • 任何可以指导我如何测试这个的最佳方法的人。
ruby-on-rails ruby factory-bot rspec-rails shoulda-matchers
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