Alexa AudioPlayer 未启动,但未抛出任何错误

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我正在尝试使用 AudioPlayer 在 Alexa 上启动广播流。 用户应该能够通过使用插槽选择两个本地无线电台之一。那部分正在工作。

启动意图时,代码不会抛出任何错误。但是无线电流没有启动(甚至没有在我的本地 Dot 上)。


CompletedLocalRadioIntentHandler : {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
        return request.type === 'IntentRequest'
            && === 'LocalRadioIntent'
            && request.dialogState === 'COMPLETED';
    handle(handlerInput) {
        const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
        //const filledSlots = request.intent.slots;
        //const slotValues = getSlotValues(filledSlots);
        //const key = `${slotValues.RadioStation.key}`;
        // const radioURL = `${slotsToOptionsMap[key]}`;
        const radioUrl = '';

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
                shouldEndSession: true,
                type: 'AudioPlayer.Play',
                playBehavior: 'REPLACE_ALL',
                audioItem: {
                    stream: {
                       token: "0",
                        url: radioUrl,
                        expectedPreviousToken: null,
                        offsetInMilliseconds: 0
node.js alexa

音频播放器接口的常见问题是严格的音频要求,这看起来是您问题的原因。 Amod 提供的链接适用于 SSML 而不是音频播放器。确保遵循音频流的所有要求:

-Audio file must be hosted at an Internet-accessible HTTPS endpoint on port 443.
-The web server must present a valid and trusted SSL certificate. Self-signed certificates are not allowed (really important).Many content hosting services provide this. For example, you could host your files at a service such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) (an Amazon Web Services offering).
-If the stream is a playlist container that references additional streams, each stream within the playlist must also be hosted at an Internet-accessible HTTPS endpoint on 443 with a valid and trusted SSL certificate.
-The supported formats for the audio file include AAC/MP4, MP3, PLS, M3U/M3U8, and HLS. Bitrates: 16kbps to 384 kbps.


有一个AudioPlayer 示例技巧,它实际上是从一个广播电台流出来的,您可以参考。可以在这里找到:

您需要更改 url 流并添加您自己的。

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