序列化其他项目的派生类会抛出“该类型不是预期的类型。使用 XmlInclude 或 SoapInclude 属性...”

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

假设我在 Visual Studio 中有两个项目。基础项目和派生项目。


Public Class Car
    Property Name As String
End Class


Public Class Seriallizer(Of T)
Function SerializeObjToString(obj As T) As String
        Dim serializer As XmlSerializer
        Dim memStream As New MemoryStream
        Dim xmlWriter As New XmlTextWriter(memStream, Encoding.UTF8)
            serializer = New XmlSerializer(GetType(T))
            serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, obj)
            Dim xml As String
            xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memStream.GetBuffer)
            xml = xml.Substring(xml.IndexOf(Convert.ToChar(60)))
            xml = xml.Substring(0, (xml.LastIndexOf(Convert.ToChar(62)) + 1))
            Return xml
        Catch e As Exception
            MsgBox($"Error writing data to string: {e.Message}")
            xmlWriter = Nothing
            serializer = Nothing
            memStream = Nothing
        End Try
        Return ""
    End Function


Public Class SpecialCar
    Inherits Car
    Sub New()
    End Sub
    Property VentorName As String
End Class

我的带有派生类的项目引用了基类项目。 当我现在想要序列化派生类时,我收到错误:

Dim spezicalCar As New SpecialCar
Dim serializer As New Seriallizer(Of Car)
Dim str As String = serializer.SerializeObjToString(spezicalCar)


The type Derived.SpecialCar was not expected. 
Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not 
known statically

我知道,我可以使用 XMLInclude 属性,但这在这种情况下不起作用,因为基类项目不知道派生类项目。在其他 SO 帖子中,我读到了一些有关为类提供 xml 命名空间的内容,但我不知道该怎么做。 如何将派生类序列化为 XML?

xml vb.net serialization derived-class base-class


首先,您需要编写自己的序列化器类(应该是通用的,您可以将它用于所有抽象(Base/MustInherit)类)。 以下 SO 和 codeproject.com 链接帮助我解决了任务:

XML 序列化和继承类型




Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Schema
Imports System.Xml.Serialization

Public Class GenericSerializer(Of T)
    Implements IXmlSerializable

    Public Shared Widening Operator CType(p As GenericSerializer(Of T)) As T
        Return IIf(p Is Nothing, Nothing, p.Derived)
    End Operator

    Public Shared Widening Operator CType(p As T) As GenericSerializer(Of T)
        Return IIf(p Is Nothing, Nothing, New GenericSerializer(Of T)(p))
    End Operator

    Private _derived As T
    Public ReadOnly Property Derived As T
            Return _derived
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New()
        'Nothing to do here
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal derived As T)
        Me._derived = derived
    End Sub

    Public Sub ReadXml(reader As XmlReader) Implements IXmlSerializable.ReadXml
        Dim typeAttrib As String = reader.GetAttribute("type")
        ' Ensure the Type was Specified
        If (typeAttrib Is Nothing) Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException(("Unable to Read Xml Data for Abstract Type '" _
                    + (GetType(T).Name + "' because no 'type' attribute was specified in the XML.")))
        End If

        Dim type As Type = Type.GetType(typeAttrib)
        ' Check the Type is Found.
        If (type Is Nothing) Then
            Throw New InvalidCastException(("Unable to Read Xml Data for Abstract Type '" _
                    + (GetType(T).Name + "' because the type specified in the XML was not found.")))
        End If

        If Not type.IsSubclassOf(GetType(T)) Then
            Throw New InvalidCastException(("Unable to Read Xml Data for Abstract Type '" _
                    + (GetType(T).Name + ("' because the Type specified in the XML differs ('" _
                    + (type.Name + "').")))))
        End If

        Me._derived = New XmlSerializer(type).Deserialize(reader)
    End Sub

    Public Sub WriteXml(writer As XmlWriter) Implements IXmlSerializable.WriteXml
        Dim type As Type = Me._derived.GetType
        writer.WriteAttributeString("type", type.AssemblyQualifiedName.ToString)
        Call New XmlSerializer(_derived.GetType).Serialize(writer, _derived)
    End Sub

    Public Function GetSchema() As XmlSchema Implements IXmlSerializable.GetSchema
        Return Nothing
    End Function

End Class


Imports System.Xml.Serialization

Public Class Car
    Property Name As String
End Class

Public Class XMLCar
    <XmlElement(GetType(GenericSerializer(Of Car)), ElementName:="Car")>
    Property Car As Car
End Class


Dim spezicalCar As New SpecialCar
Dim serializer As New Seriallizer
Dim xmlCar As New XMLCar With {.Car = spezicalCar}
Dim str As String = serializer.SerializeObjToString(Of XMLCar)(xmlCar)


<XmlArrayItem(GetType(GenericSerializer(Of Car)))>
Property CarList As List(Of Car)
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