热衷于在 Flutter Web 视图中运行存储在 AWS 中的 Javascript 文件?

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我无法在 Flutter Web 视图中运行存储在 AWS 位置的 JavaScript 文件。我正在使用 webview_flutter 包。有什么建议可以解决这个问题吗?

我尝试了 WebViewController 类中的 runJavaScript 方法。但是AWS中的javascript文件没有加载到我的Flutter应用程序的webview中..

javascript flutter amazon-web-services webview

也许,似乎是以下情况。 -- 确保正确的 URL:

Double-check the URL you're using to load the JavaScript file. Ensure that it's accessible and correct. You can try opening the URL in a web browser to verify that it loads the JavaScript file as expected.

-- 跨源资源共享(CORS):

AWS S3 buckets are often restricted by default to prevent unauthorized access. Make sure that CORS settings for your S3 bucket allow requests from the domain where your Flutter app is hosted. You might need to configure CORS rules in the AWS S3 bucket settings to allow your Flutter app's domain to access the JavaScript file.

-- 权限:

Ensure that the JavaScript file in your AWS S3 bucket has the appropriate permissions set to allow public access or access from your Flutter app.


Test your Flutter app on both Android and iOS devices/emulators to see if the issue is platform-specific. Sometimes there might be differences in behavior between platforms.

-- 错误处理:

Implement error handling to catch any errors that might occur while loading the JavaScript file. You can use the onWebViewError callback of the WebView widget to handle errors.

  initialUrl: 'https://YOUR_AWS_BUCKET/YOUR_JS_FILE.js',
  javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
  onWebViewError: (error) {
    print('WebView error: $error');
    // Handle the error here


Use debugging tools like Chrome DevTools to inspect network requests and debug JavaScript code execution within the WebView. You can enable remote debugging in the WebView by setting the debuggingEnabled parameter to true.

  initialUrl: 'https://YOUR_AWS_BUCKET/YOUR_JS_FILE.js',
  javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
  debuggingEnabled: true,
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