带删除链接的 drupal 表

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我需要创建一个 drupal 表,其中包含每条记录的删除链接。我有一个带有编辑链接的现有表格。他们使用 hook_menu 传递记录的 ID 并重定向到联系表单。我如何扩展此功能以添加编辑。代码是

function _MYMODULE_sql_to_table($sql) { 
  $html = "";    
  // execute sql
  $resource = db_query($sql);    
  // fetch database results in an array
  $results = array();
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($resource)) {
     $results[] = $row;
      $id = $row['id'];
      $email = $row['email'];
      $comment = $row['comment'];
 //     drupal_set_message('Email: '.$email. ' comment: '.$comment. ' id: '.$id);
  // ensure results exist
  if (!count($results)) {
    $html .= "Sorry, no results could be found.";
    return $html;    

  // create an array to contain all table rows
  $rows = array();
  // get a list of column headers
  $columnNames = array_keys($results[0]);

  // loop through results and create table rows
  foreach ($results as $key => $data) {
    // create row data
    $row = array(

        'edit' => l(t('Edit'),"admin/content/test/".$data['id']."/ContactUs", $options=array()),
        'delete' => l(t('Delete'),"admin/content/".$data['id']."/ContactUs",$options = array()),

    // loop through column names
    foreach ($columnNames as $c) {
      $row[] = array(
        'data' => $data[$c],
        'class' => strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $c)),

    // add row to rows array
    $rows[] = $row;


  // loop through column names and create headers
  $header = array();
  foreach ($columnNames as $c) {
    $header[] = array(
      'data' => $c,
      'class' => strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $c)),

  // generate table html
  $html .= theme('table', $header, $rows);

  return $html;


// then you can call it in your code...
function _MYMODULE_some_page_callback() {

  $html = "";

  $sql = "select * from {contact3}";

  $html .= _MYMODULE_sql_to_table($sql);

  return $html;
php drupal

我假设您已经有一个用于创建数据的表单(无论它是什么)。然后,您可以扩展该表单以选择性地接收 id,如果有,则加载相应的数据,添加一个隐藏的(#type value)表单元素,其中包含 id 和相关的 #default_value 条目到您的表单中。然后,您必须在提交回调中弄清楚您是否有新条目(无 ID)或现有条目,并采取相应行动。



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