超过 6 个数据系列的组合图表

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我无法在 VBA Excel 中创建包含超过 5 个数据系列的组合图。最多 5 个数据系列,它工作正常,当我有第 6 个数据系列时,我收到错误:“运行时错误 1004,参数无效”。正如您所看到的,数据并不多,ComboChart 中超过 5 个数据系列似乎存在问题。第一个系列是条形图(主要 y 轴),其余系列是散点图(全部位于次要 y 轴)。请告知这里可能发生了什么。


Sub CreateComboChart()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim chtObj As ChartObject
    Dim cht As Chart
    Dim rngData As Range
    Dim rngCategories As Range
    ' Set the worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Perf")

    Set rngData = ws.Range("B2:F10")
    Set rngCategories = ws.Range("B1:F1")
    ' Create a new chart
    Set chtObj = ws.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=100, Width:=500, Top:=100, Height:=300)
    Set cht = chtObj.Chart
    ' Set the chart type to combo
    cht.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
    ' Add data to the chart
    cht.SetSourceData Source:=rngData
    cht.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = rngCategories
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(1).AxisGroup = 1
    ' Set the chart type for the first row (bars)
    cht.SeriesCollection(1).ChartType = xlColumnClustered
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(2).AxisGroup = 2
    cht.SeriesCollection(2).ChartType = xlXYScatter
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(2).MarkerStyle = 8
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(3).AxisGroup = 2
    cht.SeriesCollection(3).ChartType = xlXYScatter
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(3).MarkerStyle = 3
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(4).AxisGroup = 2
    cht.SeriesCollection(4).ChartType = xlXYScatter
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(4).MarkerStyle = 8
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(5).AxisGroup = 2
    cht.SeriesCollection(5).ChartType = xlXYScatter
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(5).MarkerStyle = 3
    ' STOPS here
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(6).AxisGroup = 2
    cht.SeriesCollection(6).ChartType = xlXYScatter
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(6).MarkerStyle = 8
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(7).AxisGroup = 2
    cht.SeriesCollection(7).ChartType = xlXYScatter
    cht.FullSeriesCollection(7).MarkerStyle = 3
End Sub


Plant   P1  P2  P3  P4  P5
A1  1500    7600    1300    1800    1500
A2  11.5%   12.2%   3.6%    3.3%    9.9%
A3  17.8%   19.8%   0.0%    0.0%    13.4%
A4  10.1%   10.1%   3.5%    1.4%    9.1%
A5  14.7%   15.0%   13.0%   15.1%   11.3%
A6  47.6%   55.3%   24.1%   27.2%   36.5%
A7  13.5%   11.9%   12.2%   14.0%   10.6%
A8  43.1%   40.7%   21.8%   23.6%   33.3%

在上面的代码中,如果我更改为 Set rngData = ws.Range("B2:F6"),并删除系列集合 6 和 7,我会得到此图表。但不适用于“B2:F9”。

excel vba charts



Sub CreateComboChart()
    Dim ws As Worksheet, chtObj As chartObject
    Dim cht As Chart, rngData As Range
    Dim rngCategories As Range, i As Long, ms
    ' Set the worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Perf")
    ws.ChartObjects(1).Delete 'remove existing plot

    Set rngData = ws.Range("B2:F10")
    Set rngCategories = ws.Range("B1:F1")
    ' Create a new chart
    Set chtObj = ws.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=100, Width:=500, Top:=100, Height:=300)
    Set cht = chtObj.Chart
    'remove any "auto-plotted" series from the chart
    Do While cht.SeriesCollection.Count > 0
    'add the first series (bars)
    With cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        .ChartType = xlColumnStacked
        .XValues = rngCategories
        .Values = rngData.Rows(1)
        .AxisGroup = 1
    End With
    ms = 8 'marker style
    'add the rest of the series
    For i = 2 To rngData.Rows.Count
        With cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
            .ChartType = xlXYScatter
            .XValues = rngCategories
            .Values = rngData.Rows(i)
            .AxisGroup = 2
            .MarkerStyle = ms
            ms = IIf(ms = 8, 3, 8) 'toggle marker style
        End With
    Next i
End Sub


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