如何在我的 Blazor 服务器应用程序项目上使用 jspdf?

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我希望能够使用 jsPDF 将数据从 ReportDetails.razor 页面导出到 PDF。但是,我收到一个错误,指出 jspdf 未定义。这是我使用下面的 exportPDF 的代码:


    private async Task ExportAsPDF()
            // Call JavaScript function to export PDF
            await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("exportPDF", update);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Error exporting PDF: {ex.Message}");


export function exportPDF(update) {
    console.log("JavaScript function exportPDF invoked!");

    // Create a new jsPDF instance
    const pdf = new new jspdf.jsPDF();

    // Set document properties (optional)
        title: 'Emergency Report',
        subject: 'Incident details',
        author: 'BDRRMO Admin',
        keywords: 'emergency, report',

    // Add content to the PDF
    var content = `
    Report Details:
    Reported By: ${update.Email}
    Date & Time: ${update.DateTime}
    Description: ${update.Description}
    Location: ${update.Location}
    Status: ${update.Status}
    Remarks: ${update.Remarks}
    Responder: ${update.Responder}
    Emergency Medical Responder: ${update.MedicalResponder}
    Time of Departure: ${update.Departure}
    Time of Arrival at the scene: ${update.Arrival}
    Total Response Time: ${update.ResponseTime}
    For Vehicle Accident, the patient is: ${update.VehicleAccident}
    For Fire Incident, the patient is: ${update.Fire}
    For Crime Incident, the patient is: ${update.Crime}

    pdf.text(content, 10, 10);

    // Save the PDF or open it in a new tab

    console.log("PDF generation completed successfully!");

我已经将 jspdf javascript 库导入到我的 _Host.hmtl 以及我的 javasrcipt 文件中。

    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jspdf/2.4.0/jspdf.umd.min.js"></script>
    <script src="~/PDFExport.js"></script>
javascript blazor jspdf

创建 jspdf 的新实例时,exportPDF.js 文件中似乎存在语法错误。问题如下:

 const pdf = new new jspdf.jsPDF();


const pdf = new jspdf.jsPDF();

这是您的 exportPDF.js 文件的更正版本:

export function exportPDF(update) {
    console.log("JavaScript function exportPDF invoked!");

    // Create a new jsPDF instance
    const pdf = new jspdf.jsPDF();

    // Set document properties (optional)
        title: 'Emergency Report',
        subject: 'Incident details',
        author: 'BDRRMO Admin',
        keywords: 'emergency, report',

    // Add content to the PDF
    var content = `
    Report Details:
    Reported By: ${update.Email}
    Date & Time: ${update.DateTime}
    Description: ${update.Description}
    Location: ${update.Location}
    Status: ${update.Status}
    Remarks: ${update.Remarks}
    Responder: ${update.Responder}
    Emergency Medical Responder: ${update.MedicalResponder}
    Time of Departure: ${update.Departure}
    Time of Arrival at the scene: ${update.Arrival}
    Total Response Time: ${update.ResponseTime}
    For Vehicle Accident, the patient is: ${update.VehicleAccident}
    For Fire Incident, the patient is: ${update.Fire}
    For Crime Incident, the patient is: ${update.Crime}

    pdf.text(content, 10, 10);

    // Save the PDF or open it in a new tab

    console.log("PDF generation completed successfully!");

进行此更改后,您的代码应该可以正常运行,而不会出现“jspdf 未定义”错误。

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