Splunk - 按不同字段与另一个字段的统计数据进行分组

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有以下 Splunk 搜索,它从我的数据集中收集不同的状态:

some type of search | eval Status = (REJECT_REASON) | bucket _time span=day | stats count by Status


CorrelationId      Reject_Reason    DATE_TIME
12345679           Accepted         20231030 14:00:00 
12345679           Accepted         20231030 14:00:00
12345679           Accepted         20231030 14:00:00
12345679           Sent             20231030 00:00:00
12345679           Sent             20231030 00:00:00
12345679           Sent             20231030 00:00:00
99399394           Rejected         20231030 00:00:00
99399394           Rejected         20231030 00:00:00
88393933           Accepted         20231030 14:00:00
88393933           Sent             20231030 00:00:00
33454545           Rejected         20231030 00:00:00



Status    Count
Accepted   2
Rejected   2

我尝试使用“dedup correlationId”,但当我将其添加到搜索中时,它没有返回任何结果。

splunk splunk-query

根据最新(截至 11 月 1 日)要求,我的查询如下:

|makeresults count=11 | streamstats count
| eval CorrelationID=case(count >=1 and count<=6, 12345679, count in (7,8), 99399394, count in (9,10), 88393933, count=11, 33454545),
       Reject_Reason=case(count in (1,2,3) OR count=9, "Accepted", count in (4,5,6) or count=10, "Sent", count in (7,8)  or count=11, "Rejected"),
       DATE_TIME=case(count in (1,2,3) or count=9, "20231030 14:00:00", true(), "20231030 00:00:00" )
| fields - _time, count      
``` The above is test data setup ```
| eval Status=Reject_Reason
| eventstats max(DATE_TIME) as mx by CorrelationID
| where DATE_TIME=mx
| dedup CorrelationID, Status
| stats dc(CorrelationID) as "Count" by Status
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