如何在 Java 脚本中查找和更改对象数组中可能达到未知深度的项?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


path keys ["29be61bd-3eee-7e5d-abb2-8791c02ab842", "19be61bd-3eee-7e8d-abb2-8791c02ab841", "19be61bd-3eee-7e8d-abb2-8791c02ab841"] 

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我想转到最后一个文件夹的路径(包含在字符串数组中)并更改“items”对象数组中最近添加的对象。 我如何发展这个逻辑?谁能帮我找到一种方法吗?我正在使用 Type script 来开发它,需要一种有效的方法。 如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。

javascript arrays typescript algorithm logic


  1. 浏览路径列表中的每个键
  2. 在当前层文件结构中查找对应项
  3. 如果找到并且其文件夹包含项目,请移至下一个级别
  4. 如果当前找到的项目是一个文件,如果您愿意,您可能会返回一个错误
  5. 不断重复上述步骤,直到到达最后一个键
  6. 到达最后一级后,对最近添加的项目进行更改

这是我在打字稿中的做法,因为我主要在 ts 中工作

// Start at the top level of the file structure
let currentFolder: Item[] = fileStructure;

// Iterate through each key in the provided path
for (const folderKey of path) {
    // Find the folder with the current key in the current level
    const currentFolderItem = currentFolder.find(folder => folder.__KEY__ === folderKey);

    // Check if the folder with the current key exists
    if (!currentFolderItem) {
        // Handle the case where the current key is not found in the current level
        return console.error(`Folder with key '${folderKey}' not found.`);

    // Check if the current folder item is actually a folder (not a file)
    if (!currentFolderItem.items) {
        // Handle the case where the current item is a file and not a directory
        return console.error(`Item '${folderKey}' is not a folder.`);

    // Move to the next level (the items inside the current folder)
    currentFolder = currentFolderItem.items;

// At this point, currentFolder contains the items array of the last folder in the path
// Now, you can modify the recently added object in the items array if it exists
if (currentFolder.length > 0) {
    // Assuming the recently added object is the last item in the array
    const recentlyAddedItemIndex = currentFolder.length - 1;
    currentFolder[recentlyAddedItemIndex] = { ...currentFolder[recentlyAddedItemIndex], ...updatedItem };
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