
问题描述 投票:0回答:3

在此代码,我想每个小时才挑选电脑的总和,所以我EXCELL表有很多行,我有alraedy一个代码,但它总结不够快,在列S充满longtimevalues DD:MM:YYY和HH:MM :在p列中的SS填充有被对时间挑选的颗

AJ2直到AJ10是小时值5,6,7等AJ10 = 13个AK2直到AK10是PCS在于小时拾取

同样是AL2直到AL10是小时值14,15,16等[10] = 22 AM2直到AM10是PCS在于小时拾取




Private Sub CheckBox6_Click()

If CheckBox6.Value = True Then

Dim lijnen As String
lijnen = "an15:an" & Range("s15").End(xlDown).Row

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For Each cell In Range(lijnen).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

If cell.Value <> "" Then

                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj2").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak2").Value = Range("ak2").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj3").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak3").Value = Range("ak3").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj4").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak4").Value = Range("ak4").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj5").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak5").Value = Range("ak5").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj6").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak6").Value = Range("ak6").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj7").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak7").Value = Range("ak7").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj8").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak8").Value = Range("ak8").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj9").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak9").Value = Range("ak9").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj10").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak10").Value = Range("ak10").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al2").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am2").Value = Range("am2").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al3").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am3").Value = Range("am3").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al4").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am4").Value = Range("am4").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al5").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am5").Value = Range("am5").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al6").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am6").Value = Range("am6").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al7").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am7").Value = Range("am7").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al8").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am8").Value = Range("am8").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value
                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al9").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am9").Value = Range("am9").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If
                    Next cell
              End If
              Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
excel vba


If CheckBox6.Value = True Then

Dim lijnen As String
lijnen = "an15:an" & Range("s15").End(xlDown).Row

Dim calc As XlCalculation: calc = Application.Calculation 'captures your current setting

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

For Each cell In Range(lijnen).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

    If cell.Value <> "" Then

                    If Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj2").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak2").Value = Range("ak2").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj3").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak3").Value = Range("ak3").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj4").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak4").Value = Range("ak4").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj5").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak5").Value = Range("ak5").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj6").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak6").Value = Range("ak6").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj7").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak7").Value = Range("ak7").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj8").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak8").Value = Range("ak8").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj9").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak9").Value = Range("ak9").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("aj10").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("ak10").Value = Range("ak10").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al2").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am2").Value = Range("am2").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al3").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am3").Value = Range("am3").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al4").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am4").Value = Range("am4").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al5").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am5").Value = Range("am5").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al6").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am6").Value = Range("am6").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al7").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am7").Value = Range("am7").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al8").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am8").Value = Range("am8").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    ElseIf Format(cell.Value, "hh") = Format(Range("al9").Value, "hh") Then
                    Range("am9").Value = Range("am9").Value + Range("p" & cell.Row).Value

                    End If
        End If
Next cell
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = calc 'resets this back to whatever it previously was

End If

End Sub



    Option Explicit

    Private Sub CheckBox6_Click()

        Dim strValue As String
        Dim lngRow As Long
        Dim lngPValue As Long
        Dim strPValue As String

        If CheckBox6.Value = True Then

            Dim lijnen As String
            lijnen = "an15:an" & Range("s15").End(xlDown).Row

            Application.ScreenUpdating = False

            For Each cell In Range(lijnen).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
                strValue = Trim(cell.value)

                If strValue <> "" Then
                    strValue = Format(cell.Value, "hh")

                    lngRow = cell.Row
                    strPValue = Trim(Range("p" & lngRow).Value)
                    lngPValue = CLng(strPValue)

                    If strValue = Format(Range("aj2").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("ak2").Value = Range("ak2").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("aj3").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("ak3").Value = Range("ak3").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("aj4").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("ak4").Value = Range("ak4").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("aj5").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("ak5").Value = Range("ak5").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("aj6").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("ak6").Value = Range("ak6").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("aj7").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("ak7").Value = Range("ak7").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("aj8").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("ak8").Value = Range("ak8").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("aj9").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("ak9").Value = Range("ak9").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("aj10").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("ak10").Value = Range("ak10").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("al2").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("am2").Value = Range("am2").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("al3").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("am3").Value = Range("am3").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("al4").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("am4").Value = Range("am4").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("al5").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("am5").Value = Range("am5").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("al6").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("am6").Value = Range("am6").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("al7").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("am7").Value = Range("am7").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("al8").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("am8").Value = Range("am8").Value + lngPValue
                    ElseIf strValue = Format(Range("al9").Value, "hh") Then
                        Range("am9").Value = Range("am9").Value + lngPValue
                    End If
                End If
            Next cell
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub



你写If ElseIf ElseIf ElseIf ... End If比较。我已经改变了这一个工作表的匹配比较。



Option Explicit

Private Sub CheckBox6_Click()

    If CheckBox6.Value Then 'CheckBox6 is either True of False; you don't have to compare it to True

        Dim i As Long, a As Long, lr As Long, rngP As Range, rngAN As Range
        Dim arr1 As Variant, arr2 As Variant, m As Variant

        'Application.ScreenUpdating = False

        'build the hours tables
        ReDim hrs(1 To 18) As Variant
        ReDim pAK(1 To 9) As Variant
        ReDim pAm(1 To 9) As Variant
        For i = 2 To 10
            hrs(i - 1) = Hour(Cells(i, "AJ").Value2)
            hrs(i + 8) = Hour(Cells(i, "AL").Value2)
        Next i

        'collect the filtered values from columns P and AN
        lr = Cells(15, "AN").End(xlDown).Row
        Set rngP = Range(Cells(15, "P"), Cells(lr, "P")).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        Set rngAN = Range(Cells(15, "AN"), Cells(lr, "AN")).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

        'loop through the areas of SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        For a = 1 To rngAN.Areas.Count
            'collect the Area's values
            arr1 = rngAN.Areas(a).Cells.Value2
            arr2 = rngP.Areas(a).Cells.Value2

            'loop through the array
            For i = LBound(arr1, 1) To UBound(arr1, 1)

                'determine if Hour is in AJ2:AJ10 or AL2AL10
                m = Application.Match(Hour(arr1(i, 1)), hrs, 0)
                If Not IsError(m) Then
                    If m < 10 Then
                        pAK(m) = pAK(m) + arr2(i, 1)
                        pAm(m - 9) = pAm(m - 9) + arr2(i, 1)
                    End If
                End If

            Next i

        Next a

        'dump processed values back to worksheet
        Cells(2, "AK").Resize(UBound(pAK), 1) = Application.Transpose(pAK)
        Cells(2, "AM").Resize(UBound(pAm), 1) = Application.Transpose(pAm)

        Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    End If

End Sub
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