无法通过动态传递Token从Cloud Function发送FCM通知[重复]

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我无法推送 FMC 通知,当我调用 sendTheMessage 函数时,如果我使用下面的代码从 Firestore 检索令牌,但如果我手动设置令牌(

const tokenParam ="myToken"
)并通过,我的设备不会收到通知tokenParam 到我的函数中,我的设备收到通知。我怎样才能做到这一点,以便我可以从 Firestore 获取一个(最终超过一个)令牌,然后使用此类令牌发送消息?


exports.checkforsmsnotifs3 = onSchedule("*/5 * * * *", async (event) => {
    const db = getFirestore();
    const allDocsRef = db.collection("dates");

    const tokenParam = "myToken"

    // Send notifications .
    const sendTheMessage = async (tokenParam) => {
        const mess = {
            notification: {
                title: "Your friend is out on a date",
                body: "Your friend was supposed to check in on " +
                    "CheckDate but hasn't yet." +
                    " You may want to reach out.",
            token: tokenParam,
        logger.log("func was called");
        logger.log("tokenparam: " + tokenParam);
        await admin.messaging().send(mess);

    sendTheMessage(tokenParam); //call and pass

但在查询 firestore 传递令牌时不推送通知

  // Send notifications to all tokens.
  const sendTheMessage = async (tokenParam) => {
    const mess = {
      token: tokenParam,
      notification: {
        title: "Your friend is out on a date",
        body: "Your friend was supposed to check in on "+
        "CheckDate but hasn't yet."+
          " You may want to reach out.",
    logger.log("func was called");
    logger.log("tokenparam: "+ tokenParam);
    // await admin.messaging().send(mess);
    getMessaging().send(mess).then((res) => {
      logger.log("response: ", res);
    }).catch((error) => {
      console.log("Error sending message:", error);

  for (const d of snapshot.docs) { // try with for loop then for e
    // also use await as shown
    try {
      const tokRef = await db.collection("usersByPhoneNum")
      const doc = await tokRef.get();
      if (!doc.exists) {
        logger.log("No such document!");
      } else {
        logger.log("Document data:", doc.data().token);
        await sendTheMessage(doc.data().token); // use await
        // call the sendTheMessage function

    } catch (error) {
      console.log("error catched in the for loop with:"+error);


javascript firebase google-cloud-functions firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-admin
exports.checkforsmsnotifs3 = onSchedule("*/5 * * * *", async (event) => {
    const db = await getFirestore();
    const allDocsRef =await  db.collection("dates");

    const snapshot = await allDocsRef.where("checkedIn", "==", false).get();

    const snapDocs=await snapshot.docs;

    await Promise.all(snapDocs.map(async (d) => {

        try {
            const tokRef = await db.collection("usersByPhoneNum").doc(d.data().toNumber);
            const doc = await tokRef.get();
            let currentTokenStrin=await doc.data().token +'';
            if (!doc.exists) {
                logger.log("No such document!");
            } else {
                logger.log("Document data:", doc.data().token);
                const mess = {
                  notification: {
                      title: "Your friend is out on a date",
                      body: "Your friend was supposed to check in on " +
                          "CheckDate but hasn't yet." +
                          " You may want to reach out.",
              const options = {
                priority: 'high',
                timeToLive: 60 * 60 * 12  //notification time to live in seconds :12 hours
              logger.log("func was called");
              logger.log("tokenparam: " + currentTokenStrin);

             await  admin.messaging().sendToDevice(currentTokenStrin, mess, options)
              .then((response) => {
                console.log('Successfully sent message:', response);
              .catch((error) => {
                console.log('Error sending message:', error);

        } catch (error) {
          console.log('error catched in the for loop with:'+error)

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