c 中的 strtok_r() 显然是在跳过标记?

问题描述 投票:0回答:3




这个词在文件中出现了 937 次,但在我的代码中
只出现了大约 300 次。无论我使用多少线程运行程序,错误仍然存在。将标记添加到列表似乎不是问题,因为当我在处理字符串时执行
printf("%s,%i", token, count)



#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>

char *delim = "\"\'.“”‘’?:;-,—*($%)! \t\n\x0A\r";

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    char* fileName = "WarAndPeace.txt";

    int fileID = open(fileName, O_RDONLY);

    off_t fileSize = lseek(fileID, 0, SEEK_END);

    printf("\nfilesize: %ld\n", fileSize);

    char readFromFile[fileSize + 1];

    readFromFile[fileSize] = '\0';

    ssize_t readResult = pread(fileID, readFromFile, fileSize, 0);

    char *token;
    char *rest = readFromFile;
    char *remaining;

    printf("\nsize of string being fed to strtok_r(): %ld", strlen(rest));

    token = strtok_r(rest, delim, &remaining);
    int counter = 0;
    if (strcmp(token, "princess") == 0) {
        printf("\ntoken - %s, count - %i\n", token, counter);
    while ((token = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &remaining))) {
        if (strcmp(token, "princess") == 0) {
            printf("\ntoken - %s, count - %i\n", token, counter);




#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>

pthread_mutex_t mutex1 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

// You may find this Useful
char * delim = "\"\'.“”‘’?:;-,—*($%)! \t\n\x0A\r";

// This struct holds a word from the file and its count, as well as a pointer
// to another word, in order to create a singly-linked list of words

struct Word {
    char * word;
    int count;
    struct Word * next;
typedef struct Word Word;

// This struct holds the information passed to each thread as well as a pointer
// to the final shared list to be created, one of these will be created
// for each thread

struct ThreadRecord {
    int totalThreads;
    int thisThread;
    Word ** listHead;
    char * fileName;

typedef struct ThreadRecord ThreadRecord;

// This is the function passed into each thread that does the main work of 
// the program
void * readFile( void * threadRecordVoid );

// this function runs after the threads have returned and sorts the completed
// list by size of count 
void sortListBySize( Word ** listHead );

// This function runs as part of readFile and combines the multiple thread's
// list of words into a single combined list of words
void combineList (Word ** combinedList, Word ** transferList);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    //***TO DO***  Look at arguments, open file, divide by threads
    //             Allocate and Initialize and storage structures

    char * fileName = argv[1];

    char * ptr;
    int threadCount = (int)strtol(argv[2], &ptr, 10);

    // The list pointer we pass to every thread to make our combined list

    Word * listHead = NULL;

    // A threadRecord created for every thread passing in that thread's number
    // the total number of threads and the filename, which will allow each
    // thread to access the file at the appropriate place.
    ThreadRecord * threadRecords[threadCount];
    for(int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++){
        threadRecords[i] = malloc(sizeof(ThreadRecord));
        threadRecords[i]->totalThreads = threadCount;
        threadRecords[i]->thisThread = i;
        threadRecords[i]->fileName = fileName;
        threadRecords[i]->listHead = &listHead;

    //Time stamp start
    struct timespec startTime;
    struct timespec endTime;

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &startTime);
    // *** TO DO ***  start your thread processing
    //                wait for the threads to finish

    pthread_t threads[threadCount];
    int threadReturn[threadCount];

    // We run our threads, calling readFile

    for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++){
        threadReturn[i] = pthread_create( &threads[i], NULL, readFile, (void*) threadRecords[i]);

    // we wait on our threads

    for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++){
        pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);

    // If a thread returns an error, we say so and exit

    for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++){
        if (threadReturn[i] > 0) {
            printf("Thread %d returned an error, quitting", i);
            return 2;

    // ***TO DO *** Process TOP 10 and display

    // we sort the master list of threads


    // We print the top 10 threads

    printf("\nThe top 10 words - %d threads\n", threadCount);
    Word * printList = *threadRecords[0]->listHead;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10 && printList != NULL; i++){
        printf("\nWord - %s, count - %d\n", printList->word, printList->count);
        printList = printList->next;

    //Clock output
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &endTime);
    time_t sec = endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec;
    long n_sec = endTime.tv_nsec - startTime.tv_nsec;
    if (endTime.tv_nsec < startTime.tv_nsec)
        n_sec = n_sec + 1000000000L;

    printf("Total Time was %ld.%09ld seconds\n", sec, n_sec);

    // ***TO DO *** cleanup

    // here we free the list memory
    Word * deleteList = *threadRecords[0]->listHead;

        Word * tempWord = deleteList;
        deleteList = deleteList->next;
        tempWord->word = NULL;
        tempWord = NULL;

    // here we free the threadRecord memory

    for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++){
        threadRecords[i] = NULL;


// This is the function that runs for every thread, it divides up the file into a chunk for each
// thread, sorts that chunk of the file into words and totals of occurrences (sorting the words
// alphabetically), then it merges every thread's list into a combined list using mutex locks
// to ensure data safety. The merged list is also sorted, this way the sort step in which the
// threads can run independently is bumped from n to nlogn but the merge step in which the
// threads are limited by the lock is reduced from n^2 to nlogn, resulting in code that gets
// more efficient with more threads

void * readFile (void * threadRecordVoid){

    // we recover the voided threadRecord that contains our passthrough data
    ThreadRecord * threadRecord = (ThreadRecord *)threadRecordVoid;

    // we open the file
    int fileID = open(threadRecord->fileName, O_RDONLY);

    // we get the filesize
    off_t fileSize = lseek(fileID, 0, SEEK_END);

    printf("\nfilesize: %ld\n", fileSize);

    // we calculate how big each thread's chunk of the filesize will be
    long fileChunkSize = fileSize / threadRecord->totalThreads;

    printf("\nchunk size: %ld\n", fileChunkSize);

    // we create the array we'll use to read from the file and end it
    // with a null terminator
    char readFromFile[fileChunkSize + 1];

    readFromFile[fileChunkSize] = '\0';

    // we read from the file
    ssize_t readResult = pread(fileID, 
        fileChunkSize * threadRecord->thisThread);

    char sample[1000];
    sample[999] = '\0';
    strncpy(sample, readFromFile, 999);
    printf("\nSample Text of War and Peace:\n%s\n", sample);

    // Here we begin breaking up the file and storing it as individual words
    // with counts. We use strtok_r (because it's threadsafe) to read a word
    // from the string we created from our thread's chunk of the file. We
    // handle that word in various ways depending on how it sorts into the list.
    // We move on to the next word until we're out of words. Then we're done and we
    // move on ot the merge step.

    // We start will a null node.

    Word * threadListHead = NULL;

    char* token;
    char* rest = readFromFile;

    // We get a token from strtok_r and check if it's null
    int counter = 0;
    while ((token = strtok_r(rest, delim, &rest)) ){
        // We only do something with the token if it's at least six chars
        if (strcmp(token, "princess") == 0) {
            printf("\ntoken - %s, count - %i\n", token, counter);
        if (strlen(token) >= 6){
            // This handles the very first node created in the list
            if (threadListHead == NULL){
                threadListHead = malloc(sizeof(Word));
                threadListHead->word = malloc(sizeof(token));
                threadListHead->count = 1;
                threadListHead->next = NULL;
            // This handles count increases at the head node
            else if (strcmp(threadListHead->word, token) == 0) {
            // This handles the case of whether a word is lower in the
            // list than the head, in which case we create a new head
            else if (strcmp(threadListHead->word, token) > 0) {
                Word * newWord = malloc(sizeof(Word));
                newWord->word = malloc(sizeof(token));
                strcpy(newWord->word, token);
                newWord->count = 1;
                newWord->next = threadListHead;
                threadListHead = newWord;
            // here we handle traversing the list after the head
            else {
                Word * currWord = threadListHead;
                // We traverse the list while the next word is not null and the next word
                // is smaller than the current token
                while(currWord->next != NULL && strcmp(currWord->next->word, token) < 0) {
                currWord = currWord->next;
                // If we get to null, we add a new node on the end of the list
                if (currWord->next == NULL){
                    currWord->next = malloc(sizeof(Word));
                    currWord = currWord->next;
                    currWord->next = NULL;  
                    currWord->word = malloc(sizeof(token));
                    strcpy(currWord->word, token);  
                    currWord->count = 1;
                    if(strcmp(currWord->word, "princess") == 0){
                        printf("\nAdding at end\n%s - count %d", 
                            currWord->word, currWord->count);
                // if we have a matching word, we increase the count
                else if (strcmp(currWord->next->word, token) == 0) {
                    if(strcmp(currWord->next->word, "princess") == 0){
                        printf("\nincrementing count\n%s - count %d", 
                            currWord->next->word, currWord->next->count);
                // if we have a node that matches a particular position in the list, we 
                // insert a new node into that position
                else if (strcmp(currWord->next->word, token) > 0) {
                    Word * newWord = malloc(sizeof(Word));
                    newWord->word = malloc(sizeof(token));
                    strcpy(newWord->word, token);
                    newWord->count = 1;
                    newWord->next = currWord->next;
                    currWord->next = newWord;
                    if(strcmp(currWord->next->word, "princess") == 0){
                        printf("\ninserting into list\n%s - count %d", 
                            currWord->next->word, currWord->next->count);
                else {
                    printf("\nerror storing token - %s\n", token);



    // Here we call the function that combines the sorted lists into a single list
    combineList(threadRecord->listHead, &threadListHead);

    Word * transferHead = threadListHead;

    while(transferHead) {
        pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex1 );
        if ((*threadRecord->listHead) == NULL){
            Word * tempWord = transferHead;
            transferHead = transferHead->next;
            tempWord->next = NULL;
            *threadRecord->listHead = tempWord;
        else if (strcmp((*threadRecord->listHead)->word, transferHead->word) == 0){
            Word * tempWord = transferHead;
            transferHead = transferHead->next;
            (*threadRecord->listHead)->count += tempWord->count;
            tempWord->word = NULL;
            tempWord = NULL;


        else if (strcmp((*threadRecord->listHead)->word, transferHead->word) > 0){

            Word * tempWord = transferHead;
            transferHead = transferHead->next;
            tempWord->next = *threadRecord->listHead;
            *threadRecord->listHead = tempWord;

        else {
            Word * currWord = *threadRecord->listHead;


            while(currWord->next != NULL && strcmp(currWord->next->word, transferHead->word) < 0){
                currWord = currWord->next;
            if (currWord->next == NULL){
                //printf("segfault? currWord->next == NULL");

                Word * tempWord = transferHead;
                transferHead = transferHead->next;
                tempWord->next = NULL;
                currWord->next = tempWord;

            else if (strcmp(currWord->next->word, transferHead->word) == 0){
                //printf("segfault? strcmp(currWord->next->word, transferHead->word) == 0");
                Word * tempWord = transferHead;
                transferHead = transferHead->next;
                currWord->next->count = currWord->next->count + tempWord->count;
                tempWord->word = NULL;
                tempWord = NULL;

            else if (strcmp(currWord->next->word, transferHead->word) > 0)
                //printf("segfault? strcmp(currWord->next->word, transferHead->word) > 0");
                Word * tempWord = transferHead;
                transferHead = transferHead->next;
                tempWord->next = currWord->next;
                currWord->next = tempWord;

                printf("\nError transferring word - %s\n", transferHead->word);

        pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex1 );

    printf("\nThread %d - first 10 of threadRecord\n", threadRecord->thisThread);

    printList = *threadRecord->listHead;

    for(int i = 0; i < 10 && printList != NULL; i++){
        printf("\nword - %s - count - %d\n", printList->word, printList->count);
        printList = printList->next;

        Word * toDelete = threadListHead;
        threadListHead = threadListHead->next;
        toDelete = NULL;

// This is the function that readFile runs to combine the sorted lists from each
// thread into a single combined list. It pulls nodes directly out of the 
// existing lists and enters them into the new list, deleting duplicate entries
// after adding their counts to the existing entry's count

void combineList (Word ** combinedList, Word ** transferList){
    Word * transferHead = *transferList;

    while(transferHead) {
        // We use a mutex lock here to control access to the combined list since
        // writes to it need to be thread safe
        pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex1 );
        // Here we handle creating the first node in the previously empty list
        if ((*combinedList) == NULL){
            Word * tempWord = transferHead;
            transferHead = transferHead->next;
            tempWord->next = NULL;
            *combinedList = tempWord;
        // next we handle nodes that match the head, deleting the nodes after we've
        // added in the count
        else if (strcmp((*combinedList)->word, transferHead->word) == 0){
            Word * tempWord = transferHead;
            transferHead = transferHead->next;
            (*combinedList)->count += tempWord->count;
            tempWord->word = NULL;
            tempWord = NULL;

        // Next we handle words that go before the head by creating a new head and
        // tagging the rest of the list onto it
        else if (strcmp((*combinedList)->word, transferHead->word) > 0){

            Word * tempWord = transferHead;
            transferHead = transferHead->next;
            tempWord->next = *combinedList;
            *combinedList = tempWord;

        // Next we handle traversal of the list beyond the head
        else {
            Word * currWord = *combinedList;

            // We search the list while the next pointer is not null and is smaller than the
            // current search term
            while(currWord->next != NULL 
                && strcmp(
                    transferHead->word) < 0){
                currWord = currWord->next;
            // if we reach null, we insert the node at the end and make its next pointer the new
            // NULL
            if (currWord->next == NULL){

                Word * tempWord = transferHead;
                transferHead = transferHead->next;
                tempWord->next = NULL;
                currWord->next = tempWord;

                if(strcmp("princess", tempWord->word) == 0){
                    printf("\ninserting at end of list\n%s - count %d",

            // if the word is a match, we add the count to the list and delete the transfer node
            else if (strcmp(currWord->next->word, transferHead->word) == 0){
                Word * tempWord = transferHead;
                transferHead = transferHead->next;
                currWord->next->count = currWord->next->count + tempWord->count;
                if(strcmp("princess", tempWord->word) == 0){
                    printf("\nadding to existing node\n%s - count %d",
                tempWord->word = NULL;
                tempWord = NULL;

            // if the word slots in earlier in the list, we add the node in that location
            else if (strcmp(currWord->next->word, transferHead->word) > 0)
                Word * tempWord = transferHead;
                transferHead = transferHead->next;
                tempWord->next = currWord->next;
                currWord->next = tempWord;
                if(strcmp("princess", tempWord->word) == 0){
                    printf("\ninserting into list\n%s - count %d",

                printf("\nError transferring word - %s\n", transferHead->word);

        pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex1 );


// This function sorts the completed list by the size of the count using an insertion
// sort. Note: May come back to this later to sort by something with better time
// complexity to improve program performance

void sortListBySize ( Word ** listHead ){
    Word * sortedList = NULL;

    Word * currListHead = *listHead;
    while ( currListHead) {
        // Here we handle the first node in the sorted list, taking it from the 
        // unsorted list
        if (sortedList == NULL){
            sortedList = currListHead;
            currListHead = currListHead->next;
            sortedList->next = NULL;
        // Here we handle nodes that sort before the list head, making them
        // the new list head and tacking the list on after them
        else if (sortedList->count <= currListHead->count){
            Word * tempWord = currListHead;
            currListHead = currListHead -> next;
            tempWord->next = sortedList;
            sortedList = tempWord;
        // Here we handle sorted list traversal beyond the head
        else {
            Word * currWord = sortedList;
            // We advance in the sorted list while the next pointer doesn't equal null
            // and its count is greater than the unsorted list node's count
            while(currWord->next != NULL && currWord->next->count > currListHead->count){
                currWord = currWord->next;
            // If we reach null, we insert the pointer at the end and set its next
            // pointer to null
            if (currWord->next == NULL) {
                Word * tempWord = currListHead;
                currListHead = currListHead->next;
                tempWord->next = NULL;
                currWord->next = tempWord;
            // If we reach a position in the list earlier than null, we insert the node
            // at that position
            else if (currWord->next->count <= currListHead->count){
                Word * tempWord = currListHead;
                currListHead = currListHead->next;
                tempWord->next = currWord->next;
                currWord->next = tempWord;

    // We set the listHead to the sortedList pointer, setting the list to the
    // sorted list

    *listHead = sortedList;



Number 1 is Pierre with a count of 1963
Number 2 is Prince with a count of 1928
Number 3 is Natásha with a count of 1212
Number 4 is Andrew with a count of 1143
Number 5 is himself with a count of 1020
Number 6 is princess with a count of 916
Number 7 is French with a count of 881
Number 8 is before with a count of 833
Number 9 is Rostóv with a count of 776
Number 10 is thought with a count of 767


Word - Pierre, count - 1963

Word - Prince, count - 1577

Word - Natásha, count - 1213

Word - Andrew, count - 1143

Word - himself, count - 1017

Word - French, count - 881

Word - before, count - 779

Word - Rostóv, count - 776

Word - thought, count - 766

Word - CHAPTER, count - 730


c multithreading strtok



你说你期待“公主”937次。我不知道你是怎么得到这个数字的,但我猜你是在像 Chrome 这样的浏览器中打开文本文件并搜索“公主”。当我这样做时,我确实看到了 937.




因为浏览器搜索 1) 不区分大小写且 2) 不适用于整个单词。



grep princess -cw WarAndPeace.txt



token = strtok_r(rest, delim, &remaining);
int counter = 0;
if (token[0] == 'P') token[0] = 'p';      // HACK !!
if (strncmp(token, "princess", 8) == 0){  // HACK !!
    printf("\ntoken - %s, count - %i\n", token, counter);

while ((token = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &remaining)) ){
  if (token[0] == 'P') token[0] = 'p';      // HACK !!
  if (strncmp(token, "princess", 8) == 0) { // HACK !!
        printf("\ntoken - %s, count - %i\n", token, counter);

现在我得到 937


long fileChunkSize = fileSize / threadRecord->totalThreads;

不好。你做了一个整数除法,所以结果被截断了。如果文件是 209 字节并且你有 10 个线程,你会得到 209/10 = 20。所以最后 9 个字节没有被处理。


    ssize_t readResult = pread(fileID, 
        fileChunkSize * threadRecord->thisThread);

man:pread() 从文件描述符 fd 中读取“最多”count 个字节





基于@Support Ukraine 提供的代码示例,我们可以减少代码的重复性并使用 POSIX 的

进行不区分大小写的比较。 (是的,
不在 C 标准中,但我们在这里使用 POSIX 线程,所以我怀疑这会是一个问题)。

strcasecmp() 函数执行逐字节比较 字符串 s1 和 s2,忽略字符的大小写。

strncasecmp() 函数类似,除了它比较没有 超过 n 个字节的 s1 和 s2.

if (!strncasecmp (token, "princess", 8)) {



for (char *token = rest; token = strtok_r (token, delim, &remaining); token = 0) {
    if (!strncasecmp (token, "princess", 8) {

— @Fe203 
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