
问题描述 投票:-2回答:1


import string
import random

def generatepass(num):
    password = ''
    for number in range(num):
        a = random.randint(1, 100)
        password += string.printable[a]

    return password



import string # imports the library for working with strings
import random # imports the library for generating random numbers

def generatepass(num): #this is a function. Think of it like a tool you can use at any time
    password = '' #This is a newly initialized variable.  It is a string. There are no characters in it.
    #Below, range is a tool which generates the numbers between 0 and the value that it is given "num"
    for number in range(num): #This is a for loop. It takes the numbers generated by range and loops through them
        a = random.randint(1, 100) # a random number between 1 and 100 is generated and assigned to the variable a
        # string.printable below is a set of all the characters which Python can print. 
        password += string.printable[a] #The printable character at location a is added to the password string

    return password # once all the numbers in range have been looped through and that number of characters added to the password, 
#then the password is returned to where the function was called. 

print(generatepass(4)) #the function is called here. The code goes and does the function and then prints the result. 
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