当使用异步方法从另一个表单打开一个表单时,C# 会崩溃

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用 KinectV2 和 Project Praga 来解释手势并执行诸如控制媒体、家庭自动化等操作。


    using Microsoft.Gestures;
using Microsoft.Gestures.Endpoint;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace UIControl
    public partial class KinectProject : Form

        private static GesturesServiceEndpoint _gesturesService;
        private static Gesture _One;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Text = "Kinect Project Test";


        public KinectProject()

        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            base.OnLoad(e); InitializeGestures();

        private async void InitializeGestures()
            // One can optionally pass the hostname/IP address where the gestures service is hosted
            var gesturesServiceHostName = "localhost";
            await RegisterGestures(gesturesServiceHostName);

        private static async Task RegisterGestures(string gesturesServiceHostName)
            // Step 1: Connect to Microsoft Gestures service            
            _gesturesService = GesturesServiceEndpointFactory.Create(gesturesServiceHostName);
            await _gesturesService.ConnectAsync();

            // Step 2: Define bunch of custom Gestures, each detection of the gesture will emit some message into the console
            await RegisterOneGesture();


        private static async Task RegisterOneGesture()
            // Start with defining the first pose, ...
            var Iddle = new HandPose("iddle", new FingerPose(new AllFingersContext(), FingerFlexion.OpenStretched),
                                              new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Backward));

            var hold = new HandPose("Hold", new FingerPose(Finger.Index, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Up),
                                            new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Middle, Finger.Ring, Finger.Pinky }, FingerFlexion.Folded),
                                            new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Backward));

            // ... finally define the gesture using the hand pose objects defined above forming a simple state machine: hold -> rotate
            _One = new Gesture("One", Iddle, hold);
            _One.Triggered += (s, e) => Executor(s, e, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
            //_One.Triggered += (s, e) => OnGestureDetected(s, e, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);

            // Step 3: Register the gesture             
            // Registering the like gesture _globally_ (i.e. isGlobal:true), by global registration we mean this gesture will be 
            // detected even it was initiated not by this application or if the this application isn't in focus
            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_One, isGlobal: true);

        private static void OnGestureDetected(object sender, GestureSegmentTriggeredEventArgs args, ConsoleColor foregroundColor)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            Console.Write("Gesture detected! : ");
            Console.ForegroundColor = foregroundColor;


        static void Executor(object sender, GestureSegmentTriggeredEventArgs args, ConsoleColor foregroundColor)
            MusicForm V1 = new MusicForm();

我最近添加了覆盖方法,但是相同的,当 MusicForm 打开时它崩溃,但如果我使用按钮,MusicForm 会正确打开

c# forms async-await kinect-sdk kinect-v2

您需要使用 UI 线程来执行此类操作。 您可以使用 invoke 或 begininvoke。 尝试改变你的执行者

    this.Invoke(() =>
        MusicForm V1 = new MusicForm();
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