求解 IVP 波动方程 - 不需要的反射

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.fftpack import diff as psdiff

#%% Functions

def wave_eq(t, y, c, L, dx):
    Wave equation

    y : list
        Initial conditions.
    t : numpy.ndarray
        Time array.
    c : float
        Phase velocity.
    L : float
        Length of the system.

    dydt : numpy.ndarray

    N = len(y)//2
    ux      = np.gradient(y[:N], dx)
    uxx     = np.gradient(ux, dx)
    dudt    = y[N:]
    du_tdt = c**2*uxx      # wave eq
    dydt = np.append(dudt, du_tdt)
    return dydt

#%% Solve

## Space, discretized grid
L   = 50
dx  = 0.01
x   = np.arange(0, L, dx)

## Time
T   = 20
dt  = 0.1
t   = np.arange(0, T, dt)

## Parameters
c = 4   # phase velocity
A = 1   # amplitude

## Initial conditions
u0 = A*np.exp(-((x-L/2)/2)**2)
# u0 = 2*np.cosh(x)**(-1)
u_t0 = np.zeros(len(x))
y0 = np.append(u0, u_t0)

## Solve
sol = solve_ivp(wave_eq, t_span=[0, T], t_eval=t, y0=y0, args=(c, L, dx))
N   = len(sol.y)//2
y   = sol.y[:N]

#%% Wave reflection

dc = int(c*dt/dx)    # at each iteration, the wave advances c*dt meters

## Reflection at the right hand side
refl_r = np.zeros((len(y), len(y.T)))

for i in range(len(y.T)):
    if i > 0:
        refl_r.T[i] += np.roll(refl_r.T[i-1], -dc)
        refl_r.T[i][-dc:] -= y.T[i-1][:-dc-1:-1]
## Reflection at the left hand side
refl_l = np.zeros((len(y), len(y.T)))

for i in range(len(y.T)):
    if i > 0:
        refl_l.T[i] += np.roll(refl_l.T[i-1], dc)
        refl_l.T[i][:dc] -= y.T[i-1][dc-1::-1]

# y += refl_r + refl_l

#%% Animation


fig, ax = plt.subplots()
line1, = ax.plot(x, y.T[0])
# line2, = ax.plot(x, refl_r.T[0])
# line3, = ax.plot(x, refl_l.T[0])
ax.set_ylim([-A, A])

def animate(i):
    line1.set_ydata(y.T[i])  # update the data.
    # line2.set_ydata(refl_r.T[i])
    # line3.set_ydata(refl_l.T[i])
    return line1, #line2, line3,

ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(T/dt), interval=50, blit=True, repeat=False)



#%% Save animation - Use one of the following methods to save the animation

# ani.save("movie.gif", fps=20)

# writer = animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=15, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800)
# ani.save("movie.gif", writer=writer)

# FFwriter = animation.FFMpegWriter()
# ani.save('animation.mp4', writer = FFwriter, fps=10)

# ani.save('movie.mp4', writer='ffmpeg')



y = sol.y[:N]

我还添加了一个名为“波浪反射”的部分,它模拟波浪在 0 米和 50 米处的反射。然后在“动画”部分我得到动画。在我的第一次尝试中效果非常好:

Gaussian wave is generated in the middle and is reflected on the boundaries. The time was set to T=10s

在第二次尝试中,我增加了时间来看看会发生什么。第二次反射没有按我的预期工作(抱歉,我无法包含 gif 文件,因为它太大了)。看起来好像有什么东西干扰了它,并且不会出现通常的 pi 相移,而是根本没有相移。

我调查了这个问题,并有想法制作解决方案的动画,而不考虑反射。在第三次尝试中,我惊讶地发现会发生“反射” - 也就是说,我会看到波像被反射一样返回,但有很大的延迟。这个延迟正是第一个反射波穿过整个空间并到达边界所需的时间 - 所以两者在我的第二次尝试中重叠。

Gaussian wave is generated in the middle, without taking reflection into account. However, after some time, we can see the waves coming back as if they were reflected by an object outside the space that I defined. Here the time was set to T=20s

你知道为什么会出现这种情况吗? scipysolve_ivp 函数是否以我不知道的方式工作,可以解释这种现象?我想解决这个问题,以便我可以创建一个正弦波动画,该动画将在空间的左侧生成并在两个边界上反射,然后随着时间的推移展示驻波的外观。

python scipy

Jared 是绝对正确的:您不必对结果进行后处理来添加波反射:您只需确保首先具有正确的侧面边界条件即可。

由于在 x=0 和 x=L 时 u = 0,因此您只需在这些点设置 du/dt=0 即可;即添加行

dudt[0] = 0;    dudt[N-1] = 0

将 dudt[] 设置为数组后。


其他边界条件,例如边界处 dudx=0 也是可能的。

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.fftpack import diff as psdiff

def wave_eq(t, y, c, L, dx):
    N = len(y)//2
    ux      = np.gradient(y[:N], dx)
    uxx     = np.gradient(ux, dx)
    dudt    = y[N:]
    dudt[0] = 0;    dudt[N-1] = 0           ### BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ###

    du_tdt = c**2*uxx      # wave eq
    dydt = np.append(dudt, du_tdt)
    return dydt

## Space, discretized grid
L   = 50
dx  = 0.01
x   = np.arange(0, L, dx)

## Time
T   = 20
dt  = 0.1
t   = np.arange(0, T, dt)

## Parameters
c = 4   # phase velocity
A = 1   # amplitude

## Initial conditions
u0 = A*np.exp(-((x-L/2)/2)**2)
u_t0 = np.zeros(len(x))
y0 = np.append(u0, u_t0)

## Solve
sol = solve_ivp(wave_eq, t_span=[0, T], t_eval=t, y0=y0, args=(c, L, dx))
N   = len(sol.y)//2
y   = sol.y[:N]

#%% Animation

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
line1, = ax.plot(x, y.T[0])
ax.set_ylim([-A, A])

def animate(i):
    line1.set_ydata(y.T[i])  # update the data.
    return line1, #line2, line3,

ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(T/dt), interval=50, blit=True, repeat=False)
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