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我是 JavaScript 新手。我有段落并使用 str.split('.') 分割它们。另外,我需要在 split 方法之后从字符串中删除引号。如何消除它们?

我妈妈站起来,从地上拿起一个盒子。 “我们在美国, 符文。他们在这里说英语。你说英语的时间长达 你一直在说挪威语。是时候使用它了。”


我妈妈站起来,从地上拿起一个盒子。我们在美国, 符文。他们在这里说英语。你说英语的时间长达 你一直在说挪威语。是时候使用它了。

javascript reactjs arrays object logic


const paragraph = `My mamma stood up and lifted a box off the ground. “We’re in America, Rune. They speak English here. You’ve been speaking English for as long as you’ve been speaking Norwegian. It’s time to use it.”`.replace(/“|”/g,'');

// "My mamma stood up and lifted a box off the ground. We’re in America, Rune. They speak English here. You’ve been speaking English for as long as you’ve been speaking Norwegian. It’s time to use it."



const sentences = `My mamma stood up and lifted a box off the ground. “We’re in America, Rune. They speak English here. You’ve been speaking English for as long as you’ve been speaking Norwegian. It’s time to use it.”`.split('.');

const result = result = sentences.map(sentence => sentence.replace(/“|”/g,''));

   "My mamma stood up and lifted a box off the ground",
   " We’re in America, Rune",
   " They speak English here",
   " You’ve been speaking English for as long as you’ve been speaking Norwegian",
   " It’s time to use it",



result = sentences.map(sentence => sentence.replace(/“|”/g,'')).filter(sentence => sentence);




const sentences = `My mamma stood up and lifted a box off the ground. “We’re in America, Rune. They speak English here. You’ve been speaking English for as long as you’ve been speaking Norwegian. It’s time to use it.”`.split('.');

const result = sentences
  .map(sentence => sentence.replace(/“|”/g, '').trim())
  .filter(sentence => sentence);


  "My mamma stood up and lifted a box off the ground",
  "We’re in America, Rune",
  "They speak English here",
  "You’ve been speaking English for as long as you’ve been speaking Norwegian",
  "It’s time to use it"
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