
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


  users: [{userid: 123, username: "foo"}, {userid: 234, username: "bar"}]

我想添加一个项目到 users 的用户名等于给定用户名的 "唯一化 "版本。例如,如果我尝试添加 {userid: 456, username: "baz"} 到上面的用户列表中,应该可以成功,但如果我尝试将 {userid: 456, username: "foo"} 至此 {userid: 456, username: "foo (1)"} 应该被添加。



nosql rethinkdb

根据 一致性保证,你可以结合 get (不是 getAllfilter 虽然)与 update 并有一个原子链。然后,在里面 update,它是 描述 如果你使用子查询或其他非确定性的东西,那么你就不是原子的,必须明确地声明 nonAtomic 标志。

查询中最啰嗦的部分就变成了递增计数的方式,因为你不希望最后出现多个 bar (1).


  • 文件的id,这里是 did = '3a297bc8-9fda-4c57-8bcf-510f51158f7f'
  • 用户名,这里 uname = 'bar'
  • 的用户ID,这里 uid = 345
var uname = 'baz';
var did = "3a297bc8-9fda-4c57-8bcf-510f51158f7f";
var uid = 345;
// not sure readMode is necessary here, it's described in consistency guarantees
//  but not shown in the example with get/update/branch
r.db('db').table('table', { readMode: 'majority' })
// use only get to ensure atomicity between get and update
// update will throw if you're not deterministic, i.e. it can't behave atomically
//  here we never address anything but the current document so it's OK
.update(function(doc) {
  // this retrieves the highest index in parentheses if any
  //  put in a var because 1/ we use the result twice 2/ it's kind of verbose...
  var matched = doc('users').map(function(user) {
    // regex is /^bar(?: \(([0-9]+)\))?$/
    //  with the only capturing group on the index itself
    return user('username').match(r.expr('').add('^', uname, '(?: \\(([0-9]+)\\))?$'))
  }).filter(function(match) {
    // remove all user items that didn't match (i.e. they're null)
    return match.typeOf().ne('NULL');
  }).map(function(match) {
    // check whether we are processing 'bar' or 'bar (N)'
    //  (no captured group = no '(N)' = pure 'bar' = set index at zero)
    return r.branch(
      match('groups').filter(function(group) {
        return group.typeOf().ne('NULL');
      // wrap in { index } for the following orderBy
      { index: match('groups').nth(0)('str').coerceTo('number') },
      { index: 0 }
  // ensure the first item in the list is the highest index
  // now we can decide on what to add
  return r.branch(
    // if there were some matches, 'bar' exists already
    //  and we now have the highest index in the list
    // add 'bar' appended with ' (N)', having N = highest index + 1
      users: doc('users').add([{
        userid: uid,
        username: r.expr(uname).add(
          ' (',
    // else, just add the user as is
    { users: doc('users').add([{ userid: uid, username: uname }]) }


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