
问题描述 投票:0回答:3

我需要连接到LiveLink并下载一些ISO PDF文件。


string url = "http://pod.iso.org/isostd/livelink?func=ll.login&Username=user&password=pasword";
string urlDoc = "http://pod.iso.org/isostd/livelink?func=doc.fetch&nodeid=705699&doctitle=ISO_11095";
string responseString = string.Empty;
WebRequest wReq = WebRequest.Create(url);
HttpWebRequest httpReq = (HttpWebRequest)wReq;
httpReq.Method = "POST";
httpReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)httpReq.GetResponse();            
string resp = response.StatusCode.ToString();



c# iso livelink


protected override void Login() { var httpparams = new Hashtable(); httpparams.Add("func", "ll.login"); httpparams.Add("CurrentClientTime", DateTime.Now.ToString("D/yyyy/M/dd:H:m:s")); httpparams.Add("Username", this.LoginName); httpparams.Add("Password", this.Password); byte[] requestPostParams = WebHelper.GetWebPostData(httpparams); HttpWebRequest loginRequest = this.GetWebRequest(this.Uri); loginRequest.Method = "POST"; loginRequest.GetRequestStream().Write(requestPostParams, 0, requestPostParams.Length); loginRequest.GetRequestStream().Close(); var response = (HttpWebResponse)loginRequest.GetResponse(); response.Cookies = loginRequest.CookieContainer.GetCookies(loginRequest.RequestUri); } public static byte[] GetWebPostData(Hashtable httpparams) { StringBuilder requestStream = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (string paramname in httpparams.Keys) { if (requestStream.Length == 0) { requestStream.Append(string.Format("{0}={1}", paramname, httpparams[paramname])); } else { requestStream.Append(string.Format("&{0}={1}", paramname, httpparams[paramname])); } } UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); return encoding.GetBytes(requestStream.ToString()); } private void validateConnection() { if ((!this._IsConnected) || this._LastExecutionTime < DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-15)) { this._IsConnected = false; try { // recreate cookies container this._CookiesContainer = new CookieContainer(); // login to livelink this.Login(); this._IsConnected = true; this.ResetCounter(); } catch (Exception e) { string context = string.Format("Login to: {0}; user: {1}", this.Name, this.LoginName); this.NextAttempt(e, context); // try one more time this.validateConnection(); } } } /// <summary> /// Download file from livelink based on provided query string /// </summary> public bool DownloadFileUri(string fileUri, string destinationFile) { // validate input if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUri)) return false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationFile)) return false; // check that adapter is connected to livelink this.validateConnection(); // get file content FileStream fs = null; HttpWebResponse response = null; try { //Retreive file var httpRequest = this.GetWebRequest(fileUri); httpRequest.Method = "GET"; httpRequest.Proxy = ConnectorBase.GetProxy(); response = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse(); int bytesRead; int bytesReceived = 0; var buffer = new byte[1000000]; Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream(); fs = new FileStream(destinationFile, FileMode.Create); while ((bytesRead = receiveStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { fs.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); bytesReceived += bytesRead; this.OnDataDownload(bytesReceived); } // close file stream fs.Close(); fs = null; // check file information var fi = new FileInfo(destinationFile); this.ResetCounter(); // check file size and return true if file size > 0 return fi.Length > 0; } catch (WebException e) { ResetAdapter(); string context = string.Format("Uri: {0}", fileUri); this.NextAttempt(e, context); return DownloadFileUri(fileUri, destinationFile); } catch (Exception e) { ResetAdapter(); string context = string.Format("Uri: {0}", fileUri); Logger.Error("Error: {0}, context: {1}", e.ToString(), context); throw; } finally { if (fs != null) fs.Close(); if (response != null) response.Close(); } }


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