
问题描述 投票:1回答:1



     yearmo    sex      eco       ue  fs12ago fs12ahead purchases
      200301   Male  neutral negative negative   neutral   neutral
      200301 Female negative negative negative   neutral   neutral
      200301 Female negative negative  neutral   neutral  positive
      200301   Male  neutral  neutral  neutral   neutral   neutral
      200301   Male negative negative negative  positive  negative
      200301   Male negative negative  neutral   neutral  positive
      200301   Male negative negative  neutral   neutral   neutral
      200301   Male negative negative positive   neutral  negative
      200301 Female negative negative negative   neutral  positive
      200301 Female negative negative positive  negative   neutral
      200301 Female negative negative negative  negative  negative
      200301 Female negative  neutral negative   neutral  negative
      200301   Male negative negative  neutral   neutral  negative
      200301 Female positive  neutral  neutral   neutral  positive
      200301   Male negative negative  neutral   neutral  positive
      200301   Male  neutral negative negative   neutral   neutral
      200301 Female  neutral negative negative   neutral   neutral
      200301   Male  neutral negative  neutral   neutral  positive
      200301 Female negative negative negative  negative  positive
      200301 Female positive negative  neutral   neutral  positive


    tmp_eco <- data %>% 
      group_by(yearmo) %>%
      count(yearmo, eco)


     yearmo     eco         n
      200301  positive     10    
      200301  negative     13
      200301  neutral      9
      200301  positive     7
      200301  negative     5
      200301  neutral      16


    Error: Can't subset with `[` using an object of class quoted.
    Call `rlang::last_error()` to see a backtrace


    message: Can't subset with `[` using an object of class quoted.
    class:   `rlang_error`
      1. dplyr::group_by(., yearmo)
      9. plyr::count(., yearmo, eco)
     14. plyr::eval.quoted(vars, df)
     18. tibble:::`[.tbl_df`(envir, exprs)
     19. tibble:::check_names_df(i, x)
    Call `rlang::last_trace()` to see the full backtrace


r dplyr plyr


data %>% 
   dplyr::count(yearmo, eco)
# A tibble: 3 x 3
#  yearmo eco          n
#   <int> <chr>    <int>
#1 200301 negative    13
#2 200301 neutral      5
#3 200301 positive     2


data <- structure(list(yearmo = c(200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 
200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 
200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 200301L, 
200301L, 200301L), sex = c("Male", "Female", "Female", "Male", 
"Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Female", "Female", "Female", 
"Female", "Male", "Female", "Male", "Male", "Female", "Male", 
"Female", "Female"), eco = c("neutral", "negative", "negative", 
"neutral", "negative", "negative", "negative", "negative", "negative", 
"negative", "negative", "negative", "negative", "positive", "negative", 
"neutral", "neutral", "neutral", "negative", "positive"), ue = c("negative", 
"negative", "negative", "neutral", "negative", "negative", "negative", 
"negative", "negative", "negative", "negative", "neutral", "negative", 
"neutral", "negative", "negative", "negative", "negative", "negative", 
"negative"), fs12ago = c("negative", "negative", "neutral", "neutral", 
"negative", "neutral", "neutral", "positive", "negative", "positive", 
"negative", "negative", "neutral", "neutral", "neutral", "negative", 
"negative", "neutral", "negative", "neutral"), fs12ahead = c("neutral", 
"neutral", "neutral", "neutral", "positive", "neutral", "neutral", 
"neutral", "neutral", "negative", "negative", "neutral", "neutral", 
"neutral", "neutral", "neutral", "neutral", "neutral", "negative", 
"neutral"), purchases = c("neutral", "neutral", "positive", "neutral", 
"negative", "positive", "neutral", "negative", "positive", "neutral", 
"negative", "negative", "negative", "positive", "positive", "neutral", 
"neutral", "positive", "positive", "positive")), 
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
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