浏览器未将 HTTPonly cookie 发送回客户端

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我正在使用 MERN 堆栈开展一个项目。

当请求发送到登录端点时,客户端以 JSON 形式返回访问令牌,并以 res.cookies 形式返回刷新令牌。这是示例代码

const login = asyncHandler(async (req, res) =>{
const accessToken = 1234
const refreshToken = 5678
res.cookie("jwt", refreshToken, {
    httpOnly: true, 
    secure: false, 
    sameSite: "None",
    maxAge: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, 
    path: "/auth/refresh",
  res.json({ accessToken });

当请求发送到刷新端点时,根据我的逻辑,httponly cookie应该自动发送到客户端,并且客户端应该以json形式返回访问令牌。这是示例代码

const refresh = (req, res) => {
  console.log("inside refresh");
  const cookies = req.cookies;
  console.log("cookies", cookies);

  if (!cookies?.jwt) {
    return res
      .json({ message: "Unauthorized:No refresh token cookie found" });

  const refreshToken = cookies.jwt;

    asyncHandler(async (err, decoded) => {
      if (err) {
        return res
          .json({ message: "Forbidden: Wrong refresh token cookie" });

      const foundUser = await User.findOne({ username: decoded.username });
      if (!foundUser) {
          .json({ message: "Unauthorized: wrong cookie send, no user found" });

      const accessToken = jwt.sign(
          UserInfo: {
            username: foundUser.username,
            roles: foundUser.roles,
        { expiresIn: "20" }
      res.json({ accessToken });


export async function refresh() {
  const res = await axios.get("/auth/refresh", {
    withCredentials: true,

  return res.accessToken;

Now when I am doing the following steps

1)Sending login request to the client; I confirmed that the access token is returned and the HTTPonly cookie is stored as set-cookie in the res headers
2)Sending refresh request to the client using refresh function in the client side; The refresh end point is not getting the acces to the HTTPcookie?. When trying to print the cookie in the refresh end point, the cookie is returned as [Object: null prototype]

What am I doing wrong?

javascript node.js express axios

在登录请求中添加 {withCredentials:true} 解决了问题

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