将字符行分别读取到数组中并比较答案 C++

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我做了一个项目,我只读了 1 行 20 个字符,并将这些字符与答案键进行比较,并根据他们在文件中输入的内容输出正确的数量和错误的数量。我下面的代码显示了 .dat 文件中只有一行 20 个字符的情况。我想做同样的事情,但每行 7 行 20 个字符。我不确定要写什么来分隔 7 行并将它们分别与正确答案进行比较。

    char letter;
    int index = 0;

    while (inData >> letter) // takes the character from each array from the file
        studentAns[index] = letter;
        index++; // takes the 20 characters from the file


# Correct | # Incorrect
    0     |    20

You failed!

char letter;
char letter2;
int index = 0;
int index2 = 0;

while (inData >> letter) // takes the character from each array from the file
    studentAns[index] = letter;
    index++; // takes the 20 characters from the file
    while (inData >> letter2) 
        studentAns2[index2] = letter2;

c++ arrays ifstream
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