来自 Python 脚本的电子邮件自动进入垃圾邮件(票务系统)

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


import smtplib
import ssl
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
import gspread
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials
from pdf417 import encode, render_image
import time

# Load the HTML template from file
with open('ticket-format-aio.html', 'r') as file:
    html_template = file.read()

# Connect to Google Spreadsheet
credentials = Credentials.from_service_account_file('placeholder.json')
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets'])
spreadsheet_id = 'placeholder123'
gc = gspread.authorize(scoped_credentials)
worksheet = gc.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id).sheet1

# Get data from the spreadsheet
data = worksheet.get_all_records()

# Email Connection
email_from = '[email protected]'
password = 'placeholder' 

# Connect to the Gmail SMTP server
context = ssl.create_default_context()
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL("smtp.gmail.com", 465, context=context) as server:
    server.login(email_from, password)

    # Initialize the counter for total emails sent
    total_emails_sent = 0

    # List to store successfully sent email addresses
    successfully_sent_emails = []

    # Loop through each row of data and send emails
    for row_number, row in enumerate(data, start=2):  # Start from row 2 (assuming headers are in row 1)
        full_name = row['fullName']
        id_number = str(row['schoolID'])  # Convert id_number to a string
        grade_level = row['gradeLevel']
        email_to = row['emailAddress']
        uuid = row['uuid']
        email_sent = row['EmailSent']

        # Check if the email has already been sent
        if email_sent == '':
            # Generate the barcode image
            barcode_data = uuid  # Use the UUID as barcode data
            barcode_codes = encode(barcode_data)
            barcode_image = render_image(barcode_codes)
            barcode_image_path = f'barcode_{uuid}.png'

            email_subject = f'Halloween Dance Ticket - {full_name}'

            # Insert Barcode
            html_with_barcode = html_template.replace("scan-code-replaced-a-lot.png", "cid:barcode_image_cid") \
                                             .replace("{{FULL_NAME}}", full_name) \
                                             .replace("{{ID_NUMBER}}", id_number) \
                                             .replace("{{GRADE_LEVEL}}", grade_level) \
                                             .replace("{{EMAIL}}", email_to) \
                                             .replace("{{UUID}}", uuid)

            # Construct email message
            email_message = MIMEMultipart()
            email_message['From'] = email_from
            email_message['To'] = email_to
            email_message['Subject'] = email_subject

            # Attach the HTML content
            email_message.attach(MIMEText(html_with_barcode, "html"))

            # Attach the barcode image as CID attachment
            with open(barcode_image_path, "rb") as image_file:
                image_data = image_file.read()
                barcode_attachment = MIMEImage(image_data)
                barcode_attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', f'inline', filename=barcode_image_path)
                barcode_attachment.add_header('Content-ID', '<barcode_image_cid>')

            # Send the email
            server.sendmail(email_from, email_to, email_message.as_string())

            # Update the 'EmailSent' column to mark it as sent
            worksheet.update_cell(row_number, 6, 'Yes')

            # Append the successfully sent email to the list

            # Increment the counter for total emails sent
            total_emails_sent += 1

            # Cleanup: Delete the generated barcode image
            import os

            # Wait for 2 seconds before sending the next email

    # After loop, print the total number of emails sent
    print(f"Total Emails Sent Successfully: {total_emails_sent}")

    # Print the list of successfully sent email addresses
    print("Successfully sent emails:")
    for email in successfully_sent_emails:


python html html-email


  1. 自定义域:使用您自己的域而不是通用 Gmail 地址发送电子邮件。电子邮件提供商更有可能信任来自您控制的域的电子邮件。

  2. 身份验证记录:为您的自定义域设置 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC 记录,以帮助电子邮件服务器验证您的电子邮件的合法性。

  3. 内容质量:精心设计电子邮件内容,以避免类似垃圾邮件的特征,例如过度大写、感叹号和垃圾邮件语言。确保 HTML 模板干净且结构良好。

  4. 标头准确性:正确设置电子邮件标头格式,确保“发件人”地址与发送电子邮件帐户匹配。考虑为不同的回复目的地设置“Reply-To”标头。

  5. 监管合规性:遵守 CAN-SPAM(针对美国)或 GDPR(针对欧盟)等电子邮件法规,以促进负责任的电子邮件实践。

需要注意的是,电子邮件被标记为垃圾邮件的问题与 Python 或您的电子邮件代码无关;这主要是电子邮件提供商严格的垃圾邮件预防措施的结果。这是一个令人头疼的问题。

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