Jupyter Labs 显示“显示更多输出”。如何禁用此功能?

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

My Problem Setting Used

我在 pandas 中有一个小 df,其 shape() (80, 7) 全部为 dtpyes int64。 列名称是简单的 4 个字母单词。

导入 pandas 并设置 2 个选项,如下所示

import pandas as pd

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)

出于某种原因,在 df 上尝试任何命令都会导致 jupyter 注释显示如上图“显示更多输出”所示。

即使是简单的 df.columns 也能显示这一点。 网上搜索没有显示任何相关信息

Have tried changing the settings as seen above and to other values 30 , 500 , etc
Have tried restarting the kernel clearing all outputs and run each cell individually
Have tried shutting down jupyter lab and reopening
Have tried making a new file and trying it out from the start
Have uninstalled and Reinstalled jupyterlab using pip
Have uninstalled and reinstalled python ( Using the latest version always 3.11.4 ) , then used pip to install freshly jupyterlab , pandas and other modules I use
Have tried making a virtual environment using virtualenv and tried but still same result
Have tried searching online for possible solutions, but unable to search further
Have tried using older versions of jupyterlab in combinations with older versions of pandas and python using virtual environments
Have tried using it on a different Computer, same "Show more outputs"

一遍又一遍地看到这条“显示更多输出”消息令人沮丧,我必须单击它,然后才能完全看到我的输出。 除非我单击“显示更多输出”,否则不会出现单元格左侧的蓝色轮廓(通常在单元格运行后显示其输出后出现的蓝色轮廓)。

有人可以帮我摆脱这个吗!有没有一个简单的选项可以将其关闭? 系统:Windows 10 64 位,具有最新更新 Python 和包:始终仅使用更新版本 浏览器:火狐116.0

python jupyter-lab
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