How to download pom file from maven repository given g:a:v using python

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我想在 pyton 中创建一个简短的应用程序,能够以

(group:artefact:version)的形式输入 java pakage 例如:
g:javax.servlet a:javax.servlet-api v:4.0.1
并输出其 pom 文件。

我做的第一次尝试是在 上手动插入搜索字符串

g:javax.servlet a:javax.servlet-api v:4.0.1

但我想让 python 做到这一点。所以我写了

    url = ""
    src = "g:javax.servlet a:javax.servlet-api v:4.0.1"

    response = requests.get(url + src)


         "q":"g:javax.servlet a:javax.servlet-api v:4.0.1",
         "sort":"score desc,timestamp desc,g asc,a asc,v desc",

如何在这里检索 POM 文件表格?

python maven repository pom.xml


def download(self, g, a, v, extension="pom"):
    This method will manage the different parts of the downloading process
    :param g: groupID
    :param a: artefactID
    :param v: artefact version
    :param ext: set pom if you want to create a link for the pom file,
                set jar if you want to create a link for the jar file

    self.g = g
    self.a = a
    self.v = v

    url = self.gav_to_url(g, a, v, extension)   # create the url from the GAV format
    url = url.replace(".jar", "-sources.jar")   # specify to download the source files
    # the following if is not mandatory
    if self.is_downloadable(url):
        return self.perform_download(url)       #return the downloaded file
        print(f"The url = {url} is not a downloadable URL")
    return 0
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def gav_to_url(self, g, a, v, ext):
    This method creates the JAR or POM file link from G:A:V coordinates
    :param g: groupID
    :param a: artefactID
    :param v: artefact version
    :param ext: set pom if you want to create a link for the pom file,
                set jar if you want to create a link for the jar file
    :return: url pointing to the desired file: jar or pom

    gid = g.replace(".", "/")
    return self.base + gid + "/" + a + "/" + v + "/" + a + "-" + v + "."+ ext

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def perform_download(self, url):
        Do the downlaod of the file
        :param url: url of the file to be downloaded
        :return:  downloaded file

        filename = url.split("/")[-1]
        response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
        open(filename, "wb").write(response.content)    # overwritting file in case it exists
    except BaseException as be:
        print(f"Something went wrong while downloading: {url} and the following exception was raised: {be}. Exiting!"
              f"This operation is mandatory, exiting!")
    return filename
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